Category Archives: News

Spiritual Science: How Alchemy Can Change Our Lives

Alchemy is an ancient practice, ridden with mystery and secrecy…until now. While popularized by the medieval scientific quest to turn lead into gold, its practices and customs stretch far beyond these parameters.

Alchemy’s focus, as a practice, revolves around metals, and the innate belief that they grow inside the earth and when found, were merely young and transformable forms of gold. Today, this has been scientifically disproven. Yet, to this day, the spiritual alchemist practice lives on.


The transformation of alchemy from the materialistic scientific realm to the spiritual arena.

Alchemy’s psycho-spiritual foundation is grounded in the curious transcendent worldview that everything, inanimate or living, enfolds a universal spirit. This accessible and simple cornerstone has proven to stand the test of time.

Alchemy’s Scientific and Spiritual History

Historically, alchemy’s roots are multifaceted; spanning across the entire globe in one capacity or another. The word’s denotation, in and of itself, holds unique meaning to countries and ancestries across the globe: “chem,” meaning black, as representative of the alluvial soils that border the Nile River and “chyma” meaning to cast or fuse metals in Greek. Continue reading

Feeling Overwhelmed? 5 Crystals For Stress & Anxiety and How to Use Them

Stress and anxiety are feelings experienced by every single one of us at least once in our lives.  Anxiety disorders, which are much more severe than mild anxiety, are among the most frequent mental health problems in the United States.

According to statistics, Anxiety Disorders affect 18.1 percent of adults in the United States (approximately 40 million adults between the ages of 18 to 54). – Current estimates put this number much higher – approximately 30 percent – as many people don’t seek help, are misdiagnosed, or don’t know they have issues with anxiety. (source)

So how can you tell if you have it? It’s actually harder than you think. We get so lost in our stress that we don’t realize how much it’s affecting us. Sometimes when we’re stressed we get forgetful about the little (but still important) things. Sometimes we get snappy with those around us, or end up ignoring those closest to us all together.  Regardless of how you act out, it’s not your fault when it happens because like everything in life, it’s all part of the lesson. That doesn’t mean you can’t get a little help occasionally!

Obviously there are many ways to combat stress. Sure, you can always quit your job, sell everything you own and move to a beach somewhere! Not today? Well, before you go the unhealthy route and start talking to your doctor (who is pretty much guaranteed to just offer you pills) maybe you should try something else.

Now, I know what some of you are going to say. “IM STRESSED! How is carrying a rock around supposed to help me!?” Well, for starters you’re not supposed to hit people with it. That’s a no. You carry it around with you! And yes, it really does help! Shall I explain how? Well, no. That would take way too long and let’s be real here, you’re stressed and you don’t want to read a lot of extra stuff right now, especially if you already know how crystals work. So, lets get right down to it. Continue reading

6 Ways To Communicate Through Your Body Language

“It’s not just about what you say, but HOW you say it.”

Something an old sales manager once told me. You can possess all the knowledge on a product or service, but if you come across as a mindless drone, nobody will really listen to you. The trick is to influence people. This comes strongly across in your body language. You don’t just want someone to just listen to you like an educator standing in front of 30 odd bored students, you want to captivate them.

There are 7 easy ways to effectively captivate an audience by simply using the right body language:

Stand straight, not rigid

shutterstock_133459352Your posture is probably the first thing someone notices. You need to focus on standing tall, but not rigid. standing tall exudes confidence and strength.

When you stand rigid looking like you’re in the lineup for a military-grade inspection, people will feel uneasy around you, feeling arrogance as a reflection.

The same applies to standing slouched over – you look weak in appearance. Roll your shoulders back, stand upright and walk in with your head held high.

Handshake etiquette 

In some cultures, handshakes are a huge deal. Something I was taught from an early age was to always introduce yourself with a handshake. The trick here is to not crush your opponent’s hand though, just a firm approach does the trick.

The “firmer than normal” handshake only applies at times where you need to exert some dominance. The boy who picks up your daughter for the first date would be an opportunity to whip out this one! A simple clear handshake shows confidence and puts the message across quite clearly. Continue reading

This New Organic Fast Food Chain May Soon Replace KFC — And It Pays $16 an Hour

When was the last time you felt good about eating Fast Food? It’s probably been quite a while. If you do enjoy it occasionally, you probably feel a little guilty about what you’re putting your body through. Well, it doesn’t always have to be that way anymore.  Finally, someone has decided to come up with a better idea and it’s spreading like wildfire!

That someone, is Erica Welton. The name ‘The Organic Coup” came out as a typo when spelling the word “coop” one day, while Erica was first hatching out a plan for an entirely new fast food concept. It was then that she realized the typo actually captured the spirit of what she was trying to do. She also knew she wasn’t alone when it came to wanting a quick and easy alternative to the usual fast food franchises, especially since she is a Mom herself.

Erica then decided her new restaurant would have to be 100% USDA certified Organic. There was no way around it. If she wasn’t going to feed her kids GMOs, pesticides or other toxic chemicals, then why on earth would she feed it to other families?  (Applause)  Erica is also very passionate about sustainability and protecting the environment, so she double checks every product her company uses to make sure it is locally sourced, sustainable and environmentally friendly.


