If you have reached a point in your life where you need to make a decision, and you are struggling to find guidance, it might be time to discover your totem animal, and let it show you what to do.
Native American people had a culture that was based solely on the world around them natural imagery, Mother Earth, and the importance of animals in everyday life. They had a respect for the Earth that seems unparalleled even to this day, and one of the most iconic ways they showed this respect was through carving totem poles.
Significance of Totem Poles
The meanings behind the totem poles themselves are as varied and interesting as the cultures that carved them. Some totem poles represent stories or important events in the history of the particular tribe that carved it recording these for future generations.
Each figure on the totem pole represents certain traits and characteristics that the people of the tribe embody. Native American lore says that all individuals have animals that will accompany them through life, acting as guides, and it is these that commonly appear on totems as well.
Modern Iterations
Although this is where they get their namesake, not all totem animals have appeared on totem poles, or even in Native American stories, but their significance to the individual is undeniable.
Modern manifestations of totems might appear in trinkets, charms, or other small objects that individuals hold dear and use as guidance. The totem animal will provide an unbreakable strength and comfort fo
r any individual who welcomes it into their life.
How to Find Your Animal Through Meditation
This incredibly rewarding experience does take a little patience and endurance. For many, it can take multiple sessions before their totem animal reveals itself, but it is very rewarding when it happens!
First, you should find a relaxed and distraction free area, then sit comfortably and focus on your breathing. Inhale positivity, and exhale negativity. Once you are totally relaxed, visualize yourself in a forest, the largest you have ever seen! Continue reading