Category Archives: News

The Most Fulfilling Career For You Based on Your Zodiac Sign

If you’re struggling at work, or are currently job-hunting and meeting a lot of dead ends, you might be looking in the wrong places. Your Zodiac sign says a lot about who you are as a person including the personality traits you inhabit and what makes you tick. So it follows that it can tell you a lot about your ideal line of work too.

Most of us spend the majority of our waking hours at work, so it’s vital that you do something you are wired to thrive in based on your star sign. Our signs are at the core of so many of the decisions we make and our personality traits, so it makes sense to explore careers that will allow us to play to our strengths.

To help you to find true satisfaction in your work, take a look at what you should be doing here:



The sign for Aries is the Ram and this suits the Aries’ professional personality to a tee. Strong willed and determined, they have lots of bold ideas and love a bit of healthy competition at work.

Fields you’ll thrive in: You’ll do best in commission roles and roles that require you to utilize your bravery, stepping in where others are unable to.

Best jobs: Advertising and PR are perfect environments for you to express your competitive edge and your determination and strong willed nature will see you progress well in politics. A role in the emergency services would give you the chance to prove your bravery and save some lives.



The Taurus loves stability and thrives in environments that can give certain guarantees such as stability, job security, and salary. They are very honest and pragmatic in their approach to work. In addition, they have clear, strong voices, and have a shutterstock_402054988fantastic ability to express themselves, making them good at public speaking. Continue reading

A Post-Breakup Energy Healing For Those Who Left Their Soulmate

What do you do immediately after a break up to help you recover and regain equilibrium?

When you’ve been through a breakup with your partner, soulmate or twin flame, it really feels like your world is falling apart, and often, as the panic sets in,  you just don’t know where to turn or what to do next.

shutterstock_326103548This energy healing and life coaching video will take you about half  an hour to complete, and is comprised of a guided range of energy healing and life coaching exercises to help your body and energetic system settle, reduce your emotional turmoil, recover more quickly and process through the aftermath of the experience.

Whether you are hoping to move on cleanly or you would like to invite a reconciliation, this series of steps will help you clear away the blocks and issues that lie inside you, and will help you feel better, both immediately and over the long term.

Designed to be completed quickly, in one sitting, this healing strategy will help you process your emotions much more quickly, so that you are calmer and clearer when and if you have to face your partner again. If you are hoping for a reconciliation, the clarity and change in your energy and mindset may be exactly the tool you need to overcome the blocks that have led to this point in your life. Continue reading

A Practical Explanation of How Energy Healing & Miracles Work

This video  gives you a practical and easy-to-identify with explanation that will help you understand healing and miracles.

shutterstock_231997855 (1)Probably the single most important understanding this video will give you is that every energy healing IS a miracle already, and there is no order of difficulty in miracles.

Basically this means that if you can create a miracle of healing through a healing modality, you can extend that knowledge out to be able to create miracles of any kind, or any magnitude, anywhere.

Once you have a practical understanding of this particular spiritual concept, you will have released one of the biggest barriers to self healing and becoming a miracle worker yourself.

In addition, the video covers a number of other key spiritual concepts that are connected to this understanding, beginning with the idea that life is a dream, your mind and soul are still in God, and your body is in physical creation.

This comes complete with cool hand-drawn diagram that will help you understand how we are God and part of God, but still separated individual souls at the same time.

shutterstock_270038441 (1)Then we unpack ego as the mechanism of creation and how ego is a barrier to reaching God. Continue reading

DNA Upgrades: What They Mean & How They Affect Our Body

All over the spiritual communities you hear talk of the words DNA upgrades, upgrades and light body activation.

But what does this actually all mean and how is it impacting your life, the situations around you and your body?


There was a really interesting experiment done a few years back that shows how DNA immediately affects the environment around us by pulling atomic elements like photons into a holding pattern.

Effectively, what is happening is that Source is sending microwave particles of light and energy from the sun with all these storms, burst and flares.


These microwaves enter your body (this is why I don’t talk on phones, too much can be damaging), and begin to change your body at the level of your DNA.

All healing does this actually – the new energy (or resonance) makes physical changes to your DNA and cellular structure. Continue reading

Manifestation Rituals For Each Phase of the Moon’s Cycles

The Law of Manifestation is formed from the pagan belief that you can bring your ambitions and dreams into reality through deliberate positive thought.

To manifest, you must banish pessimism from your hopes. This is because the universe is in a constant state of perfect balance, meaning every negative thought you have during a manifestation ritual neutralizes the positive.

