Category Archives: News

How to Grow Your Own Bismuth Crystals at Home

Bismuth is an elemental metal and number 83 on the Periodic Table. It is a brittle metal which is silvery white with a shimmering hue.


Despite often being created in the lab, this awesome rainbow stone is good to help you focus. It’s also an excellent stone for visualization and it helps increase energy levels allowing you to more efficiently deal with overwhelming situations.

Bismuth also helps relieve and resolve feelings of loneliness and helps you adapt with change as it is the stone of transformation.

Bismuth is great for reducing fever, helping to ease degenerative muscle issues and assisting you to recover after a major surgery or injury.

With their expansive colors and interesting formations, Bismuth Crystals are an awesome addition to your rock and mineral collection. In the video below, Taras Kul, the “Crazy Russian Hacker” shows us how to grow our own Bismuth crystals!

Video Via Crazy Russian Hacker

Sources: Laughing Squid | Healing Crystals


Recognizing The Traits of Your Twin Soul – What Are The Signs?

We are constantly traveling on a spiritual journey. Along the way, we meet many people. What happens when we meet that person who literally understands your core?

The feeling of two people sharing the same spiritual journey is something you will not miss. When it happens, your entire universe will shift with the strength and power exerted by the two of you uniting.

Twin souls are souls which have traveled through decades together, they are the reincarnate which has seen and experienced the universe as one. Once they are reunited, amazing things happen.

Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 12.12.59 PM1. There is an instant ‘spark’

There is an actual spark within your soul. It’s unlike chemistry. You will feel the difference when it hits!

Souls recognizing each other is something deeper, even on that very first meeting, you will feel like a reunion is taking place.

2. De-Ja-Vu

In many forms, things will seem familiar. Flashbacks, dreams and de-ja-vu are very common occurrences. Ever had that “I’m sure we’ve done this before” moment with your suspected twin flame? This is completely normal – your soul doesn’t forget it’s previous life experiences and never will. This comes in the form of an immense union of two souls. Continue reading

How Each Sign of the Zodiac Expresses Their Anger

It doesn’t matter who you are. Everyone gets angry from time to time. And when we’re angry, we tend to leave patience, humility and common sense behind, even if only for a moment. Maybe once we realize how we typically respond to things that anger us, we can work on delivering a better response.

So, here are some of the typical things each zodiac sign usually has to work on when it comes to acting out in anger.

Aries-shutterstock_52556017 (1)
Arians are definitely one of the quickest to anger. After all, they are one of the fire signs. They have a burning fire within them and at times you may see bouts of that fire bursting forth in anger. This is their dark side.

They don’t usually start arguments with people, but they certainly know how to end them. At times they can be impatient and volatile, especially when pushed past their limits or when they are forced to deal with something before they believe they are ready.

But, as quick as they are to anger, they are usually just as quick to calm down and even forgive those who angered them in the first place. They are one of the signs most capable of ‘forgiving and forgetting’.

Taureans are usually quite fair tempered creatures. They tend to be very slow to anger. But when they do get angry, you had better watch out! Disloyalty, inequality, betrayal, those are the sort of things that really get on their nerves. Other than that, most Taureans don’t want to waste their time and energy on getting angry. Continue reading

The Color Wheel of Love: The 7 Fundamental Types of Loving

When you think of love, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

Most people will answer romantic love. The love we all hope to find, the happy ending to every love story when watching movies or reading books. Of course, when you take another second, the love you feel for a family member will come to mind next.

Does love in general come from the same source, or can we categorize different kinds of love? And which factor leads to which kind of love?

Psychologist John Allen Lee used several Greek words for love to portray the different kinds we come across. In his book “The colors of love: An exploration of ways of loving”, he differentiates between primary and secondary types of love and explains the differences.

The color wheel of love

By John Allen Lee

Primary types of love

Within this category of primary types of love, we will find three kinds of love. These are the base for the secondary types. You could compare this module to the three basic colors (yellow, blue and red), when combined in different ways, the rest of the colors come out as a result. Continue reading

What Does Your Birth Month Reveal About Your Personality?

We always seem to give credit to zodiac signs when it comes to defining one’s personality. Did you know that your birth month also plays a huge role? There’s actual science behind this fact!

“People born within a particular month tend to share personality traits.” – Mark Hamilton, a social scientist in the Communication Department at the University of Connecticut.

He conducted a study where more than 300 celebrities were assessed, all from varying fields. One thing he fond most common was their birth months and their similarities based thereon.

Another interesting fact? Many schizophrenia sufferers are born in the colder winter months.

Click on your flip card below to find out a bit more:


10 Surprising Things You Didn’t Know About The Famed Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla, seen here at age 34 in 1890

Did you celebrate Nikola Tesla’s birthday on July 10th? Thousands of people around the world showed their respect and admiration on what was the 160th anniversary of his birth.

He may have died 73 years ago, but he is still loved by millions of people worldwide to this day, for all the achievements and sacrifices he made in order to assist humanity during his lifetime.

For those who may not know, Nikola Tesla was an inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, humanitarian and philanthropist, as well as a historian and futurist. He was also highly eccentric, clairvoyant (to a degree) and slightly introverted, among many, many other things.

I think most people following Spirit Science already know about Tesla and his many achievements. I’m sure you’re already pretty aware of what we would be missing today if Tesla hadn’t been born. (x-rays, radios, remotes, lasers, computers, wireless communication, etc).

So, I’m not going to mention the usual Tesla facts that are always floating around. These are 10 more ‘obscure’ yet highly interesting facts pertaining to our favorite inventor!

# 1 –  Tesla had a near-death experience – twice
The first time happened when he was swimming with his friends in a river, near his hometown in Croatia and nearly drowned.

The second time was earlier in his career, while conducting research on one of his first tesla coils. During the experiment, Tesla was hit with a blast of 3.5 million volts of electricity. He was working with 60-foot lightning bolts, got the shock of his life and barely survived.

shutterstock_401120011When he regained consciousness, he claimed to have entered a state of timelessness where he could see the past, the future and the present all at once. Even though he felt analyzed throughout the entire experience, he said he had moved throughout time and space. Continue reading