Category Archives: News

This is What Happens When You Drink Lemon Water First Thing in The Morning

The lemon is widely known for its health benefits.  It is rich in magnesium, fibers, enzymes, potassium, calcium, antioxidants, iron, calcium and vitamins C and B. Moreover, it is known for its weight loss aid as well as for its antiviral, immune-boosting, and antibacterial properties. Don’t hesitate and start your day with a glass of warm lemon water. This simple routine will do wonders for your health.


All you need to do is to squeeze ½ fresh lemon in a glass of lukewarm water. It is recommended to use organic lemon, not bottled one.  Drink the water right away. This should be the first thing you do in the morning, before you eat and workout.

1. Cleanses Your System and is a Diuretic

Being an antiseptic acid, lemon juice has the ability to cleanse your entire system, flushing out all harmful chemicals andtoxins. As it increases urination to flush all toxins, it helps in normal bowel movement. In addition, lemon water helps in increasing the production of enzymes that stimulate liver detoxification function.

2.  Clears Skin

According to many studies, lemon contains antioxidants that help in compensating dead skin cells. It also heals blemishes, and fights any free radical that could potentially harm the skin. Finally, it helps in the fight against bacteria that cause acne, it revitalizes the damaged ski, it delays the process of aging and it leads to youthful and more glowing skin.

3. Boosts Your Immune System


It is a well-known fact that lemon is one of the best sources of vitamin C. As a result, it increases immune system resistance to diseases and it helps in fighting common colds. It is rich in potassium as well, a mineral that helps in controlling blood pressure levels.  Continue reading

The Imporant Health Benefits of Burning & Using Frankincense

frankinFrankincense is an aromatic resin obtained from the Boswellia tree, which grows throughout Asia and Africa.

Most of us are familiar with frankincense from religious ceremonies when a piece of the white aromatic resin is put on a charcoal fire.

Frankincense is one of the oldest fragrances.

It was traded 5000 years ago in the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa, where it was valued as high as gold.

The frankincense route runs from southern Arabia to the Mediterranean, and it is one of the oldest trade routes in the world.

People in Egypt used it for embalming mummies.

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The Science of Crying: Why It’s Healthy & Necessary For Personal Growth

Did you know that human beings aren’t the only animals that feel sadness? Almost all animals express sadness, depression, and loneliness in their own way.  In fact, almost all mammals mourn the loss of their offspring.  But human beings are the only type of animal that are taught self-expression should be tamed or suppressed.  Girls are told to stop being so “sensitive”, and boys are told to “be a man” and toughen up.  Boys are taught that crying to much means they are a sissy, and girls are told crying too much makes them crazy.

We aren’t told that crying is actually essential and is something we should do more of if we feel it’s what we need to do to express ourselves.  We develop resistance to crying, which causes emotional suppression, which causes psychological and physical complications.  We bottle up our emotions and expect them to take care of themselves, when the cure to our problems is sometimes as simple as allowing ourselves to actually feel deeply for a moment.

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How to Cleanse Negative Energies by Smudging

Since humans have existed on this wonderful blue and green planet, smudging and the burning of incense has been used as a way to cleanse and purify the energy of spaces. While its practice has been most associated with that of indigenous people, religious and secret societies, and hippie or new-age subcultures, its use and its benefit belongs to all people, the way water and oxygen do, and can be used a way to provide greater comfort and ease within living spaces and shared environments.

Smudging is neither voodoo, nor magic. It requires no belief system or breaks from known cultural tradition. The decision to smudge, burn incense or not is a practical one, really. It’s simply a matter of how free and clear of negative energies do you wish the spaces you spend time in to be.


Smudging is the burning of sacred herbs, with sage being the most commonly used. The smoke produced from its burning, or the burning of incense is what naturally cleanses and purifies an area of negative energies. When it comes to smudging or burning incense, it’s all about the smoke, not the flame. Smoke cleanses in the same manner as water, by dispersion and elimination.

Negative energies are pervasive in our civilized society and are found in most living areas, work environments and shared spaces. Negative energies, unlike what is portrayed in the movies, generally consists of self-judgments, judgments of others, fears for the future, regrets from the past, hidden resentments and emotional suppression. Most people, whether they are aware of it or not are prone to these thoughts and activities.