She also had to make sure her food would meet the bar when it came to fast food. Therefore, she would have to design the ultimate ORGANIC fast food chicken sandwich that can please everyone. (Not so easy to do in America)  The chicken would have to skip the usual chlorine bath since that’s pretty flippin’ disgusting and shouldn’t happen to food to begin with. So, Erica did some research and found a cool new way to do the same thing but by using super-chilled air.. the way they’ve been doing it in Europe for years.

And thus, The Organic Coup Signature Sandwich was born! This time, the chicken gets to bathe in buttermilk and spices instead of chlorine. It’s then breaded and fried in locally sourced organic coconut oil, one of the healthiest (and most expensive) frying oils on the market. She pairs it with spicy veggies, a toasted organic Artisan bun and one of her amazing homestyle sauces, like spicy BBQ ranch or sesame ginger.


If you feel like skipping the carbs in the bun you can always opt for the wrap or the salad version. Or if you want to go even healthier, they offer a vegan tofu burger substitute from the Hodo Soy Beanery.  (Hodo Soy is the country’s leading artisanal tofu maker and supplies the company with its organic tofu burgers)


They also have organic caramel and chocolate dipped popcorn as a dessert. YUM!

We were very impressed by how attentive she is to her business, the quality of the food she provides and how much she cares about her customers and the environment. We probably shouldn’t have been surprised to hear that she pays her employees a fair wage too, but when we heard she pays them 16 dollars an hour we were quite stunned. Does paying them so well hurt her income? Not at all! In fact, it actually inspires even more people to only buy from her!

Just think about that for a second. McDonalds and KFC tried to say they would go bankrupt if they had to pay their employees a fair wage. (Lies!) Their products are also pretty much the most unhealthiest food you can buy.

This is what they have to say about it on their website:

“The Coup believes in food that is raised within the Organic USDA standards.  These standards do not allow Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), toxic chemicals and pesticides, or the use of antibiotics or added hormones in livestock.  We believe in sustainability, not just for the quality of life today, but also for the future.

We believe in “Team Coup” (our employees) and we are investing in them with a livable wage that sets a new standard in fast food. We are building an army of Coup Nation Ambassadors as the food movement is at its tipping point. Coup Nation Ambassadors – people like you – are changing the status quo by transforming the conventional and unsustainable food system through vision and action. The simple act of buying a certified organic sandwich makes you an agent of change. We are seeing the future of food come from people with deep courage, powerful voices and unwavering vision who want to make a positive impact.  Please join us at The Organic Coup in eating your everyday peaceful protest.”

Looks like it’s time Erica shows these multinational corporations how it SHOULD be done!

Check out their website for more details:
The Organic Coup

Article written by Journalist, Activist and Researcher, Lara Starr

What Faces Will You See? This 3rd Eye Mirror Meditation Takes You To Another Dimension

Have you ever tried Mirror Meditation?

Mirror meditation can help you see your faces of previous lives, faces of fearies and ET’s, faces of other people from various times. Sometimes you see demonic images, these images can’t hurt you though, so do not be afraid.

As with all meditation, it is a good idea to cleanse and protect yourself and your home before you start.

Once you have done your protection ritual for both yourself and your home, light a candle and switch the lights off. In front of a mirror, focus on and look at your third eye (between your eyes). Your eyes may feel to be going out of focus, this is normal because of the dim candle light. Try not to blink excessively, or you will not be able to see the faces appearance.

As your third eye opens it will reveal the faces you are meant to see. Seeing a demonic face is nothing to be alarmed about, this face cannot harm you and is likely to be a shadow self, it could also be a test of your spirituality. So if you sense any negative energy from these images ask them to leave and/or stop your meditation and repeat your protection cleansing before sitting in front of the mirror again.

Please understand that this meditation is not for someone who scares easily, seeing the many different forms of yourself can be quite overwhelming. That said, it is incredibly humbling as you start to see the real meaning behind being a spiritual being having a human experience! Seeing the various incarnations of yourself, in many different genders, races and times!

H/T: In 5D

Video Source: Ancestral Mirror Meditation

9 Beautiful Lessons We Can All Learn About Love

One thing we all have in common with one another in our life journey is that all of us are searching for love.This search might not even be a conscious thing. Deep within ourselves we all want and desire it. We all desire that connection with others.


As humans,  we tend to alienate ourselves from our truth, that is to love and be loved. We deny ourselves true love and hold up high walls so others can’t get in.

In order to help you break your wall down and allow others to love you, these 9 simple but powerful lessons are an important read!

  • Love is death of your ego and rebirth of your soul.You can’t force love, It is only given as gift.
  • Love is Unconditional.
  • Love is without expectations. When you love someone, do not expect it in return because that is not true love.
  • Only love can build deep connections between people. Hate will break those connections.
  • shutterstock_238707229Love is love, even when it goes unsaid. Real love can be felt through a simple glance!
  • Instead of looking for love, remove the things/people/ego that is preventing you from loving all, and being loved in return.
  • Love makes life easy and enjoyable, when you love, life is pure and happy no matter what your personal circumstances are!
  • You can own nothing but have love and feel as though you possess the world’s most precious treasure. You can own all the riches in the world but will feel empty if you do not have love.