Category Archives: News

Has Spirituality Become Another Egotistical Identity?

Originally written and posted by Posted here with their permission.

Spirituality in the West has been severely distorted; being a marketplace of trinkets, self-help gurus, healers, a huge variety of spiritual practices, substances and so on.

Somehow this culture has taken something very pure and simple and turned it in to something commercial, something competitive and into that which it is not. Our western mind is moulded into wanting to attain something and some people on the spiritual path have spent their entire lives trying to attain, only to be as stuck and bound as they ever were.

It’s this very desire to attain something, this wanting to reach a ‘higher state of consciousness’, which is what keeps people bound and seeking. By definition, to be a seeker, you have not yet sought, and therefore those who are always seeking do not find. One of the great Tibetan Buddhists Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche who played a crucial role in bringing Buddhist teachings to the West during the Chinese occupation has this summary to say about awakening/meditation/enlightenment in Meditation in Action:meditation

“Meditation is based on three fundamental factors: first, not centralising inward; second, not having any longing to become higher; and third, becoming completely identified with here and now.”

So in context with the rest of the chapter this is in, he is referring to our ego, or our idea of who we are, the “me”, the “I”, has no solidity to it, and not to uphold the belief that it exists.

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How to Know if You’re Existing Beyond The Limits of Our Five Senses

This article was originally posted at at Posted here with their permission.

The five senses provide information in a way that allows the majority of people to understand the world around them. Some people, however, are certain they’re able to receive information beyond what they see, taste, smell, hear, and touch. If information is actually received beyond what the everyday physical world reveals, how can we be sure we’re able to recognize, receive, and understand that information?

One of the first signs is that a major life-changing event normally precipitates the ability to know something that cannot be explained with the five senses alone. These life changing events can be in the form of Near-Death-Experiences (NDE), Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE), trauma, catastrophic illness, or any other life event that causes one’s world view to change dramatically.  Continue reading

Still Drinking Milk? This Doctor Speaks a Truth You Need to Hear

Do you still drink milk? The experiencing of drinking it has changed drastically from the past. The act of owning a farm with your own cows, occasionally drinking their milk is something many of us don’t experience. Most of us buy processed, sterilized milk from companies that pump out gallon after gallon.
Health aside, imagine the cow you’re drinking the milk from. It’s locked up in horrible conditions, constantly producing milk for the ever-buying consumer. The animal we’re drinking the fluid from is in pain, the source of the milk is hurting; and we are putting that into our bodies.  

8 Powerful Images From Around the World Show The Damage We’ve Done To Our Planet

Our world is beautiful; we’ve filled it with magic, life, love and unfortunately, a lot of pollution and garbage. These pictures from around the world capture the problems we’ve created for our planet. These are massive problems that have been going on for so long, that it seems like we’ve forgotten about them.

Even seeing these pictures isn’t enough to compel us into action. The good news is it’s never too late to take action – it would have been a lot of effective 10 years ago, but we can still remedy our global mistakes. It takes a passion so fiery that we stop at nothing to reverse these effects – and it’s going to take all of us to make it work.

planet-pollution-overdevelopment-overpopulation-overshoot-12A landscape of trash in a Bangladesh landfill.

planet-pollution-overdevelopment-overpopulation-overshoot-10This horrible looking machine straight out of a nightmare at the Tagebau Hambach strip mine in Germany.

planet-pollution-overdevelopment-overpopulation-overshoot-11 Continue reading

4 Ways to Unlock the Doorway To Your Subconscious

The subconscious rules so much of our lives from behind the scenes. From the moment that the sperm meets the egg and begins to process of forming a life, you are governed by the subconscious- your mothers and your own. The subconscious is the force that tells your heart how to beat, when to blink, when to feel hungry.

All of your physiological functions are the work of your deeper mind. It also has a huge impact on how we perceive the world. The subconscious works very quickly, analyzing the world around you all the time, finding the patterns and making assumptions that you realize consciously. In metaphysical terms, the subconscious is the force that can make or break our creative and spiritual processes. In many ways, the subconscious is a truer reflection of your soul – it is the foundation upon which the ego and the conscious mind our built. So how do we make it listen?

This is not an easy answer. There is not one method that will make everyone’s subconscious change its old patterns to conform to the new paradigm that we wish to consciously install. I have decided to explore the methods that are either the most popular or the most effective to me personally that I do not see being explored as much as I think they should. Try them out, experiment and explore, and you will find something that works for you so long as you maintain an open mind.

1- Meditation and Visualization

meditation-brain-2Chances are, we all have heard about the many many benefits of meditation, so I won’t go on beating this dead horse for too long. All you need to know for these purposes is that when you meditate you blur the boundary of the conscious and unconscious and begin a sort of integration process.

The reason we focus on our breathing so heavily when we meditate is that it is one of the actions that can be controlled by both the conscious and subconscious minds. Continue reading

How Economic Isolation Has Preserved Cuba’s Stunning Coral Reefs

In 1992, at an Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro, Fidel Castro, the leader of Cuba, gave an extraordinary speech on ecological preservation entitled Tomorrow Will Be Too Late. Near the conclusion of the said speech, Castro stated that we have to pay our ecological debt, more so than foreign debt. True to his word, in 1996, the Cuban Ministry of Fishing declared a 150 km stretch of archipelago off the Southern coast of Cuba as a protected area, which meant that no activities were to take place there that would have the potential to distress the ecological system of the region.

Almost 20 years on, Jardines de la Reina (Gardens of the Queen), is one of the most preserved coral reef region in the Caribbean, if not the world. Going underwater is like going back in a time, you are transported to an ocean floor that would have existed about 100 to 150 years ago, not tampered by our technological progress.

Despite the protected status, one of the main contributing factors for the Jardines de la Reina’s immaculate state is Cuba’s economic isolation through much of the last century. Driven by an austere dictator and governed through Communism, Cuba was left to stand on its own after Soviet Union’s fall. In any other country, the system would have collapsed but in Cuba the people were more resilient.

They resorted to homegrown solutions to much of the technological advancements they were deprived of. The same holds true for farming as well. Unable to import pesticides or fertilizers, the Cuban government launched campaign after campaign to encourage local farmers to adopt greener methods. The government’s effort bore fruit and the Cuban farming sector went through an organic farming revolution through much of the 1980s and 1990s. Continue reading