Category Archives: News

There Is No Need To Act Defensively When You’re Triggered – 5 Steps To Prove It

I am ready to feel free – done with my past, identifying the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that have kept me stuck for so long without choice.

Yes, I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut a few times as I am working through all the criticism and you know what? Instead of jumping up and typing a defensive comment, I actually for the first time I tarted to allow myself to reflect. I feel such tremendous energy while writing this. I feel even more energy when I read it back to myself.

The funny thing is – none of that energy was mine.

The ability to stay awake in these mindful moments is what defines your pattern of growth, change and healing. As you become more aware, you realize that between all of these moments is a crucial factor – choice. Allow this strong emotion the light it deserves. You have just given yourself the biggest gift possible by choosing the response you will have when under severe pressure.

shutterstock_132959051Choosing to apologize and speaking about your feelings is something most of us would rather bury under heaps of excuses, but when I apologized and expressed my feelings in clear black and white, i stepped up, I became the powerful warrior woman I was gifted to be. Imagine if every day, every moment we had this opportunity – imagine we took it? What a feeling.

You may be struggling right now with a moment, possibly a few which hampers your daily awakened state, are you willing to just let it continue or do you want to follow a path which can truly strengthen you?

Here are five steps to take for a healthier approach when triggered: Continue reading

Consciousness Continues: Life After Death Has Officially Been Confirmed by Bxperts

We all know it’s coming, sooner or hopefully later! Death is just one of those things that happen to us all, eventually.

One thing many of us agree on, is life after death, but now scientists confirm that once your heart has stopped beating, your consciousness continues!

Over 2,000 people were studied by British scientists who say thought persists after death, and they have also found evidence that out-of-body experiences are in fact real in those who are declared dead and then revived.

Commonly believed by most scientists is that the brain was no longer active after the heart stopped pumping blood for 30 seconds and that consciousness awareness then also ceased to exist. The researchers at University of Southampton feels otherwise and have proven that awareness is still experienced for up to 3 minutes after declared dead.shutterstock_172690529

Dr Sam Parnia, the head researcher of the study said: “Contrary to perception, death is not a specific moment but a potentially reversible process that occurs after any severe illness or accident causes the heart, lungs and brain to cease functioning.

“If attempts are made to reverse this process, it is referred to as ‘cardiac arrest’; however, if these attempts do not succeed it is called ‘death’.” Continue reading

5 Ways To Stay Centered While Going Through Major Change

Change is a guaranteed part of life! You might think it’s a BOLD statement, but it’s so true. Why? Let’s take a trip down memory lane… You were conceived because your mom and dad loved each other so much and then you were a fetus and then the change cycle begins. 9 months later, you were born, more change! Another 9 months and you were, crawling, then walking, then talking, and on and on and on. Literally, we are in a state of change since the day we were born! When we were kids, the change was more subtle, but as we get older, the change becomes more drastic and more stressful. However, there is no need to freak out because if we actually make peace with change, then it becomes part of our life-journey. My goal for today’s article is to help you make peace with change and to welcome it with an open arm while staying centered, collected and gracious. Are you ready? Let’s go! Below I have for you 5 strategies that will help you during periods of change. shutterstock_124543042 1. Manage Your Mind During periods of change or as I like to call them “transitions times,” our minds are working on overdrive. Our mind has one goal in mind “no pun intended”, our minds want us to feel safe. So when we are going through a period of change, our mind is panicking on our behalf because it wants to take us back to safety. Continue reading

3 Signs You’ve Met Someone You Knew In A Past Life

By Raven Fon

Have you felt irrational anger, or frustration with someone you barely know? Or what about love? Have you ever been inexplicably drawn towards someone who you felt understood you completely? 

If you’ve ever had something like that happen, or if you have experienced any of the 3 following signs, you’ve probably met someone from a previous life.

1.You feel an immediate connection to them – or the exact opposite.


When we consider those people from our past lives, we usually think of people who were close to us, like  friends or relatives- maybe even those who we once loved.

Oftentimes, when you run into someone you once knew from your past life, you feel an instant connection.

But what if it is a person who you didn’t really like very much? Continue reading

Scientists Claim Cherokees Are From The Middle East – DNA Supports This Finding

The Cherokees have lived in the Southeastern United States for over 10,000 years.Cherokees developed and cultivated corn, beans and squash – “the three sisters” – along with sunflowers and other crops. Archaeological evidence, early written accounts, and the oral history of the Cherokees themselves show the Cherokees as a mighty nation controlling more than 140,000 square miles with a population of thirty-six thousand or more. Often the townhouse stood on an earthen mound, which grew with successive ceremonial re-buildings.”

The History of the America Indians” written by explorer and trader John Adair expressed in the 18th Century  how Cherokees who were living in the North Carolina Mountains were known to speak an ancient Jewish language. More so, this language was unintelligible to the Jews in England and Holland. Observing this, Adair extrapolated his belief that  these native Americans were in fact descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.

Married to a Chickasaw woman himself, Adair had a fond admiration for the Native Americans. Sadly, his observation was twisted during the American Revolution to something very different.


– In the new version, the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel had built the thousands of mounds that dotted the landscape of eastern North America, but the Indians had killed all the “civilized Jews.” Frontier preachers gave sermons which demanded that their parishioners go out and slaughter the evil savages, who had killed the “civilized Jews.” Continue reading

Why Your IQ is Actually a Personality Trait

 When someone asks us to describe the people we know, the adjectives we often use are kind, funny, passionate and intelligent. Colloquially speaking, we consider intelligence to be part of who someone is, yet we test it differently. Personalities are tested through questionnaires, but the IQ has its own particular test. Why is it that we consider intelligence to be separate from personality when it forms such a central part of who we are?

A new train of scientific thought is arising to challenge the psychological status quo. Led by Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman, he hopes to see intelligence redefined as one of the central elements of personality. His extensive writing and research on the subject are revolutionizing how scientists view the human psyche and was voted by the business insider as one of the 50 groundbreaking scientists who are changing the way we see the world. 

Across his four critically acclaimed books Kaufman pieces together an argument about the central role that IQ plays in the continuing development of our personalities throughout our lives. His theory, regularly referred to as the dual-process theory of human intelligence,  argues that adaptation to tasks is the hallmark of mental capacity. The ability to adapt to tasks is based on a person’s goals and desires, and linked to what he describes as ‘creative greatness.’

The creativity to see what we want from the world and have the mental capacity to grasp how to go about getting it, whatever it might be, is the cornerstone of what we consider intelligence to be. From early man’s use of tools through to scientists discovering the human genome, the act of discovering something to improve our lives is what scientists consider intelligence.

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