I am ready to feel free – done with my past, identifying the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that have kept me stuck for so long without choice.
Yes, I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut a few times as I am working through all the criticism and you know what? Instead of jumping up and typing a defensive comment, I actually for the first time I tarted to allow myself to reflect. I feel such tremendous energy while writing this. I feel even more energy when I read it back to myself.
The funny thing is – none of that energy was mine.
The ability to stay awake in these mindful moments is what defines your pattern of growth, change and healing. As you become more aware, you realize that between all of these moments is a crucial factor – choice. Allow this strong emotion the light it deserves. You have just given yourself the biggest gift possible by choosing the response you will have when under severe pressure.
Choosing to apologize and speaking about your feelings is something most of us would rather bury under heaps of excuses, but when I apologized and expressed my feelings in clear black and white, i stepped up, I became the powerful warrior woman I was gifted to be. Imagine if every day, every moment we had this opportunity – imagine we took it? What a feeling.
You may be struggling right now with a moment, possibly a few which hampers your daily awakened state, are you willing to just let it continue or do you want to follow a path which can truly strengthen you?
Here are five steps to take for a healthier approach when triggered: Continue reading