Category Archives: News

7 Steps To Understanding What Your Dreams Reveal About Your Deep Psyche

Jungian Analysis is far more than dream interpretation. Many people believe that dreams offer insight into our inner selves that we may otherwise be unaware of. Dreams are typically expressed in the mythopoetic language of the psyche.

It is said that dreams are symbolic expressions of the deep meaning, needs, and desires of the Self. The most insignificant dreams can often provide the most valuable insight. A single dream can express several truths at once, and can refer to several aspects of our lives through the same images or symbols.

Step One: Associations

shutterstock_312289421Associations are the personal experiences an individual associates with a particular symbol or dream image.

Often people will say this means that, or I dreamt this because XYZ happened during the day.

This may sometimes be true. But it is not always true. It is important to look at the associations you have to any symbol or image in order to obtain its meaning in the context of your dream.

Step Two: Amplification

Amplifications are communally agreed upon characteristics of images, objects, people and animals. You could say that these associations are based upon shared human experiences expressed through books, films, science, religion, mythology and shutterstock_420305578fairy­ tales. Symbols are images or representations from the unconscious that are not completely understood. Continue reading

You Should be Angry About the High Levels of Fluoride Added to Your Water; Here’s Why:

Water fluoridation, the controlled addition of fluoride to public water supplies, is an effort to prevent and reduce tooth decay. However, contrary to popular belief, the evidence that fluoridation or swallowing fluoride reduces tooth decay is weak and largely inconclusive. While fluoride advocates claim that fluoride leads to a reduction in tooth decay, this has yet to be definitively proved.


In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), America currently fluoridates two ­thirds of their public water supply, and consistently experiences higher rates of tooth decay compared to those with that don’t fluoridate their water, like Sweden.

Beyond tooth issues fluoride has consistently proven to be an endocrine disruptor that can affect your bones, thyroid gland, brain and blood sugars.

Importantly, fluoride is a not a nutrient; no human biological proves needs fluoride. This is dangerous. The reason? Once fluoride is added to the water supply, it is impossible to control its dosage, meaning that the dosage is universal, regardless of age, health or weight. Beyond issues of human health and dosage, the fluoridation of public water supplies violates individual rights to informed consent to medical and human treatment is troubling.

shutterstock_280738958The debate over fluoride is ongoing, and despite the fact that studies consistently prove the dangers of fluoride toxicity, there remains a lack of widespread awareness on its health risks. Continue reading

The Science of Clouds: How to Tell What Weather is Coming Your Way Based on The Sky

Let’s face it, when we want to know what to wear we flip on the TV, or swipe open our phones and check the latest weather update. Predicting weather through cloud formations is pretty much a lost art. I’m sure we have all looked at the sky at one point or another and found a fluffy bunny rabbit, or unicorn, but have you ever looked behind their shape?

Not many of us do. In fact, not many of us can differentiate between types of clouds, which could help us predict the coming forecast. Fortunately, being able to predict the weather is easier than one may think. Take a look at the categorizations below for some information to get you started.


Clouds can easily be broken into four categories; high clouds, middle clouds, low clouds and clouds with vertical growth.

Clouds are also identified by shape. Not so much ice cream cones, or dinosaurs, but more so a heap of clouds often referred to as cumulus clouds. Stratus refers to clouds that are long and streaky.

And nimbus refers to the shape of “rain” because we all know what rain looks like.

High clouds

shutterstock_193491221High clouds form at 16,000 – 43,000 feet. They are the clouds that you encounter on the top of really high mountains, or on an airplane.

Due to the extreme conditions at which they form, they tend to be comprised primarily of ice crystals. High clouds do not block sunlight. High clouds include: Continue reading

5 Ancient Survival Techniques Our Ancestors Used That Everyone Should Know

As we have evolved as a species, so has our understanding of the world around us, and our relationship to it. Through building cities, and developing technologies that can tell us where we are, look up any piece of information, or connect us to another person, all in an instant, our brains have learned to process information completely differently to how they used to.

shutterstock_391535467Our ancient ancestors used the land around them to survive, they communicated with the Earth, looking for signs to lead them to the tools necessary for furthering their survival. These signs continue to exist today, but our sensitivity to them has dulled, we have forgotten what to look for, sometimes even where logic dictates.

Here, we look at four core survival priorities and how, millennia ago, our ancestors secured each of them, ensuring survival. They are listed in order of importance, which is your first survival lesson: shelter, water, fire, food. By properly prioritizing your needs, you increase your chances of survival.

Just as early humans listened to their predecessors, learning from their stories and experiences, we can now learn from them how best to harness nature’s power and improve our chances of survival, should we ever find ourselves stranded in the wilderness.


Screen Shot 2016-07-08 at 1.56.26 PMShelter is the most important of the four core survival essentials. Exposure can kill you much faster than dehydration or hunger; hypothermia can kill in just hours, whereas dehydration takes a few days. It is an animal instinct to seek shelter, and early humans would build bases in locations dependent on a variety of factors. Continue reading

Secrets Within The Flames: What Pyromancy can Reveal About Your Future

Fortune telling by looking into a fire, known as pyromancy, has been long celebrated as an effective and enlightening psychic reading method. Used to make important decisions pertaining to love, life and health, Pyromancy is the art and practice of divination by fire.

Practiced since the Neolithic times – potentially dating back as far as fire’s advent – pyromancy uses the interpretation of color, shape, and intensity to predict future events.

While pyromancy is traditionally performed by experts to interpret deeper connotations and meanings embedded in the flames and smoke to make logic of it, thanks to these four renowned methods, you can effectively read divinations in the comforts of your home.

Submit yourself to the process, allowing images and symbols to come to you in an appropriate time. Never rush yourself; effusively submerge into pyromancy in order to reap its benefits. Only when you ask genuine questions and believe in the power of this psychic reading will you reach certain ends.


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For candle readings, it is important to perform the ritual in a room not usually subject to drafts or gusts of wind. In addition, readings are more effective during the night in dim lighting with white candles. Continue reading

How To Cleanse your Kidney With This Delicious Watermelon Seed Tea

Instead of throwing away your watermelon seeds this summer save them and try this healing tea! While some people will just swallow their watermelon due to laziness or just wanting to add some fiber to their diet there is actually a better way to pull out a lot of healing benefits from these little seeds.


Watermelon seeds have awesome antioxidant properties that can reduce aging, are rich in citrulline, helps again parasites, inflammation, and jaundice.

If you are dealing with high blood pressure and need something to help dilate the blood vessels then you should try watermelon seeds.

All you need to do is gather the seeds up, cook or roast them and then grind them up to extract their incredible healing power.

For around 100 years watermelon seeds have been seen by American scientists as a good treatment for kidney diseases and even urinary tract infections.

When you turn it into a tea, though, it can be a great diuretic to reduce water retention and aid the kidneys in cleansing your system. Continue reading