Category Archives: News

How The Government Is Supporting Obesity By Subsidizing Junk Food

The saying ‘you are what you eat’, suddenly doesn’t sound as appealing when you think of all the junk food being consumed on a daily base. On the other hand, it does explain the level of health we see in many people today. In the United States especially, the statistics are extremely worrying when it comes to the percentage of people who are obese and morbidly obese.

Two-thirds of all Americans are overweight, one in every three people nowadays is considered to be obese and one in every twenty people is considered as morbidly obese.  These high numbers are accompanied by quite some health issues, with some that can even lead to death.

Here is a list of just a few of the health issues we know can be caused by being overweight:

– type 2 diabetes
– heart disease
– high blood pressure
– nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (excess fat and inflammation in the liver of people who
drink little or no alcohol)shutterstock_284988062 – osteoarthritis (a health problem causing pain, swelling, and stiffness in one or more joints)
– some types of cancer: breast, colon, endometrial (related to the uterine lining), and kidney
– strokes Continue reading

New Quantum Experiment Shows How The Universe is Simulated Within a Mind

A new physics documentary was recently released entitled Digital Physics Meets Idealism: The Mental Universe, explaining how the universe is actually a virtual reality simulated in a cosmic mind.

As hard as this may be to believe, recent evidence such as the falsification of realism by physicist Anton Zeilinger in 20071 as well as other discoveries in quantum gravity revealing spacetime to emerge from quantum information, suggest physical reality is a Matrix-like simulation. However, a simulation in a mind?

What do virtual realities, quantum gravity, digital physics and cognitive science tell us about the universe? Find out in this fascinating documentary, Digital Physics Meets Idealism: The Mental Universe.

According to Integrated Information Theory, or IIT, the foremost theory in cognitive science, consciousness is integrated information. What this means is that the bits of information in a conscious state can not be dissociated from one another. For example the information describing the round shape of a rose can not be separated from its red color. One can not have redness by itself without the round shape nor the round shape without a color to fill it in.

shutterstock_357502820In consciousness studies there are numerous theories regarding what consciousness really is and no one can agree. What motivated IIT, though, was a realization that despite this widespread disagreement the one thing that is agreed upon by everyone is what the subjective experience we call consciousness is like.

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6 Powerful Herbs That Induce Lucid Dreaming, Visions, & More

Plants are powerful, fortifying nutriments, with the unparalleled power to connect with energetic realms in a natural and safe, yet effective manner. Boosting body, mind, and spirit, natural herbs boost your energy centers, bringing you closer to spirits and passed on loved ones.

To aid in your psychic and psychosomatic journeys we’ve compiled a list of six tried and tested herbs, celebrated for their natural, yet powerful properties. All of these herbs work with you to improve your hostess psychic abilities.

It’s important to stress that appreciating and respecting the sacredness of their powers will widen your horizons and enlighten your mind. Specifically, they work to open your pineal gland, also known as your third eye.

While they will have different effects on an individual basis, in both intensity and duration, as a general rule of thumb, these herbs: increase lucidity in dreams, induce clearer psychic visions, heighten hearing voices and sounds, and finally, amplify telepathic ability.

All of these herbs can be easily prepared, alone or combined together into a blend, into a tea by grinding them and adding them to a pot of hot water and simply adding lemon and sweetener to taste.



Ginger transforms your body into a spiritual channel, allowing energies to through it, both openly and freely.

With the ability to break out of heavy apprehension, ginger allows your spirits to soar high and free.  Continue reading

How Each Zodiac Sign Handles Their Sadness

Sadness can be a difficult emotion to deal with. Different people can have different reactions to sadness.  Some of us don’t acknowledge it, some of us don’t clearly recognize it, and some let sadness become destructive.  It’s a tough journey, but learning to face and manage feelings of sadness in a healthy way can allow us to live a fuller life with more self-assuredness and sense of bravery.

Sadness in itself is a controversial topic. It is often paired as the opposite of happiness, and what exactly is happiness? How do we define it? Happiness too can be a subjective experience.

Sometimes we may be in search of constant feelings of extreme joy and bliss, without a trace of sad feelings. Sometimes we  may choose feelings of sadness without realizing, as it can at times feel more comfortable. As understandable as these points are, these can become unhealthy ways to relate to happiness or sadness, that don’t actually serve us.

That being said, sadness is a part of life. As one of my favourite poets Rumi says, “the wound is the place where the light enters you”.  Today we will be noting how different zodiacs may relate to sadness, and tips for how to deal with sadness in a healthy way.

Aries (March 21st – April 19)shutterstock_369072065

Aries people are known to be courageous, optimistic, confident and passionate. During times of sadness, their fiery natures may make them prone to making impulsive decisions, as well as masking their pain with burning anger.

One way an Aries can serve their greater good while in this state is to ask themselves before making decisions, “will this [decision, action etc] really serve me?”

This can bring their conscious awareness to consider such a question, and make better decisions for themselves. Another way to better tune in to their feelings, is to meditate.

This can allow them to get better in touch with their emotions. If the stillness feels too daunting, perhaps planning an adventure where they can redirect their energy can help.

Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)

Taurus people are known to be dependable, practical, devoted and responsible. When experiencing sadness, they want to be shutterstock_308306837alone. While taurus people are known for being patient, during times of sadness they may find their patience waning. Continue reading

The “Spiritual” Reason People Love Pokemon Go

What is it about that mysterious enticement of the virtual realms that beckons us to the screen? The immersion into games, into fantasy worlds or futuristic realities is something many people long for.

The feeling of enchantment, like the magical atmospheres of elven worlds or intriguing futuristic cities all hold a special place in many of our hearts.

Many games try to emulate a virtual reality that immerses our consciousness in the on-screen quests, but when does the emergence of the 2D and 3D really come into play? Some games are starting to shift from the 2D reality into our physical reality with games like Pokémon Go.


It is the emergence of the digital and the physical, the impossibilities of the virtual with the experience and realness of physicality.

There is a very fundamental reason why thousands of people are going crazy for the game Pokémon Go, and it’s much more than brainless gamers running around cities. Continue reading

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Mango Every Day

The mango might just be the king of all fruits. It can help fight against cancer, alkalize the body, aid in weight loss, regulate diabetes, aid in digestion, cleanse your skin, and it makes the perfect healthy snack.

shutterstock_348694073What’s in a mango?

Health Impact News breaks it down for us:

Nutrition chart
1 cup of mangoes (225g) contains the following percentages that apply to daily value.
105 calories
76% vitamin C (antioxidant and immune booster)
25% vitamin A (antioxidant and vision)
11% vitamin B6 plus other B vitamins (hormone production in brain and heart disease prevention)
9% healthy probiotic fibre
9% copper (copper is a co-factor for many vital enzymes plus production of red blood cells)
7% potassium (to balance out our high sodium intake)
4% magnesium

If you need more reasons to include this delicious food in your diet, here are 10 of the best:

shutterstock_14418513401. Helps to Fight Against Cancer
Antioxidants like quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat are all found in mangoes. These help protect the body against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers.

02. Helps Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels
Mangoes have high levels of vitamin C, pectin and fibers which help to lower serum cholesterol levels.

Eating fresh mango gives your body access to a rich source of potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids that help to control heart rate and blood pressure. Continue reading