Category Archives: News

20 Edible Garden Flowers: Their Unique Flavors & Their Health Benefits

The next time you want to show off a little flair in the kitchen, or impress your friends and family with a little extra beauty in your dessert, you may not have to look much further than your own garden at home. 

Humans have always been foragers, so we’ve been eating flowers and using them for medicinal purposes for longer than we’ve been recording our history. Some have been used in herbal medicine and culinary classics that have been eaten for many thousands of years, dating all the way back to ancient Rome, Greece, China, India and the Middle East. Most ancient civilizations used flowers quite commonly in their traditional cooking. such as squash flowers in mediterranean food, and roses in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine.

In this article we’re going to show you some examples of the most common edible flowers, the best ways to use them, and even how they can give your health a little boost. Keep in mind, edible flowers can be found all over the world. Some may be found just about everywhere, while some may be endemic (found nowhere else) to your local area.

A good example of this, are the Waterblommetjie Flowers (pronounced “Water-bloom-ekee”) that are only found in the Western Cape region of South African and are cooked in traditional South African stews. (I’ve tried them before and they taste absolutely incredible!) That’s why it’s always good to look around and do a little research.  There are thousands of edible flowers in the world. You never know what rare delicacies you may find growing nearby!

Just a few important things to consider. First, make sure you don’t eat any plants you aren’t 100% sure of. Many plants can look similar, and may actually be poisonous. And also, it’s not a good idea to eat flowers from florists and nurseries, or in parks and other areas where they may have been sprayed with chemicals. It’s always safest to eat flowers you’ve grown yourself.

1 – Marigoldsshutterstock_316806677 (1)
Marigolds are a great flower for eating in salads.

They are very versatile and can add a bit of spicy-tangy-peppery flavor to just about any dish, raw or cooked. The smell they give off is also a great pest deterrent.

Good to keep in mind for BBQ’s and picnics! Marigolds are also highly prized for their medicinal capabilities. They have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

2 – Carnation Petals
Yep, the same flower you see in those floral arrangements all the time. The petals taste sweet, once you trim them away from the bitterness of their base.

They have a sweet, delicate, perfumed taste, that is almost exactly how they smell. They are often used in candy, cake and wine. Continue reading

The Energy Cleansing & Magnesium Boosting Health Benefits of Epson Salt Baths

As I soaked in an Epson salt bath this morning, going over different ideas for articles to write, I thought; huh, I should probably do an article on the benefits of these baths!

So, let’s really go to the core before starting.

When you get down to it, everything in our physical reality is fundamentally made of energy. Tiny geometric structures form everything from the design of the cosmos down to a blade of grass. The “energy” of water is clearing and cleansing to us, especially when we are open to receiving it. shutterstock_217900003

Epson salt baths are filled with magnesium, a mineral that has significantly dropped during the last half of the century due to diet and agricultural changes.

Magnesium helps regulate over a staggering 325 enzymes and organizes our bodily functions. It helps with anything from muscle control to removing harmful toxins from our body.

Epsom salt, also known as hydrated magnesium sulfate, is rich in magnesium and sulfate. While taking supplements can only be absorbed through the stomach a little bit, soaking in this stuff can really increase your magnesium levels.

Studies show sitting in a bath with this mineral lets it easily be absorbed through the skin and boost magnesium levels.  Sulfates play an important role in creating brain tissue and projecting our joints.  Continue reading

The Fundamental Differences Between Your Ego And Your Soul

Do you know the difference between your Soul, and your Ego? The moment you do, it can be a huge transformation!

Your ego is the mask you wear, the false image you have of yourself and your labels and position in society.

Your Soul is the true you, the you behind the mask and labels, your spirit and essence. It cannot change as your soul is the you, you are born as.


When your ego is in charge you find yourself repetitively thinking and doing. You negative emotions consume you and you seek outside validation. Inside your mind you constantly think about the things you are failing at, you have much self-doubt and self-criticism.

You feel that you are only as good as what you have, like money or your job, and what other people think matters more than anything. If anyone says something that hurts your ego you are easily bruised.

You cannot handle any outside criticism. We all need our ego and it has a purpose, but don’t allow it to rule and run your life. It’s not the real you. Continue reading

The Science Behind An Introverts Brain: What Makes Them Introverted?

Introverts would rather stay home than attend that party and be surrounded by loud people, they would far rather have a nice soak in the tub or read a book and have no fear of missing out!

Thanks to the internet most of us already know if we fall into the introvert category, but, did you know that introverts brains are physically different to their extroverted counterparts? These differences are why introverted people choose to be alone or in quiet environments rather than in loud crowded spaces with vast amounts of energy.

In the 1920’s, Carl Jung came up with the introvert and extrovert terms to help differentiate between personality types and how people energize in different ways. He explained that while the extroverted person gains energy from being in social environments, Introverted people felt more energized by being alone or in a quiet surrounding.

Extroverts feel anxious when alone while Introverts are overstimulated by demanding and busy environments.

While it is very common to move up and down the Introvert/Extrovert spectrum, most people tend to prefer one over the other.


One of the biggest brain differences between the 2 personality types is their reaction to dopamine, which is the chemical that is released into the brain, it has many functions and one of them is mediating pleasure and the reason we seek our external reward and pleasurable activity. Continue reading

Ancient Wisdom: Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching – 3rd Verse Explained

Tao the Ching translates to The Classic Book of The Supreme Reality and its Perfect Manifestation, or The Book of the Way of Virtue. It contains deep wisdom in condensed form.

This short book – written by Chinese Sage Lao Tzu in the 6th century B. C. – is an ancient attempt to point us towards Truth.

Read my explanations of the 1st and 2nd verse here (1st), and here (2nd).


Putting a value on status
will cause people to compete
Hoarding treasure
will turn them into thieves
Showing off possessions
will disturb their daily lives

Thus the Sage rules
by stilling minds and opening hearts
by filling bellies and strengthening bones
He shows people how to be simple Continue reading

How To Transform Dance Into A Conscious, Life-Changing Practice

I remember a time when I felt lost and didn’t even realize it. In such a time, freestyle dancing became a blessing, a means of guidance. It was through expressive dance that I began to reconnect with my desires, my likes, my dislikes, my own unique movement and my voice.

Dance became a way to express myself when words didn’t exist or failed. It became a way to be completely honest with a Greater Power in the universe, and with myself.

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As I grew older, I began to learn of how I wasn’t alone in recognizing this energy and power of dance. Many other women and men freestyle danced for similar ecstasy, satisfaction, and personal growth.

Throughout time, people throughout the world have recognized this mystical power of dance and its ability to guide you to a different level of existence. The truth is, anyone can dance.

Body-Soul Connection

What is the soul? Is it not the part of us that recognizes our individual and collective presence in this world? The part of us that recognizes how our time on this planet is limited? The part of us that seeks to become aware of our place amongst people, this planet, this universe?

Is it not the parts of us that encourage us to be fearless in our search for, or journey of, truth and authenticity, while being compassionate and respectful of others? Do we not all seek to make peaceful, inspiring, sometimes ground-shaking meaning out of our lives?

Dance can become a vehicle for all that. It may not be the only tool or practice in our journey, but it can be one that has the ability to ground us, bring us back to our hearts, and help us recognize our own soul’s voice. Many spiritual paths and religions teach to look at the body as a temple. Continue reading