Category Archives: News

What Your Totem Animal Means & How To Find It Through Meditation

If you have reached a point in your life where you need to make a decision, and you are struggling to find guidance, it might be time to discover your totem animal, and let it show you what to do.

Native American people had a culture that was based solely on the world around them ­ natural imagery, Mother Earth, and the importance of animals in everyday life. They had a respect for the Earth that seems unparalleled even to this day, and one of the most iconic ways they showed this respect was through carving totem poles.

Significance of Totem Poles 

The meanings behind the totem poles themselves are as varied and interesting as the cultures that carved them. Some totem poles represent stories or important events in the history of the particular tribe that carved it ­ recording these for future generations.

Each figure on the totem pole represents certain traits and characteristics that the people of the tribe embody. Native American lore says that all individuals have animals that will accompany them through life, acting as guides, and it is these that commonly appear on totems as well.

Modern Iterations

Although this is where they get their namesake, not all totem animals have appeared on totem poles, or even in Native American stories, but their significance to the individual is undeniable.

Modern manifestations of totems might appear in trinkets, charms, or other small objects that individuals hold dear and use as guidance. The totem animal will provide an unbreakable strength and comfort fo


r any individual who welcomes it into their life.

How to Find Your Animal Through Meditation

This incredibly rewarding experience does take a little patience and endurance. For many, it can take multiple sessions before their totem animal reveals itself, but it is very rewarding when it happens!

First, you should find a relaxed and distraction­ free area, then sit comfortably and focus on your breathing. Inhale positivity, and exhale negativity. Once you are totally relaxed, visualize yourself in a forest,­ the largest you have ever seen! Continue reading

9 Ways To Know That Your Mental Age Exceeds Your Physical Age

Some people just have that inherent wisdom that is seemingly beyond their age. Physical age is only a number, and while experience does make us who we are – some people are born with a heightened awareness.

1. You require less reassurance

The younger you are, the more approval you seek from your peers. Mature people however need not justify their decisions and actions. They need no validation and are secure in their way of life.

2. You have completely different taste in movies compared to your friendsshutterstock_300328370

Generally preferring movies based on older, much earlier times, you prefer the more in-depth type of film. You’re not one for the latest blockbuster – they bore you.

3. You let go of the small things

You have learnt throughout your life to let go of the simpler issues and focus on what’s really important. The trivial matters and arguments are time consuming, small setbacks are set aside. You truly appreciate the value of the moment, capturing fond memories and embracing the present.

4. You know forgiveness Continue reading

How Having Siblings Of The Opposite Gender Affect Your Intimate Relationships

Ahh memories! Arguing over who gets to drink from the favorite cup to who gets to sit in the front seat of the car.

Something you may be surprised about is that this bickering has somehow prepared you for future romantic relationships. How you may ask? Having a sibling of the opposite sex may have impacted the quality and longevity of your adult romantic relationships.


“You may need to thank your sibling for the romantic relationship you had with your teenage sweetheart.” – According to Susan E. Doughty and colleagues at the Pennsylvania State University, mixed gender siblings plays a major role in romance later on.

Interviewing middle class and working adolescents, the participants were asked about their sibling relationship intimacy.

This included and conflicts and issues to do with control. Two years on, those same participants were asked about the role that intimacy played in their romantic relationships. If you have any memories of a perfect summer romance during your adolescent years, you have your brother or sister to thanks! Continue reading

How to Live A 5D Life Within A 3D World

As the global shift and awakening continues to spread, so many spiritual journeyers feel like they’re being torn in two…. conflicted between the 5D energies brewing inside them, and the obligations they have to meet in the 3D world.

Relationships are changing as both men and women around the world are realizing that they want different things in relationships. Most notably men are looking for emotional connection and depth, and women are no longer willing to accept men who do not take care of themselves on the physical level.

Many women are also finding themselves wanting to explore the idea of multiple partners, or polyamory.Screen Shot 2016-07-19 at 9.46.09 AM

Unconditional love has been another evolving energy on the planet, as people come to realize that love is conditional and has equal return. As a result, many of us are setting firm boundaries and putting our foot down in situations and with people where we previously would have backed off and compromised.

Over this time, many journeyers have also felt a strong urge to begin speaking up, and begin speaking and living their truths. An area of irritation that many of these journeyers are encountering is rebellion against 3D authority models – specifically in the area of rules and regulations. Continue reading

The Best Grounding Crystals To Help Focus Your Mind

Crystals have permeated mainstream consciousness, becoming a new daily norm for those seeking to boost their creativity, productivity and mindfulness in the workspace.

With over 4,000 varieties, there is truly a mineral for every need. Whether you’re looking to rid yourself of stress induced by a looming deadline, ease negative attitudes toward challenging co­-workers or de­ clutter your technology filled space, crystals will palpably lift your spirits and squash anxiety.

Crystals adjust imbalances in your workspace by absorbing excess energy through electromagnetic forces in technology ­congested and stressful spaces. Simply keep one, a collection or all five of these crystals at your desk to help you radiate confidence and positivity from the inside out.

Malachite: Transformation and Renewal

The malachite’s transformative energy is renowned for its seamless ability to transport energy straight through the heart – forcing you to face, feel and reflect on unresolved issues.


Guiding you into a space of movement and momentum, the malachite crystal refuses to let you be stuck or stagnant in your troubles.

Rather, it sends your body, mind and soul propelling forward, forcing you to let the past go.

When frustrations and anxieties run high at work, close your eyes while holding a piece of malachite in each of your hands, and take five deep mindful breaths. Continue reading

7 Ways Listening to Music Physically Benefits Your Heart, Mind & Body

From New York City to Papua New Guinea, music is at the heart of human culture. We consume music everyday without a moment’s thought and in doing so we are actually improving our physical, mental and spiritual health. No matter your taste in music the simple act of listening and enjoying music is a health boost for your entire being.

This article charts seven of the major benefits that music has on each and every one of us…

Music reduces stress


Cortisol is the hormone that causes us to feel stressed and anxious. Music has been proven to lower the levels of cortisol, although it is preference specific.

Stress is only reduced by music that you enjoy and music that you don’t like can actually have the adverse effect. So when stress is getting to you listening to your favourite music will have a strongly positive effect. Continue reading