Category Archives: News

5 Practical Ways To Calm An Overthinking Mind

Most of us consider ourselves to be ‘positive people.’ Or, at least, we try to be as often as we can. Sometimes though, our thoughts get the better of us.

Thinking about a problem can cause an overabundance of other thoughts to follow, causing an endless spiral of overthinking. Our thoughts have power- if you think too much about something, it can cause unnecessary stress and even make you feel like you are losing your mind.

“The more you overthink the less you will understand.” – Habeeb Akande

That quote holds a lot of truth. How many times have you not been thinking about something, when suddenly, out of nowhere, the answer comes to you?shutterstock_439214008

It happens to me all the time. When we think about something that happened, and we try to analyze it, we sometimes create problems that weren’t even there in the first place.

Overthinking can cause serious problems in your relationships and with your mental health. Here are 5  ways to calm an overthinking mind:

1. Don’t blame yourself.
A common pattern with overthinkers is that they tend to blame themselves when things go wrong. They observe a situation and pick it apart, trying to find what they could have done differently. Continue reading

Pluto Has A Massive Subterranean Ocean Under It’s Crust

Well, this is interesting.

We wrote an article on this a few years ago, but no one seemed to care or believe us! The reaction for that article was pretty lackluster, well now this news has spread to mainstream science sites.

Back in 2006 poor Pluto got demoted back to a non-planet status, and now the little rock in space is stirring up more interest.shutterstock_405432865

It looks like it does in fact have it’s own subterranean ocean under it’s frozen crust.

The question it raises is, how could a planet that’s almost 4 billion miles away from the sun not be completely frozen? How does it contain water that doesn’t instantly freeze up in the vacuum of space?

Last July, NASA noticed shifting tectonic activity that could only be explained by an underground ocean splashing around.

Now, scientists are realizing that it needs a bit of water underneath the surface to allow for some movement.

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Forest Kindergarten: The School That Teaches Kids Survival Skills

This kindergarten is amazing!

The word kindergarten actually comes from mid 19th century German, literally meaning ‘children’s garden.’ This school really puts that meaning into action!

This is an incredible, productive and extremely realistic way to teach children. There is still an equal importance in intellectual and academic way of learning. Opening a book, exploring concepts and our imaginations is crucial to our mental development.

But when we force children to sit in a room, repeat information and create intense expectations, we end up with a lot of overworked, stressed out kids. There is a balance between the books and wildlife, and it’s not difficult to mix them!

This school seems to create a sense of joy in the children. As it is still only kindergarten, there is more of a focus on the outside than academia. If we could create schools that keep the importance on both sides of the coin, we would create a fundamentally different world.

These kids are learning basic survival skills, how to navigate and exist in nature – something so important, yet many of us have forgotten. They are connecting to the earth at a young age, and doing it in the most practical way.

If You Still Eat Nutella, You Should Read This:

Oh, nutella. 

Who didn’t love this stuff as a kid? Back in the good ol’ days when reading labels wasn’t a concern. If you’re still regularly consuming this stuff, it’s time to look deeper into this chocolatey vortex.

Most people are unaware that Nutella contains monosodium glutamate, or MSG. It’s also called E621, sounds delicious right? One of the main problems aside from this ingredient being present, is the purposeful attempt to hide it’s name.

These companies spend big money trying to carefully conceal these words from the public eye; it’s clear our health isn’t their first priority.shutterstock_363606293

Every Nutella jar is labeled with an artificial flavor called vanillin which is actually MSG. It also contains a toxic GMO emulsifier called soy lecithin. These are definitely things we don’t want to be putting in our body, and this company knows that quite well.

There is also palm oil in Nutella which, the extraction of, causes major harm to forests and wildlife in the world.

Nutella originally started as a small company in Italy in the year 1964. According to their site now, their ingredients list seems short and sweet. They claim their product doesn’t contain any artificial colors and adds no artificial preservatives.

So how true is this? Continue reading

What The Year 2000 Would Look Like According to Postcards From The 1900’s

We’ve heard of fortune tellers, scientists and philosophers. Many through history have tried to correctly predict what the future holds for us all. A certain candy company – Hildebrand’s, a then leading German chocolate company, depicted their ideas on a set of cards of what the year 2000 would look like.

This was dubbed “The Sweet Life”.


Capable of crossing the sea and then driving on land, transportation has never been easier.


It’s a bit embarrassing that personal flying machines have not yet become a thing. How easy would it have been for us to reach our destination if we could simply skip the traffic!


Craving a change of scenery? Simply move your house!

1900-postcards-moving-pavement Continue reading

How Camping Resets Your Internal Clock And Improves Your Productivity

Many people have become slaves to their modern jobs, creating a vicious cycle.

Especially when you find no passion in the work you are doing and your main motivation being money, as you need to put food on the table.

Every day more people are getting burnt out, productivity is going down the drain and it seems that the only light at the end of the tunnel is a retirement plan.shutterstock_295064669

What if you could find a way to completely get out of this system, even if it’s for a short period of time? It can boost your mental state and improve your productivity, science has shown.

Go back to basics, retreat to nature, leave everything behind and go camping! Not only is this form of vacation entertaining for you and your family, it will let you get back in touch with the world around you. It functions as reset button to get you all fueled up again.

Reprogram your daily routine


“For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” – Steve Jobs Continue reading