Category Archives: News

This Ingestible Origami Robot Will Fix You From The Inside out

Imagine if you could swallow a robot which would come to life once in your stomach and perform basic medical procedures, fixing you from the inside out? It sounds like something from any one of hundreds of sci-fi books or movies, but now researchers at MIT, the University of Sheffield, and the Tokyo Institute of Technology have come together and built a robot that can do just that.

 Miniature Robots

Named the ‘origami robot’ because of the way it unfolds inside patients, this new piece of technology could revolutionize the future of medical care around the world. Encased in an ice capsule, the robot can be swallowed and will spring to life once the ice melts away, performing any duties inside the patients, before being passed through the digestive system.

The first challenge the researchers faced was making a robot that was actually swallowable. The robot needed to be designed in such a way that it could be adequately compressed to fit inside a pill, but with enough force to allow it to spring out and fully unfold to perform its duties.

The researchers settled on a rectangular robot with accordion folds and pinched corners which could act as points of traction as it moves through the human body.



Continuing the challenge of making a robot that could be safely swallowed, the scientists had to decide which material to use to build it. It had to be biocompatible, as patients would essentially be eating it, as well as being degradable, without being dissolved by the stomach’s acid. Continue reading

The History of Palmistry: What Do Your Hands Say About Your Personality?

Have you been curious about the lines on your palms? Today we will be sharing in on the study of palmistry. According to Psychic Library, “palmistry reveals individual personality and character traits through the study of the shape, size and lines of the hands and fingers”. Today we will zooming into what the shape of our hands reveal about us!

The History of Palmistry


The practice of palmistry started in India, where it is still a common practice to this day. It is studied in the Vedic spiritual texts. From there, the practice spread to other areas like China, Egypt, Greece and Europe. Prehistoric caves from France and Spain have drawings on their walls of hands with lines drawn in as well.

The idea is that expressions of our thought-patterns and beliefs can appear on our hands. Cleopatra’s beloved Julius Caesar decided on the characters of the men working for him through reading their palms. Fate, however, is not set in stone. According to Gary Markwick, internationally renowned palmist, the lines on our palms and the shapes of our hands can change in just two months!  Continue reading

Understanding OCD: What is It & How Do You Cope With It?

Have you ever found yourself turning around at the next intersection to check that the iron was genuinely switched off? Have you found yourself rearranging your office desk simply because it “bothered you”? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can excessively disrupt your life and no matter how hard you try to shake the impulsive urges, you find yourself falling back into a pattern of wiping down every counter and stopping to rearrange the flowers in your vase.

OCD is typically described as a form of anxiety which is commonly characterized by unwanted thoughts which seem uncontrollable, repetitive behaviors which seem to become ritualized. If you are an OCD sufferer, you may agree that your intentions are irrational at times. Quite often, OCD creates a mode we get stuck in, like a record on repeat, we find the need to check things over and over again and some even experience other side effects like the urge to scrub your hands until they are raw.

shutterstock_125191847Obsessions – In order for one to understand the root of these obsessions, one needs to realize that they are impulses which reoccur in your mind. The repetitive actions are our way of “attempting” to make the urges go away. very much like a heroine user needing his next fix to silence the voices.

Compulsions The action which makes the obsession go away. The fear of contamination would be a great example of how we deal with our obsessions. I have scrubbed my bathroom from head to toe, only for two little kids to come home from school and trash it.

To others, this may seem normal, but to an OCD sufferer, this is an immense struggle of willpower. This causes huge anxiety, effectively demanding all of my time when I really should just walk away and meditate. 

This sadly is the face of OCD. Continue reading

Liberating Syria’s Ancient Pentagram Vortex & It’s Geopolitical Effects


The Syrian vortex includes Allepo, Homs, Raqqa, Manbij and Palmyra.

Liberating the Syrian pentagram is the talk of many right now within the esoteric fields of study as well as those involved in covert geopolitical action. It is with no doubt that much of Washington D.C.’s effort and focus right now is and has been for the past 4 years specifically to forcefully overthrow the sovereign and democratically elected regime of Bashar al-Assad.