There are many different forms of manifestation ritual and to ensure success it is imperative that you understand which one to do based on the stage of the lunar cycle. The moon’s power can not be underestimated in the process of manifesting. Lunar energy effects the energy of your thoughts and therefore alters the likelihood of manifest success.

This guide will steer you through a ritual to try at each phase in the lunar cycle…

The New Moonshutterstock_29264854

At the beginning of the lunar cycle, the new moon ritual should begin the process of manifesting for the month.

Write a manifest list, chant it aloud and light a candle. Once you have done this place the list in a special place in your home and meditate.

You are cleansing your psyche for the month ahead and focussing on your ambitions.

The Crescent Moon

This phase is all about building up the power in your manifest list. As the moon’s energy builds so will the power of your rituals. Focus your energy and say aloud your intentions for the lunar cycle. If your plans are centered around your fertility then this is the phase that will really influence your success manifesting. Continue reading

10 Important Things To Know When Loving a Strong Man or Woman

If you’re in love with a strong individual, you’ve hit the ultimate jackpot. You’ll be embarking on one of the most emotionally fulfilling, mentally stimulating and spiritually enlightening experiences of your life.

To love a strong man or woman is a gift that should never be squandered – but rather, celebrated for all its riches. These individuals are rare gems, existing only few and far between. To fall in love with a person with a strong moral compass, unwavering drive and emotive strength, objectively speaking, is a worthy emotional investment with innumerable paybacks.

Here are the top ten things you should know if you’re in love with a strong man or woman.

They Are Independent and Take Action shutterstock_238707229

Rather than waiting for the “green light” or “go ahead” from others, strong individuals take action.

They’re not looking for someone to support them and hold their hand in their relationships – they’re looking for someone to grow with. Don’t try to tame, belittle or hold these fiery individuals back, they’re always in perpetual forward momentum.

They Are Not Afraid to be Alone 

Understanding that they’re not defined wholeheartedly or solely by their romantic relationships, strong individuals understand the power of personal space and time. Sometimes, they simply need time to themselves to rest and reflect. Never take this personally, in the long run, this will undoubtedly serve your relationship by circumventing unnecessary tiffs – when it could easily be resolved by some personal escape.


They Crave Knowledge and are Intellectually Curious

As lifelong learners, strong individuals crave knowledge and are intellectual sponges. They don’t waste time with frivolous reality television or waste hours scrolling through social media when they could be taking a class to better themselves.

With that, they’re always open to new experiences. So hop on the bandwagon and put your thinking cap on.

They Don’t Believe in Clinginess

Never expect a strong individual to be totally obsessed, infatuated or consumed with you all the time. Truly strong men and women are the least possessive bunch out there. They know how to show their love – and when the time calls for it. Most importantly, they understand and are living proof that a significant other is part of their lives, not their entire life.

They Have Strong Morals and Values

shutterstock_291176792Strong individuals are not morally bankrupt, and they certainly don’t waver in topics and causes in line with their belief system. Expect them to stand up, with a strong voice, for what they believe in – and most importantly, be prepared to stand by their side in support.

They Have Both Passion and Purpose

Strong individuals don’t just have goals or aspirations, they have the passion, purpose and drive to see them through. They have the unparalleled power to achieve impressive feats.

There truly are not bounds to a strong individual’s potential successes. Support their goal and add fuel to their fire.

They Have Strong Friends

Strong, independent and loyal people are often friends with those who mirror these qualities. When they’re together, you’re more likely to hear them discussing business mergers than empty office gossip. While this may be intimating, at first, it’s important to admire, revel and learn from this impressive group.

They Accept Responsibility and Apologize

shutterstock_398480584Remember, strong isn’t synonymous with stubborn or proud. When you’re in love with a truly strong individual, you’re are in the presence of a reasonable and rational individual.

If they are in the wrong, they accept responsibility, submit an apology and most importantly, move on. They don’t dwell in petty fights or stubborn tactics.

They Will Show Their Soft Side – If They Trust You

Strong individuals are often given a bad rap, stereotyped as immune to feelings of sadness, loneliness or defeat. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Regardless of how independent they are, when their guard is down and they trust you, these strong­ willed individuals will bear their souls. Notice and celebrate these moments – they’re emotional jackpots.

They Need a Strong Significant Other

Strong individuals don’t need a strong individual to feel fulfilled, worthy or confident. But, that’s a good thing. That means they’re in relationships because they want to be with you, not because they need you. This small differentiation makes a world of difference. If your significant other is a strong person…you are too. The strength of your bond is unparalleled, making the two of you’re a force to reckoned with.