Category Archives: News

Shungite – The Stone of The Empaths

As Empaths and Highly Sensitive People we are not only sensitive to the emotions (Energy in Motion) of others but sensitive to all forms of energy. It’s the vibration of the energy around us that can uplift us or drag us down. Interestingly, the energy of music can affect us greatly as we are sensitive to the energy of sound. Harsh synthetic music can grind against us, while classical music can soothe us. The harsh noise of traffic can make us feel uncomfortable while the sounds of nature comfort us.

So we must consider the energy of electromagnetic frequencies as well. We can sense the heaviness of the energy around cities with all the wi-fi stations and the thousands of mobile phones in use. Compare that to the cleanliness of a large forest or ocean shore.


With all these unnatural energies surrounding us, unless you are lucky enough to live in the country away from these harsh energies of the big cities, how can we support our sensitive nature and bodies? What works for me is the remarkable crystal known as Shungite.

Shungite is only found in a small area in Russia and was formed more the two billion years ago. Shungite has been found to contain fullerenes (the only known natural source), which gives the stone its amazing healing ability. Fullerenes are powerful anti-oxidants and have strong anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects, which in turn relieves pain and improves immunity. Fullerenes also normalize the nerve processes and improves our capacity to deal with stress. Continue reading

5 Ways To Skyrocket Your Vibration & Make it Last

 Do you find yourself low on energy throughout the day or do you sometimes just feel like going to bed even though the day just started?

If so, then there is a huge possibility that you’re vibrating at lower vibration frequencies.

As most of you know, everything is made out of energy, and I mean, EVERYTHING including you and I.

If you didn’t know that, then guess what? You just learned something new :)shutterstock_167436776

When we are vibrating at higher frequencies, we feel more positive, more connected to everything around us, and we simply feel an overall feeling of stability mentally, emotionally and physically.

But when we are not vibrating at higher frequencies, then we feel pessimistic, isolated, and we have a general feeling of being stuck and drained mentally, emotionally and physically.

I personally love the field of energy and vibration!

I study it in depth and keep myself updated on the latest in the field!

Recently, I came across a video taught by the one and only Esther-Hicks where she explains How to quickly change your vibration and jump from bad feeling to good feeling and quick – watch it here:

I hope you enjoyed the video!

On top of the video, I want to share with you 5 quick ways that you can use to instantly change and raise your vibrations.

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Matter is an illusion: Physical Reality Is Empty Space Buzzing with Energy

Everything you see around you every day consists of physical matter – or so it seems. When we take a closer look at objects we see that they consist of atoms. Have you ever tried to imagine how small an atom is, or how much empty space it consists of? Atoms were thought to be the smallest building blocks of the universe for around 2000 years. We now know that atoms consist of smaller particles and that they are mostly empty space. In this video Jonathan Bergmann uses understandable metaphors to give you a sense of the insanely small size and the enormous density of the nucleus of an atom. Prepare to have your mind blown. As you just saw, atoms consist of vast amounts of empty space. Let’s take this a bit further. When quantum physicists look closely at atoms, they keep finding smaller building blocks and more empty space. Scientists now believe that tiny vibrating strings of energy make up the building blocks of the nucleus. In fact, all “matter” seems to consist of tiny vibrating strings of energy. In other words, the physical world you see around you consists of electromagnetic waves – light! Your physical body is not that physical at all. It is light, or energy. Continue reading

Harnessing the Creative Power of Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming can be a very powerful and enlightening experience. It can provide you with a shift in perspective, and help you become aware of yourself and the world around you at a deeper, more meaningful level. 

What Is Lucid Dreaming?

Strictly speaking, lucid dreaming is a state in which you are halfway between sleep and consciousness. In this state, you are able to take charge and explore your dreamscape at will. You can control the scenarios that unfold, and add, or remove elements as you please.shutterstock_133459352

You’ve probably experienced this at some point or another. Everyone is capable of having lucid dreams, though few can actually trigger them at will. Doing this requires a lot of training, and mental preparation.

However, this process of learning how to control your dreams can be just as rewarding as the actual practice of lucid dreaming. It helps you become more aware of the inner workings of your mind.

How You Can Benefit Continue reading

11 Ways Highly Sensitive People Live Their Life Differently

How many times have kicked yourself for not following your inner voice, your inner ear or just trusting your gut? How many times have you said to yourself “I knew I shouldn’t have done that!!”…. and how many times have you paid for it later? If you’re anything like me, you could say a lot.

And then there are those people who just seem to have it all figured out, well at least, for the most part. They seem to have that extra sense. Their tuned in and locked on and life seems to flow more naturally for them.

7e49529664b7248c68e296a63bc36a85-e1466106361976-636x381Yes, they can be aggravating for those of us who don’t always see the world quite so clearly.

Or for those of us who know the path, but just can’t seem to put one foot in front of the other and follow it with what appears to be blind faith. Many of us are still so accustomed to more logical and rational (right brain) thinking that we block out our own intuitive knowing of what we should do, making the more safe play in many of life’s circumstances.

There is one major difference that separates highly intuitive people with everyone else, and the difference is trust. Highly intuitive people know how to trust themselves.

They have an internal knowing that they don’t need to muddy and meddle with things in life. In fact, they understand that the more they interfere, the more they become a hindrance in the natural unfoldment of life’s journey. It’s the way of no way so to speak, and through it, we find that life will always align itself with the experiences we need to find fulfillment. Continue reading