Category Archives: News

NASA Shut Down Their Live Stream As Strange UFO Enters Earth’s Atmosphere

This isn’t the first time NASA has shut off their live stream when something flies across the screen that they can’t logically explain. People who follow UFO and alien sightings have been very intrigued by the latest event. A seemingly massive UFO was spotted during the live ISS stream on July 9, 2016.

This time, the sighting was reported by a UFO hunter that goes by Streetcap1. While many people could speculate that the object is a meteor or space junk, we have to ask the question: why did NASA cut off the transmission?

If you watch the video, you can clearly see that the object floats around in Earth’s atmosphere far too long for it to be a meteor. It clearly stays around the same area, which isn’t the typical traits of a fast flying object through space.

What do you think it is? The fact that NASA is so quick to shut off public viewing of the object makes it much more mysterious. If they knew it was a meteor or some kind of space junk, they definitely wouldn’t have cut off the feed. Continue reading

July 19: How to Harness The Energies of Tonight’s Thunder Moon in Capricorn

“It is the very error of the moon. She comes more near the earth than she was wont. And makes men mad.”

—William Shakespeare, Othello

shutterstock_360688928All throughout history the moon has been linked to all kinds of human behavior. Especially when it comes to the full moon.

Did you know that the etymology of the word ‘Lunatic’ comes from the Old French word ‘lunatique’, which evolved from the Latin word lunaticus and from the other Latin word luna or ‘moon’? It stemmed from the belief that changes of the moon caused intermittent insanity.

And to some degree, many people still believe it does. Hang out around a hospital or a police station for long enough and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Whenever there’s a full moon, they tend to increase the amount of staff on hand, and for good reason. Things just tend to get a little crazier when the moon is at its fullest.

Most scientists are still quite skeptical since they still haven’t quite figured out how  or why that happens, but you don’t have to spend much time looking around to see that humans are definitely being affected by something.

Regardless of the cause, some people have been able to notice specific patterns in the phases of the moon and human behavior.  Sometimes even closely enough to determine how the majority of people may respond to the specific energies of the upcoming full moon tomorrow night. Continue reading

Abundance Crystals: 10 Crystals to Attract More Luck & Wealth in Your Life

One of the most common things that I get asked about as both a life and a business coach is how to attract more money?

And, with the current economical state around the globe, people are concerned, and they feel like the conventional ways of attracting money are not working.

Personally, I love the Law of Attraction and I use it all the times!

However, most people are using it wrong! Yup, I said it out loud! People are using The Law the wrong way.

People are using the law eagerly and trying their best to attract more prosperity and abundance in their life.

Eagerness is interpreted by The Law as “there is not enough for everyone” and that, in turn, leads to self-doubt and limited thinking.

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So instead of being eager and hopeful, I am going to show you how you can give your old law of attraction thinking a mental boost!

Sounds good, let’s get cooking!

In today’s article, I will help you boost your law of attraction mindset with the help of 10 luck and fortune crystals that have been used by millions around the world to manifest more abundance, wealth, and prosperity!

But before I tell you what 10 crystal you can use to give your LOA a boost, let me explain why these crystals are so effective and how they work? Continue reading

This Zen PreSchool is Teaching Children Mindfulness & Changing Their Lives

In our busy society today, stress is an often recurring phenomenon. Not only does this influence us as adults, this also influences the children. Occasionally they do not get the care and attention they deserve and need, as a result, children do not get to enjoy their childhood in the way they should.

Education and facilities where the children stay during the day have become essential in the upbringing of a child’s life. That is why many parents are really concerned when it comes to where and in who’s care they leave their child while they work during the day.

This led to many different kinds of education in school and preschool around the world, taking a more holistic approach. From Waldorf education to Montessori and many others.  All with their own different philosophies and theories in the best ways of educating children. Every single one with their unique way of handling a child. All have many interesting benefits.  The following type of preschool takes it even a step further and is one of a kind.Screen Shot 2016-07-18 at 11.40.26 AM

In this video, we follow the story of a boy called Matheus. He got neglected and abused by his mother. His neighbor Joel became the boy’s main caregiver and was very scared in leaving the boy with other people. There is one place though where he trust to leave the Matheus; Continue reading

How The Colors of Your Clothes Reflect Your Personality & State of Mind

We all have a particular style. Some people don’t put much emphasis on appearance, and comfort is what we consider most important. Some people don’t care how comfortable something is so long as they look good in it. To each their own! But what’s interesting, is that regardless of our style and why we like it, we still tend to be drawn to particular colors. 

I shall elaborate. As you’re walking down the road and you see a cute shop selling clothes. What is it that makes your head turn? What will make you stop right in your tracks and walk in that shop? Okay, maybe it’s a 50% off Sale. But regardless, you know the first thing that will really catch your eyes as soon as you walk in that shop will be the colors they have available. You may see a shirt or bathing suit you really like in that shop, but you know you won’t buy it unless they have it in your color.

Why is that?shutterstock_403715995

Well, apparently we humans have a lot of things that influence us subconsciously. We tend to act a certain way or judge things a certain way, based on appearances and our preconceived notions about those appearances.

Most of it is learned through our experiences interacting with society, and society has a whole lot of weird ways that it looks at things.  And, that’s one of many interesting aspects about judgement.

We all do it, whether we realize it or not. Maybe it’s by judging the clerk with the pink hair, or the kid down the road who wears black clothes and nail polish all the time. Even though we may not mean to, and even though we may not do it in a negative way, we are still letting the colors people surround themselves with, influence our thoughts and opinions about that person.

And of course, I’m not going to delve into why people judge others for wearing a particular color. I’m not going to touch that part of the discussion with a 10 foot pole. For now, I’m just going to explain a few colors and how most people tend to react to them on a subconscious level.

The Spectrum Of Our Characters

Red is the color of fire, energy and creative forces. It is a color that grabs the attention, so it is often worn by extroverts and attention seekers.

It can imbue strong passion and a lustful mind, but is also associated with negative emotions such as hate and anger.

People who choose to wear a lot of red are often seen as energetic and imaginative, but they can also be seen as stubborn, domineering or confrontational. Continue reading

5 Universal Traits of An Consciously Confident Person

Confidence isn’t thinking you’re better than anyone – it’s being your true self so fully. It’s living authentically, without apologizing for who you are. When we can combine our power, confidence, with compassion and love – then we become a living light.

It’s inspiring to see someone be so themselves. Embody your true self, be yourself so fully that you inspire those around you to do the same.

They Lift Others Up


When you’re in a state of pure happiness and confidence in who you are, you want to lift others up! You want people to feel as good as you do, because that’s how everyone thrives together.

A lot of the time, people who are feeling low will want you to come down to their level so you can experience it with them.

Confident people don’t need validation through another person experiencing their misery – they want to spread good feelings!

So lift up those around you and they will inevitably do the same for you.

They Demonstrate Their Happiness

When you are genuinely happy with who you are – you live it, you don’t just talk about it. How many people will talk and talk about how happy they are, but never actually embody it?  Continue reading