It is easy to understand the reasoning for this in a geopolitical sense, as Syria is pivotal in the control for Middle Eastern oil and natural gas. On a deeper, more occult level, Syria has special importance on a global level.

First though, let’s look at the political and financial importance of Syria.

In 2009, two pipelines were proposed: 

One that started in Qatar and went through Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq then on to Turkey [then to Europe]. The second proposed pipeline was to go through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Turkey [then also on to Europe]. Saudi Arabia said no to the first and Syria said no to the second.

This “no” from Assad in Syria was certainly done to protect his Russian ally, as well as to protect himself from being overthrown. The reason that Russia has a strong interest in protecting the Assad regime is that Assad is stopping natural gas from flowing from the Persian Gulf to Europe. And since Europe is dependent on and the biggest customer of Russia’s natural gas (from the Gazprom company which holds the world’s largest supply of natural gas), it is important financially and politically for Europe to remain that way, in the view of Russia.

Also, Turkey is Russia’s second biggest recipient of natural gas. For the banking and political cabal (who controls the U.S., Qatar and Saudi Arabia and many more), it has been a goal to move away from Russian natural gas dependence for all of Europe and Turkey as a way to substantially cripple the Russian economy and political influence.

A year after Assad said no to the Qatar, Saudi Pipeline, he called for a pipeline running from Iran (who has the world’s second largest supply of natural gas, behind Russia) through Iraq and into Syria, which then could begin supplying Europe as well. This move was supported by Russia, Iran and Iraq, which now makes up a growing alliance throughout the Middle East.

iran-iraq-syria-pipelineThis pipeline would give Russia and Iran dominance over global and especially European natural gas supply. Moreover, this pipeline would bypass Turkey; something the Turkish government did not like and began helping to create and fund ISIL, as Russia openly exposed in December of 2015. Remember, one of the biggest reasons various forces created and funded ISIL has been to destabilize Syria and overthrow the Assad regime, which would completely alter the geopolitical and financial playing field.

Soon after Assad proposed this new Iran-Iraq-Syrian pipeline, was when the “civil war” broke out and ISIL began creating havoc.

Fast forward to August of 2016 and we see the Assad regime still in power and Europe and Turkey still reliant upon Russian gas. In fact, just a couple days ago on August 12th, 2016 the entire game has shifted in a massive way when Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited St. Petersburg, Russia to hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Erdogan stunned the world by saying that it would benefit both Russia and Turkey to stop trading in U.S. Dollars and begin using the local Russian (Rubles ) and Turkish (Lira) currencies. Turkey also said on the 11th of August that NATO may one day soon lose Turkey as a member. 

The importance of Turkish and Russian cooperation as a way to take down the banking/political cabal (who controls the U.S., The E.U. and the United Nations, as well many other countries and organizations) cannot be underestimated. Zerohedge sums up the latest move nicely:

“Needless to say, such a bilateral agreement would further infuriate Turkey’s European “friends”, permanently halting Turkish accession into the customs union, in accordance with Austria’s recent demands, and would in turn lead to a dissolution of the refugee agreement that is still keeping millions in refugees away from Europe in general and Germany, and Merkel’s plunging popularity ratings, in particular. Which, incidentally, means that not only Erdogan, but now also Putin, holds key leverage over the career of Europe’s most important politician.[Angela Merkel]”



The Syrian Pentagram Goddess Vortex

Though the political and financial events are fascinating to observe, if we look closer at the spiritual significance of Syria, we see something interesting playing out as well.

The control for Syria is also for control over one of the planets strongest goddess energy vortex sites. According  to this researcher:

“The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the planetary energy grid. Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy leyline system on the planetary surface. Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness of humanity.

The Syrian energy vortex is actually a pentagram. In the hands of the Light forces, this pentagram is an instrument of good that can transform the whole Middle East and can be a huge transmitter of positive feminine energy. In the hands of the dark, this pentagram can create much suffering, as people in Syria have experienced in the last few years. All five points of Syria pentagram are key towns in Syria that had a strong connection with the Goddess energy in their rich past. “
The five cities include Homs, Allepo, Raqqa, Palmyra and Manbij.


Allepo is a city with a very strong goddess presence.

Homs was the birthplace of Julia Domna, who was a Roman empress who sought to bring wisdom to the Roman courts and people.

