Only one thing stands between me and my success – my micro-movements. I take small steps, be it slowly, I never stop growing and self-improving.
In a modern world, society expects us to subscribe to a horde of mindless advertising standards. As a strong woman, you know who you are. Not always set on self-love initially, learning along the way by observing and getting in touch with your self allows you to discover all sorts of superpowers you would never have guessed you could possess.
You simply need to trust your own judgement. As any relationship is built on trust, so does your own relationship within improve by working on it.
You should never settle for second best. You may initially think this is all taboo, until it hits you hard.
Once you’ve grasped the magnitude of it’s meaning, you’ll get why settling for less has just wasted your time.
Try to aim higher, be it avoiding gossip, naysayers or drama queens. By implementing healthy boundaries, you’re already letting go of heaps of emotional baggage. Wow does it feel good!
By constantly working on forgiveness, I’ve found that it’s not a gift to the perpetrator. The key to freedom allows one to escape anger. Imagine walking around captive, bitter and twisted, where you could simply let go. Continue reading