Category Archives: News

6 Spiritual Truths That Scientists Are Finally Starting to Understand

For a long time, people have tried to explain why things are the way they are. In modern times, Scientists have been trying to surpass the knowledge passed on by Priests, Prophets, Yogis and many other spiritual teachers since before we even started recording our history. Many believe Science still has a lot of catching up to do.

There are certain spiritual subjects, such as the existence of the soul, that are finally starting to get some of the attention they deserve. Let’s talk about the 6 most common.

1. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.  – “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


We may inhabit a physical body, but that is not all we truly are. We are consciousness energy. An energetic consciousness made manifest in physical form. Anyone that has studied OBE’s or Astral Projection knows full well that life is not what it seems.

There is so much more that is buried beneath the level of our consciousness that we struggle to explain because we don’t have a full scientific understanding of it yet, nor do we have an easy way to access it at will. (Intuition, deja vu, ESP, etc) But, that doesn’t mean those things aren’t real. Like any skill or physical ability, you just have to do some research and put what you’ve learned into practice to develop them.

2. Our souls never die– we just change our focus.  “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” – Albert Einstein Continue reading

Nature Vs. Cities: How Nature Literally Restructures Your Brain Patterns

I recently escaped the city life for a weekend. Into the forest I went, to a cabin with no running water or electricity. My whole system gradually unwound itself as I slowed down, let go of stress, and reconnected with nature. A sense of inner peace returned to me, and I felt rejuvenated for a long time.

In the city, just looking at the trees in the beautiful park outside my window brings me pleasure. Watching the newly sprouted leaves dance in the wind puts a smile on my face.

If you are like me, a walk through the park allows you to relax and enjoy the present moment. A growing body of research gives us deeper insight into the processes behind this, and the health benefits associated with being in nature.


13839888_10153794831415983_946035330_oUrban life is a fairly new concept for our species. During most of our evolution we have been living in close contact with nature.

Sure, we have had great civilizations and big-cities for several thousand years, but not the noisy concrete jungles we have today. Nevertheless, cities are great hubs for novel ideas and new technologies. They gather a lot of human resources in one place.

City life, despite its benefits, is associated with higher rates of mental illness, including depression. Research suggests several ways to increase nature-induced well-being, even in cities. Having a view with natural elements, such as trees, seems to impact well-being [1]. Inner city children who have a natural view from their home seem to have higher levels of self-discipline [2]. Continue reading

This Animated Video Explains & Demystifies What “Higher Consciousness” Actually Means

I am sure you know someone that cringe when they hear terms such as “higher consciousness”. They might find most spiritual subjects too wishy-washy or vague – or even annoying. You might even feel that way yourself.

This great animated video explains and demystifies higher consciousness in rational and secular terms. The video talks about different areas of the brain that has to do with different states of consciousness.

In short, the term “higher consciousness” just captures how we see things when we go beyond our own egos.

About the author:

Vegard Paulsen is co-founder of Global Harmony Crew.

Global Harmony Crew points you towards deep realization, and guides you towards powerful manifestation. For more timeless truths and life-enhancing material, join the crew by subscribing. You will get their video course on Inner Peace for free.

Follow Global Harmony Crew on Facebook.

Anunnaki Structures: 200,000-year-old Ancient City Discovered in South Africa

In 1849, British archeologist, Austin Henry Layard discovered 22,000 clay tablets in the Ancient Sumerian city of Nineveh, in an area now known as Iraq. The tablets contain cuneiform script and are one of the earliest known writing systems, created by the Sumerians 6,000 years ago.

In 1976, a man named Zecharia Sitchin published his personal translations of the Sumerian texts in a series of books called “The Earth Chronicles.“ According to Sitchin, the clay tablets describe an alien race known as the Anunnaki, who came to Earth to mine gold. Sitchin claimed extraterrestrial visited earth in the past because their home-planet needed gold to survive.. But that they also tampered with the genetics of humans when they came here. 

There are many theories about the Anunnaki that could fill several volumes of books. Question is.. If the ancient Anunnaki really did exist, wouldn’t there be tangible evidence of their legacy on Earth?

Well, in 2005 a man named Johan Heine discovered an ancient city in Africa that could prove to be the missing link to the Anunnaki. Located around 150 km west of the port of Maputo, in South Africa, researchers have found the remains of a vast metropolis that measures, according to initial surveys, a staggering 1,500 square kilometers.

This ancient metropolis is, according to many, part of an even larger complex that encompasses an even greater area of 10,000 square kilometers, but the most fascinating detail about it is its age: It is believed to be between 160,000 and 200,000 years old! Curiously, near these ancient metropolises the presence of ancient gold mines indicates the presence of an advanced civilization that was able to extract gold, in 200,000 BC.

So the big question is, WHO could have been mining all that gold, such a long time ago?

If you look at Sitchin’s work, it may all start to make sense. Based on The Cosmic Code: The Sixth Book of The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin, this is the real historical timeline of our planet:

Events Before the Deluge:

450,000 years ago,
On Nibiru, a distant member of our solar system, life faces slow extinction as the planet’s atmosphere erodes. Deposed by Anu, the ruler Alalu escapes in a spaceship and finds refuge on Earth. He discovers that Earth has gold that can be used to protect Nibiru’s atmosphere.

Led by Enki, a son of Anu, the Anunnaki land on Earth, establish Eridu -Earth Station I – for extracting gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf.

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The 5 Love Languages: Which One Is Your Strongest?

 For thousands of years humans have been trying to form an understanding of one concept that affects each of us, yet still eludes us all. Billions and billions of people around the world and throughout history, have all experienced this one same thing, but each will talk about it in a beautifully unique way. This concept is love.

Cultural Understanding

shutterstock_423591556From the Roman god of love, Cupid, to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, there are certain figures in the realm of popular culture that have become almost synonymous with love. The concept has been captured in literature, paintings, and movies time and again – its essence always captured in the briefest flashes.

Yet the manifestation of love in each story – the couple’s unique dynamic, or the relationship’s development from infatuation to decades long marriage –  is rather varied, even if the very concept at the heart of the matter is the same.

Every character in popular culture, every person reading the books or watching the movies, will have their own interpretations of what it means to love and be loved. This is why love is so hard to pin down, with each new interpretation, comes a new understanding and expression of it.


The Languages of Loveshutterstock_383560369

This is the very concept behind relationship counselor Dr Gary Chapman’s ‘5 Languages of Love.’ He identified the different ways in which people communicate their love and explained the importance of learning these languages in order to better empathize with those around you. This isn’t just with romantic partners, but with family, friends, and work colleagues too. Continue reading

7 Affirmations We Always Need To Tell Our Loved Ones

Connecting with another person on a deep, profound and emotional level is one of the true joys in life. Yet many of us fall victim to the traps that sabotage the quality of our relationships. Many of which can be bettered, if not solved, by saying one of these key phrases. Not only will these intensify the connection with your loved one but also lay the foundation for an introspective evaluation of how we treat those treasure in our lives.

Relationships demand energy and effort in order to thrive and grow. Start with these seven things your loved ones need to hear you say:

1.     I Love You

shutterstock_196513This might sound obvious. But we’d all be surprised how rare we utter these three important words and how instrumental it is a committed, intimate and long-lasting relationship. Psychologically, saying “I love you” on a daily basis helps us maintain our feelings of love toward our loved one and in return, helps them feel affirmed and secure. Rain or shine, never underestimate the power these words have to strengthen your bond.

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