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6 Fundamental Differences Between Religion & Spirituality

Deepak Chopra — ‘Religion is belief in someone else’s experience. Spirituality is having your own experience’

By Kasim Khan

Telling people you are spiritual but not religious is often greeted with a confused face. People tend to think of spirituality as something very strange and mysterious.They even struggle to differentiate it from religion but this is only because people in modern-day society have a fear of being manipulated and have a lack of knowledge when it comes to non-material subjects.

The truth of the matter is that spirituality is perhaps the most natural thing there is, it is simply your own conscious-self recognizing that you are more than just a body, that you are a soul with infinite potential.

To simplify what I am trying to explain here is a short list of things that help to highlight the differences between religion and spirituality.

There are no rules to Spirituality.

As opposed to following a specific ideology or a set of rules spirituality simply lets you follow your heart, it encourages you to listen to your intuition and do what is right for yourself and others around you. It truly sets you free to be the best you can be and to be a good person with no promise of punishment or reward. The reward is simply your own inner happiness.

Spirituality is based only on love and not fear.

Dotted throughout religion there is lots of fear. Fear of the consequences of your actions, fear of what might happen after you die if you don’t live your life accordingly. Well, with spirituality there is only Love, it encourages you to focus all of your energy only on the good, and to act only based on love. This is a key point for me as any choice made out of fear will not be good for your soul. Whereas decisions made out of love will empower you, make you braver and feed your soul. It shows you how to stand despite being afraid, how to move on doing what you feel is right despite the consequences that may come.

Religion tells you the truth – Spirituality lets you discover it.

As opposed to telling you in black and white how the universe was created and why we are here Spirituality lets you discover these questions and answers for yourself. It empowers you to find your own truth in all things and sets no limits to how deep you can go in understanding all there is to know.

Religion separates, Spirituality unites.

Through our world there are many religions and they all preach that their story is the right story. Spirituality sees the truth in all of them and unites them because the truth is same for all of us despite our differences and uniqueness. It focuses on the quality of the divine message they share and not on the differences in details of the story they speak.

The difference with Karma and Punishment.

Instead of talking about punishment or the threat of hell Spirituality only talks about Karma. It’s the Law of Attraction, you get what you give. Simple.

Walk your own path.

Instead of ancients stories about angels and Gods, spirituality encourages you to make your own path and create your own stories. This sets you on a journey of enlightenment and self-discovery to which the only limits can be set by yourself. It encourages you to trust your heart and follow it wherever it may lead you.

If you look at religion it all stems from a deep spirituality. Jesus and Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) for example all had deeply profound spiritual journeys before they embarked on their own journeys. So I do believe that all religion has truth in it, and that many people can be both truly beautiful souls and religious at the same time but ultimately anything that separates you or creates division is not good for your soul and definitely not good for the greater good of mankind.

Spirituality reminds us that we are not separate, there are no borders, no races and no cultural divides. All that is true is that we are all one and the only constant is Love.

Kasim Khan – Team Spirit Via Educate Inspire Change

Original article by Dejan Davchevski

Source: Life Coach Code

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Will Open Your Eyes About Substance Abuse

“All the substances of abuse, whether they’re opiates or cocaine or anything else, they’re actually pain killers.”


Whether it’s a sex addiction, or internet or a relationship or shopping or work addiction, these are ALL attempts to get away from distress.


Keith Richards, who had a severe heroin addiction, said that ‘all the contortions we go through are just not to be ourselves for a few hours.


I don’t care what they tell you about genetics or choices or any of that nonsense, it’s always about pain.

But the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, it’s got a wonderful line in it:

‘Whatever you do, don’t try and escape your pain, but be with it.’

Because the attempt to escape from pain is what creates more pain. And that’s the reality with addiction.


Addicted people need a compassionate present which will permit them to experience their pain without having to run away from it.

And all the attempts to run away, it’s like what another teacher says:

The surest way to go to hell is to try and run away from hell.

We live in a society that, one way or another, is always about instant relief, quick satisfaction, distraction… it’s always the quick getaway.

It is a matter of, at some point, finding a way of being with your pain so that you can actually get to know what it’s really all about.

