Great books have the power to reconfigure and manipulate our entire understanding of reality – and our place within it. Whether you’re looking for guidance or are in need of deep contemplative reflection, these top five mind-altering and consciousness-raising books will undoubtedly fulfill your expectations.
In no particular order…
Stumbling on Happiness, by Daniel Gilbert
Daniel Gilbert is a famous Harvard psychologist, specializing in the everyday flaws and biases of the human mind. According to Gilbert, humans are guilty of incorrectly judging others, inaccurate about what makes people happy, and even where you’re happy right here, in this moment.
Throughout the course of the book, Gilbert proves that happiness has little to do with what happens to us in our lives, and more to do with our outlook or our interpretation of things.
The reason? We each have a “psychological immune system,” that is responsible for explaining away our past experiences, future projections, or even current situations to ensure we maintain a baseline and steady level of happiness. It’s when this psychological immune system becomes weak that we fall into depression or experience mental breakdowns.
The True Believer, by Eric Hoffer
Eric Hoffer, by the end of this novel, proves to the reader why we believe in extremist ideologies, fundamentalism and fanaticism. Rather than beating around the bush, Hoffer helps readers understand everything from why they give up their identities for insane causes to how wars and revolutions are brought about and concluded.
This page turner is nothing short of brilliant, helping individuals understand how history came to be – and more importantly – our individual and important role in shaping the future.
Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder, by Nassim Taleb
This book is chock full of life-changing, world-affecting ideas sure to rattle your entire existence and outlook. This may sound like a lofty claim, but within the confines of this book, for instance, Taleb proves: Continue reading