And even if you feel that you’re not prone, you can unknowingly become affected and influenced, once you have walked into, and spent time in a space where another person has. This is because we are all affected and influenced by the quality of energy we encounter on a daily basis, and while we like to imagine we are in control of our state of mind and emotions, energies experienced within a shared space, can and will influence you. Continue reading

How To Reconnect to Your Inner Divine Feminine Energy

The Age of Aquarius will manifest our divine feminine energy. We will be able to re-connect to that lost and persecuted spirituality which brings the chaotic world back in balance.

Religion, Politics & Astrology
The re-emergence of female energy is evident in the world at this time and it is quite obvious. Take a look at everything from the music industry to religion and even politics.

Men are dressing more feminine, women are running for governmental office positions and we are starting to see our intuitive potential more clearly.


These are all signs of the changing energies influenced by the Age of Aquarius. We are exiting the astrological age of Pisces (the last 2,000 years or so) which was dominated by male energy and war minded consciousness.

The Number 13

There is a lot of propaganda surrounding the number 13 and how it is “evil”. It is actually quite opposite in fact. The number 12 has been used for the last 2,000 years because it represents the sun (the zodiac, Jesus and his followers, the Gregorian calendar…etc.) which is male energy.

The moon on the other hand exudes female energy and is associated with the number 13. The reason for this is simple. Take a look at our 12 month calendar. There are uneven and unbalanced months with varying amounts of days.

Prior to the age of Pisces, we used a 13 month goddess based calendar where each and every month was exactly 28 days long. This represented the menstrual cycle of the woman since it was in the times when the planetary energies were feminine based.

If you multiply 13 by 28 you get 364. The extra day in the current Gregorian calendar was used to connect with the earth to honor our spiritual bodies and life itself.

shutterstock_417640570This was replaced with the male energy 12 month calendar when the religious clergy was formed. They saw the transformative power in feminine energy and were scared of it so they made the number 13 a bad number. This is the type of thing that no one ever questions. We just have this inherited belief that 13 is bad, but why??

The New Age of Aquarius
The Age of Aquarius will manifest our divine spiritual awareness. It will re-connect us to that lost and persecuted femaleenergy which brings the chaos in the world back to balance. The collective consciousness in the coming years is emerging and moving forward.

In this water bearing and progressively intuitive sign, we now have the chance to respect the earth and honor our bodies and sexuality.

It has been nearly impossible for people to be open about this in the age of Pisces. This type of suppression is what causes angry and intolerant people.

Sexuality in the New AgeScreen Shot 2016-07-24 at 7.54.46 PM
Sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it can be a very spiritual and physical experience once you allow yourself to live in balance.

It can open portals leading to the universe. Great healing can occur when we align with our sexuality and sexual energy.

The present existence of mankind is embracing the diving feminine energy. This is what can bring balance and help take us to the next level of consciousness.

By: Michael Tamez 

The Secret of Baking Soda: Can It Be Used To Cure Cancer?

Dr. Tulio Simoncini  is famous for his cure for cancer. He said:

“Cancer is a fungus called Candida albicans, and it can be treated with sodium bicarbonate solution. ”

He is an Italian oncologist in Rome that came to conclusion that all kinds of cancer are fed by candida albicans . This fungus is the root of almost all diseases. In many researches conducted on cancer patients, it is proved that cancer and tumors are made of candida.

Simoncini’s cancer treatment is the simplest of all: Sodium bicarbonate.

 946798_382603771848300_1540780277_n_thumbHe says that cancer and tumors thrive in acidic environment. So to put an end to their comfort we should alkalize the body so that they shrink and stop multiplying. Keep in mind, this is a natural remedy for cancer.

First – Individuals with high acidity in their body are related to bad health and cancer.

Second – Individuals with less acidity and more alkaline ph level are able to fight cancer more vigorously.

Sodium bicarbonate alkalizes your body fast. People who are known to have a hard time digesting takes sodium bicarbonate. It is an antacid that is a main ingredient in many over the counter medicines. It is very cheap and can be easily purchased in any food shop or pharmacy .

Third – The friendly bacteria in your gut control 85 % of your immune system. They are responsible for releasing biotin, B-12, folic acid, vitamin K by digesting your food. They also generate the compound sodium biturate which destroys or makes cancerous cells auto destruct. The friendly bacteria will not be as friendly if the ph level the body (intestine) is acidic. Continue reading