Source: This article was originally featured on Powerful Primates, and was used with permission from the author.

What To Do When You Feel “Hatred” Towards Another Person

Hatred is typically defined as being an intense dislike towards another person.  You have a right to dislike someone, but to HATE someone usually means that there is something that is unresolved energetically and needs to be looked at.

Not to mention, hatred is a very destructive and toxic feeling to carry around with you, and it often times can drive you mad.  It can also lead to physical illness and contribute to spiritual and mental instability.  Life is too short to carry around hatred for another person when it can be resolved, so let’s take a look at some things you can do when you feel this intense feeling towards another person:

1) Ask yourself, “Is this even true?”

We get into a habit of taking our initial thoughts and emotions as absolute truth, when the majority of the time they are just egoic impulses and reactions.  And even when they aren’t mere reactions and are actually grounded in some truth, we still tend to create unnecessary stories around a situation and believe them into existence.  Let me give you an example.

Let’s say a friend of yours goes behind your back and smears you on social media and sleeps with your ex.  A story that would initially arise in our minds may be something like “That person betrayed me, and I hate them for that”.  Now notice what happens in your energy field when we take that story and replace it with “That person manifested a behaviour that was aligned with their level of consciousness at the time, and they clearly lack the insight and wisdom to see that was inappropriate.”.

They are both true, but one comes from a place of unconsciousness and turns you into a victim, while the other comes from a place of higher understanding and gives you your power back.  Or maybe, they didn’t even betray you, they just felt extremely hurt by something you did and said to them without you even realizing it and they didn’t know how to express their pain properly.  We often fail to question if we had anything to do with their behaviour.  Check inside yourself for false stories AND for how may have contributed energetically to the situation.

The next time you feel hate towards somebody, question the story you keep telling yourself in your head about the situation.  If you are at all like me, you will find that the story running through your mind about the person you hate is not only useless, it is almost always untrue.

2) Express it to them

One of the worst pieces of advice we get upset or angry is to just “get over it”.  This typically only results in resentment towards the other person and just puts a blanket over uncommunicative thoughts and emotions.  As uncomfortable as it may be at times, and as resistant you may be to being open and honest with the other person, the best thing you can do is communicate it to them.  Say exactly what you mean,

Keeping anger towards another person inside yourself is like holding on to a flame and expecting the other person to get burnt.  You owe it to yourself out of self-love alone to be honest and open with someone as a way to release yourself from the burden of carrying around something that needs to be communicated.  And when you do communicate it, you will often find that the story you were telling yourself about them as untrue or incomplete.

You have a mouth and vocal chords for a reason.  Don’t be afraid to use them!

3) Release

If you have looked at your story from different perspectives, have considered how you may have played a role in their behaviour, and if you express yourself to that other person from a place of sincerity, groundedness, and honesty, then your job is essentially done. If they still aren’t willing to listen, then you have to accept that they are simply not operating from a state of consciousness that is ready to be open and transparent.  Being frustrated and resentment that they aren’t hearing you out will only cause you more suffering.

Accept that they may not have the self-honesty or wisdom necessary to see things from your point of view, and move on knowing that you have done your part.  “Releasing” yourself from something doesn’t just meaning not thinking about it anymore.  To release does not mean to forget or suppress.  Sometimes, it requires deep meditation and ceremonial efforts to cleanse yourself and fully forgive the other person.

Hatred is just of a natural emotion to experience as anything else.  But with all emotions and feelings that arise within our energy field, it’s important to get into the habit of reviewing them, expressing them, and releasing them.  If you catch yourself feeling hatred towards another person, allow yourself to fully feel it.  Once you feel it , analyze it, express it, then release it, it’s no longer anger.  It becomes a lesson and an opportunity for higher understanding.

5 Important Reasons To Add Cannabis Leaves To Raw Juice Recipes

Besides fruits and vegetables, it turns out cannabis can be added to your juicer as well. For those unfamiliar with the juicing phenomenon, the process of making cannabis juice is surprisingly simple. All you really need is a blender/juicer and some raw material.

