Jungian Analysis is far more than dream interpretation. Many people believe that dreams offer insight into our inner selves that we may otherwise be unaware of. Dreams are typically expressed in the mythopoetic language of the psyche.
It is said that dreams are symbolic expressions of the deep meaning, needs, and desires of the Self. The most insignificant dreams can often provide the most valuable insight. A single dream can express several truths at once, and can refer to several aspects of our lives through the same images or symbols.
Step One: Associations
Associations are the personal experiences an individual associates with a particular symbol or dream image.
Often people will say this means that, or I dreamt this because XYZ happened during the day.
This may sometimes be true. But it is not always true. It is important to look at the associations you have to any symbol or image in order to obtain its meaning in the context of your dream.
Step Two: Amplification
Amplifications are communally agreed upon characteristics of images, objects, people and animals. You could say that these associations are based upon shared human experiences expressed through books, films, science, religion, mythology and fairy tales. Symbols are images or representations from the unconscious that are not completely understood. Continue reading