Palmyra is the birthplace of Zenobia, the queen who lead the revolt against the oppressive Roman empire.

Manbij is the central worship location of the Syrian goddess of fertility Atargatis.

Raqqa is where the Halaf culture began. In the picture above and below is a Halafian pottery symbol which is said to activate sacred geometrical codes of divine goddess presence and energy to remove negativity and darkness.


Ancient Halafian pottery, containing sacred geometrical codes.

Just today, on August 12th, 2016, it was announced by Syria that Manbij has been liberated (besides a few holdouts) from ISIL control. This now marks Manbij, Palmyra and Homs all set free.

Allepo is close now to being in full control of the Syrian/Russian/Iranian/Iraqi alliance. Additionally, Raqqa is moving closer to liberation as well, largely thanks to Russia.

To create peace throughout Syria, the Middle East and the world, the researcher suggests the following:

“Those who feel guided, you can help support the healing of the Syria pentagram by visualizing this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria pentagram, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region.”

What are your thoughts? How soon will Syria be liberated from negative control forces? What can we do as individuals and as a collective to help liberate Syria, the Middle East and our entire world from negative control? Here is a weekly synchronized meditation event that is aimed at helping to send and anchor peace throughout Syria and the entire world.

The old paradigm is falling away as the new peaceful, abundant and harmonious paradigm is manifesting more each moment. Spread this article’s information and spread peace to all. Peace is happening. Visualize it, feel it, breathe it, believe it.

Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science and does donation-based health coaching on the side through his website Orgonlight Health. You can follow the Orgonlight Health facebook page or visit the website for more information and other inspiring articles. 

Colorado City To Use $1.5 Million From Cannabis Tax To Help The Homeless

 The debate about the legalization of marijuana has been prevalent in North American culture for over 50 years. The decision by the state of Colorado in October 2014 to legalize marijuana for recreational use was seen as revolutionary by those on both sides of the divide.

 Since that decision was made nearly four years ago, the state of Colorado has seen an increase year on year in tax revenue gained from cannabis sales. In the most recent financial year, ending in June 2016, the state made nearly $70 million. Revenue gained through taxation was one of the key arguments for legalizing weed. Now that this argument has been clearly validated many taxpayers have been wondering what the state will do with the additional money. Screen Shot 2016-08-12 at 4.26.17 PM

The answer in one city is almost as revolutionary as the passing of the law itself. Aurora, the third largest city in Colorado, will be using over a third of the $4.5 million gained through the ‘weed tax’ to support local not-for-profit homeless organizations. 

Over the course of the next three years, a total of over $3 million will be given to a series of groups across the city, all of which work tirelessly to provide hostels and food for the homeless community. The money will be paid out over the next three years, with $1.5 million promised before the end of the current financial year, which ends in June 2017.

The decision, which was approved in May 2016, has been lauded the world over as an example of how the legalization of marijuana can benefit, rather than damage, the local community. City Councilman Bob Roth believes it shows the people of Aurora the influence that local government can have. ‘We wanted to be able to show citizens that we are having a positive impact on the community and point to specific projects or initiatives to where that money is going to.’  Continue reading

Research Shows How Truly Empathic Elephants Can Be

The old saying goes “an elephant never forgets.” But elephants not only have incredible memories; new research has now revealed a surprising depth to the elephant psyche. Proving they are closer to humans psychologically than we ever previously thought.

Originally, the well-known phrase came about as people had observed elephants following the same trails year after year, visiting the same locations for food and water, and even re-visiting the sites where members of their herd had died. Their memories appeared very strong.

Additionally, elephants have been known to celebrate births, mourn deaths, and have even been seen aiding weaker or injured animals. Much of this behavior isn’t found elsewhere in the animal kingdom (other than in humans), so elephants are clearly very special creatures. All of this has led to a lot more research being carried out into elephants and elephant psychology.


shutterstock_112044458Latest Research into Elephant Psyches 

New research conducted by researchers Joshua Plotnik and Frans de Waal has now revealed that elephants are capable of experiencing and expressing empathy for one another, and surprisingly they do this in ways that almost mirror human behavior.  Continue reading