Juicing cannabis is somewhat of a new concept, but it has tremendous practical benefits.  Here are 5 reasons why you should add cannabis leaves to raw juice recipes:

*Note: Make sure that your leaves are washed and that they have been grown from a reliable source to avoid juicing chemical-covered cannabis.  Medical grade is a lot safer than juicing something you picked up from someone at a local trailer park.

1) Avoid the highshutterstock_331549994

While the downsides of getting high are often debated, the fact is that some people prefer their cannabis without psychoactive effects.

This is where juicing comes in handy. Since heat is required to convert the THCA in raw cannabis into THC, its psychoactive form, juicing provides a way of obtaining many of the benefits of cannabis without getting high.

While conventional wisdom says you can’t get high from raw cannabis, there has been a recipe discovered that says you can, so follow recipe(s) accordingly.

2) Ingest higher dosesshutterstock_345007262

Along the same line, not getting high makes it easier to take higher doses of cannabis and therefore more of its medical components, also known as cannabinoids.

One doctor who recommends juicing is Dr. William Courtney, founder of the Cannabis International Foundation. According to Dr. Courtney, THC can be taken in doses of hundreds of milligrams when in its acid form.

However, once heated, the tolerable dose drops to 10 mg a day. Cannabis juice also contains CBDA, the acid form of CBD.

3) Versatility

Cannabis juice can be mixed with a variety of other healthy ingredients to create delicious drinks perfect for any time of the day. It’s also easier to drink cannabis juice while at work, in the car and in other places where smoking or vaporizing might be inconvenient.

4) Healthier than smoking

Juicing, like vaporizing, allows you to avoid the negative effects of smoking. Although cannabis smoke has not been linked to lung cancer, it can irritate the airways and lead to minor respiratory symptoms such as chronic bronchitis. Thus, juicing may even help you breathe a bit easier.

5) Prevents disease

shutterstock_381273322While cannabis is often seen as a treatment for chronic diseases, incorporating cannabis into your diet can be a great way to maintain health and prevent disease.

 Cannabinoids have been shown to possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, making them a powerful dietary supplement.

As Hippocrates, one of the most famous physicians in history once said:

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

10 Mind-Blowing Theories That Will Change Your Perception of the World



Reality isn’t as plain and simple as we often like to think. Several things we take for granted as true are, in reality, patently false. Scientists and philosophers have done their best to overthrow the theories of common sense—as you’ll see by the ten examples below:


10-part-1-CopyHas this list opened your mind and stretched the possibilities of your perceptions?

Kasim Khan – Team Spirit

Article originally featured on and inspired by

5 Life Changing Truths Your Soul Wants You To Remember

When it comes to living life, we spend almost 100% of our time living as an avatar.  We have an ego, a personality, a history, preferences, dislikes, beliefs, opinions, cultural viewpoints, and experiences.  These ingredients comprise our ‘person’ and our worldly sense of self.  But beneath all of these human ingredients lies one which is the foundation of all of them.  Without this ingredient, this avatar would not exist.  This ingredient is the soul.

The soul is timeless, eternal, and infinitely wise.  Our “intuition” is really just our soul whispering into the ear of our person.  You soul is not separate from you, but it will feel separate if you live life operating only from a personal or egoic level of consciousness.  Since the soul is the fountainhead of wisdom of guidance, it is always trying to communicate with us, especially in times where we are experiencing great suffering.

Here are 5 encouraging things your soul wants you to know:

1) You are meant to feel deeply

shutterstock_327751217You are meant to REALLY feel.  Don’t hold back your tears, and don’t think it is wimpy, soft, or overly sensitive to expressive yourself.

It is healthy to feel deeply and to give yourself permission to experience the richness of human emotion.  Feel love.  Feel sadness.

Don’t walk in between as you daydream, really take the time to amerce yourself in the moment.  This is what life is all about.

2) You are here to experience life

You are here to experience the fullness of life.  The ups and downs.  When all is said and done, you won’t care about your bank account, your material possessions, or the empty house you leave behind.  All you will care about is whether or not you took the time to appreciate the miracle of life.  You are alive.

Nobody knows why the universe exists, how it got here, or why consciousness exists, but here you are as a product of this grand mystery.  Have fun.  Live life.  It’s too short of a journey to not appreciate the experiences, relationships, and memories you have here. Continue reading