Category Archives: News

Dead Languages: 10 of History’s Most Mysterious Undeciphered Ancient Scripts

According to anthropologists and other scholars from around the world, we humans have only been recording our language for about the last 13,000 years or so.  Since that time we have had many lost languages that are no longer used. Most of which have been deciphered using codexes or rosetta stones we’ve found. However, not all of them are so easy to figure out.
There are actually quite a few ‘dead languages’ that are so hard to decipher that we STILL haven’t been able to translate them, even today.  Here are what’s considered to be the ‘Top 10 Most Mysterious Undeciphered Texts Discovered Throughout History’: 

Liber Linteus

(images via: wikimedia commons)

As if a linen book from a long-gone civilization weren’t fascinating enough, the origin of the Liber Linteus makes it even more morbidly amazing: it was once the wrappings on a mummy. Most of the Liber Linteus writings, which were removed from the female Egyptian mummy and later made into a book in the 19th century, can’t be translated because they were written in the little-understood Etruscan language. But what little scholars can understand reveals it to be some sort of ritual calendar.

The Rohonc Codex

(image via: wikimedia commons)

On 448 paper pages are transcribed – from right to left – unique symbols that total 10 times higher than any known alphabet in the history of the world. But nobody knows for certain just what the Rohonc Codex says, or who created it. Discovered in Hungary, the text has been studied by numerous paleography experts and scholars and appears to be religious in nature, with the code accompanied by illustrations and symbols of Christian, pagan and Muslim origin. Many Hungarian experts believe it’s a hoax, but if it is, it’s not gibberish – the  patterns of the text follow those of authentic languages. Continue reading

Why Big Pharma Is Fighting The Legalization of Marijuana So Hard

There is a growing body of research that Big Pharma is trying to keep under wraps and hide from you that reveals the threat medical marijuana poses. These multi-billion dollar drug companies are doing anything and everything they can to prevent the legalization of medical marijuana, but the reasons behind this are not necessarily in the public’s best interests.

As it turns out, they are desperately trying to hold onto their place in the market, and the profits that come with it, even if it’s at the expense of thousands of American lives. Because it appears that in states where medical marijuana is legal, people are turning to it as their medication of choice, over painkillers and other prescription drugs.

This is happening so much so, in fact, that the pharmaceutical industry could end up losing a lot of money should the legalization be rolled out any further. Surprisingly, it is not health that is at the heart of this issue, rather, profits.


shutterstock_230249461The Research

In groundbreaking research by father-daughter team Ashley and W. David Bradford, at the University of Georgia, it was revealed just how big of an impact medical marijuana is having on prescribed drug use.

The study also bridged the gap in the understanding of why people are buying marijuana from dispensaries – before there were questions as to whether it was being used for the right reasons, but this study was able to show that people are indeed turning to pot as a viable medical alternative to prescription-based medication.  Continue reading

The Science of Sleep: Studies Show Sleeping Naked is Good For Your Health

If you don’t already strip down for bed time, you might want to rethink that! According to experts, sleeping naked is not only super comfortable, but better for your health!

While sleeping naked helps regulate your temperature and prevents you from waking up at weird hours in the morning, it also helps keep bacteria that love warm moist areas away. Sleeping nude with your partner has also been found to boost your immune system!


According to a poll from the National Sleep Foundation, only 12% of Americans actually sleep naked every night. Doctors and researchers both recommend it highly as our bodies are designed to decrease in temperature while we sleep which keeps us comfortable throughout the night, this decrease helps our bodies determine when to fall asleep and when to wake up. Warmer skin has been found to disrupt sleep in humans and animals.

Published in the journal Brain: ‘By employing a thermosuit to control skin temperature during nocturnal sleep, we demonstrate that induction of a mere 0.4 degrees C increase in skin temperature, whilst not altering core temperature, suppresses nocturnal wakefulness (P<0.001) and shifts sleep to deeper stages (P<0.001) in young and, especially, in elderly healthy and insomniac participants,’

The benefits of sleeping in the nude don’t end there, it’s been found to help increase metabolism too! The healthy fat found around your neck is activated when you sleep in cooler temperatures, this good fat generates body heat and that helps you burn calories. Keeping cool at night decreases cortisol and helps increase growth hormones, Men’s Health reports, this helps create better sleeping patterns and can help reduce your tummy size! Continue reading

21 Signs You Have Healing Abilities You Might Not Know About

To know if you are a healer, or a shaman, all you have to do is have a look at your life.

There will be many signs all around you, some subtle and some more obvious, you just have to learn to recognise and read them. If you think you have the gift of healing, read on, these 20 signs will assure you that you are indeed a healer!

  1. You are an empath, you feel others pain, hurt and emotions as your own.
  2. People say they feel relaxed and at ease when they spend time with you.
  3. When you are in public, you often feel nervous or have heightened awareness.
  4. You have anxiety or have panic attacksshutterstock_373652173
  5. You are incredibly fascinated by crystals and their healing properties.
  6. You find it hard to say no, and then feel overwhelmed because you’ve agreed to help so many people. Continue reading

5 Signs Your Relationship With Your Parents Needs Healing

Almost inevitably, conflict and arguments will break out between even the most important and loved figures in our lives. The unfortunate truth is that many of us have been burdened with a broken relationship with the people who raised us (or didn’t) for years. That’s not what we’re talking about here.

When there is serious tension in a relationship, you don’t need a list of symptoms to know that you need to heal and detox the relationship. However,most people can miss the subtle signs that beneath the bond shared with your parents lies a broken element- something that doesn’t fit.

You can choose to ignore the red flags and end up having a decent relationship with mom and dad for years. But the truth is, you will never reach a fulfilling and healthy relationship unless you address these things. We believe that it’s worth it.

1. You Always Want Them AroundScreen Shot 2016-08-08 at 11.00.57 AM

Your parents are precious to you, and even more so when you’re an adult. But, if you find yourself automatically depending on them to help with daily tasks like babysitting, fixing things around the house, lending money, or calming you down during a stressful time, it’s possible you’re still carrying around the old dynamics of a parent-child relationship.

 Adult children and their parents maintain a healthy relationship using clear boundaries. You should be able to accomplish everything on your own, without constantly dragging mom or dad into the picture. If you’re married or in a relationship, your partner should be your emotional support, not them. Continue reading

For The Witches & Wizards In All of Us: A Modern Spell For Health And Vitality

Health and vitality can be yours after this simple procedure. The results are magical. 

Remember to observe your feelings, behaviors, actions, and results. Take note of everything, even if it doesn’t seem significant at that time. Record your experience and date every entry in your book of shadows.


  • This spell is only for when the moon is waxing

  • Decide on the location for the spellcraftScreen Shot 2016-08-13 at 1.40.24 PM

  • The room must be warm

  • Be sure you will not be disturbed

  • Keep your intentions clearly in mind, or write them down

Plan ahead what you want to experience in your body and mind. What is obstructing you from feeling your best? Perhaps this can be an illness, lack of energy, the desire to lose weight, or be fitter. The obstacles can be medical, physiological, or even laziness. Spend the time to contemplate what is preventing you from optimizing your best self.

You will need: Continue reading