Category Archives: News

Have Candida? You Might be Gluten Intolerant

Some experts believe that there is a clear connection between fungus and gluten intolerance. This suggestion is confirmed by the numerous cases of people who were diagnosed with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance and who were able to return to eating wheat and gluten products without any negative consequences whatsoever after following a diet aimed at eliminating Candida.

Gluten is a protein that consists of gliadins and glutenins. It acts as an emulsifier, which helps the food to connect. Wheat is a cereal grain that contains gluten, and it is the most commonly consumed cereal, though there are many other types, including bulgur, rye, and all products that contain these cereals foods. Moreover, couscous and malt are made from wheat. A lot of people who are gluten intolerant are also sensitive to oats; although oats do not actually contain gluten, they are comprised of a protein similar to gluten.

How Candida Functions

Many people have the fungus Candida within their systems. Fortunately, healthy bowels contain a great amount of useful bacteria that keep the Candida under control and prevent excessive spreading of this fungus. However, if the balance between the fungus and bacteria is disturbed (because of antibiotics or excessive sugar intake), the Candida begins to candida-albicans3spread and releases harmful toxins as it carries out its metabolic process. Continue reading

This Girl Asked Her Fighting Parents To Be Friends; Her Amazing Wisdom Will Touch Your Heart

…Wow. This girl has got some seriously truth to tell the world. Children are brilliant, they come from the heart; she say’s she does in the video!

This six year old sweet heart named Tiana was recorded by her mom last week, and since then this has video blown up – for good reason. She was asking her mom to get along with her ex-husband, and the way she delivers this message is mind blowing, heart warming, intelligent and compassionate.

Just wow. She understands emotions intuitively as being ‘high’ and ‘low’ and she wants those emotions to come down, but not too low! She says she wants to be steady, from the heart. Truly incredible. Listen to your children, they are brilliant.

“If I can be nice, I think all of us can be nice too.”

This Image Sums up the Effects of Global Warming in One Photo

This picture of a polar bear in Svalbard had many people concerned, creating a realization within many of us. We’ve known about global warming for decades, and yet nothing seems to change. No picture, movie or breaking news story seems to compel us enough into extreme action. What’s it going to take for everyone to feel that sense of urgency to really come together and create a shift on the planet?

Photographer Kerstin Langenberger loves taking pictures of polar bears and the Arctic region. What he started noticing in the past few years was packs of ice disappearing and bears starting to starve and die early.

global warmingI see the summers being so pleasant (and warm) as never before. I see the glaciers calving, retreating dozens to hundreds of meters every year. I see the pack ice disappearing in record speed.

Yes, I have seen bears in good shape – but I have also seen dead and starving polar bears. Bears walking on the shores, looking for food, bears trying to hunt reindeer, eating bird’s eggs, moss and seaweed. Continue reading

A Letter to Empaths – When you Feel Completely Drained, Remember This:

As an empath I am all too familiar of how it feels to get lost. To only feel like a glimmer of the person you know you are. I am all too familiar of how easy it is to end up in a relationship where you don’t have a voice, to believe since you have the best intentions that others do as well. To be up a murky creek, with no paddle in sight.  Let my words be your paddle.

As empaths we have the unique ability to get stuck in depression caused by unruly environments.
The reason this is, is because as empaths we are able to internalize other peoples feelings as if they were our own.

We literally feel what makes our loved ones happy, and even worse we feel what makes them angry and upset.

These feelings become so overwhelming that without us realizing it we start giving EVERYTHING to not get them upset or angry, even the slightest annoyance they feel, we feel too.

While we can romanticize this phenomenon, what is actually happening is the empath is fading away into oblivion. The feelings and emotions that we feel become insignificant, and we really start believing that our own feelings don’t matter at all. Continue reading

How to Heal Your Emotional Wounds In 5 Steps

In the course of our life, we have collected a number of emotional and psychological trauma in conflicts with other people. These emotional and psychological traumas are parts of our past, and they are often unconscious. Their effects are, however, real: usually these emotional and psychological traumas are in the background of the fluctuation of our emotions, negative moods and the–often apparently unexplainable–emotional outbursts.

These moods may easily take control over our behavior, inveigling us into actions that we later regret or are ashamed of. Is it possible to heal these emotional and psychological traumas, and if yes, how? We are able to cure the psychological traumas through a process of five steps.

Step 1: Understanding

In the process of healing, the first step is the most important, since understanding is essential for a real change. During our life, we often tell others–or ourselves–that, ”I know how I should behave, but I cannot do it. I know what is right, and I still do something else again and again. I am simply unable to change.” The point is that it is in itself not sufficient to know how to behave properly.

Knowledge and real
comprehension are two different things. For a real change, thorough comprehension is required. Continue reading

There is Overwhelming Evidence For Human Telepathy – Why is it Being Ignored?

This article was originally written and posted at Posted here with their permission

Why is it that extrasensory perception, like human telepathy, remote viewing, psychokinesis and more are commonly shunned by a large portion of the mainstream scientific community? The answer is simple, it’s our inability to understand or develop a sound scientific theory to explain phenomena that, so far, is completely unexplainable, but real.

Despite the fact that they are unexplainable, these occurrences (telepathy, remote viewing, psychokinesis, etc..) have been observed in laboratory settings by scientists all over the world for decades. It’s a troublesome thought that experiments, showing repeatedly significant results, continue to be ignored by the mainstream just because we can’t explain them. Again, It’s important to remember that just because we cannot explain them, or figure out (in modern day scientific terms) how they are happening, does not mean that they are not happening.

“Some materialistically inclined scientists and philosophers refuse to acknowledge these phenomena because they are not consistent with their exclusive conception of the world. Rejection of post-materialist investigation of nature or refusal to publish strong science findings supporting a post-materialist framework are antithetical to the true spirit of scientific inquiry, which is that empirical data must always be adequately dealt with. Data which do not fit favoured theories and beliefs cannot be dismissed a priori. Such dismissal is the realm of ideology, not science.” – Dr. Gary Schwartz, PhD., professor at the University of Arizona (source) Continue reading