Category Archives: News

Tapping Into Angelic Energies: How to Connect With Your Guardian Angel

When I was eight years old, I was playing with the suction cup at the end of my toothbrush. I tested which surfaces it would stick to, the door, the windows, the walls, anything I saw. I demonstrated this awe-inspiring find for my father by attaching the toothbrush to the mirror hung in the hallway. I did not expect what would happen next.

When I tried to pull the toothbrush off the mirror, the mirror fell with it! I squeezed my eyes shut, terrified for the impact. There was a thunderous crash, and I tentatively opened my eyes. I was to the side, next to my father, not where I was standing before. But I hadn’t moved! Glass shards were littered on the ground, and the toothbrush was still in my hand.

I can only speculate what could’ve happened to my brain if that heavy mirror would’ve shattered on my head. Miraculously, there wasn’t a scratch on me. Moments like these are impossible to explain logically. Even my eight-year-old-self understood there must be angels protecting me.

You Have A Guardian Angel

Everyone has a guardian angel.

Even if you don’t believe you are deserving of its conservation, it is there to help you.

This angel was with you since your birth, and will be there to transition you the next world.

It stays with you always with unconditional love, ensuring you are safe and guided.

Visionaries view this being’s aura as being bright white. (1)

It’s important to be in tune with your inner prompting to do the right thing.

They could be your guardian angel guiding you to your correct path in life. Continue reading

Unlocking Your Inherent Psychic Ability: Tips For Those Just Awakening

Everyone has inherent psychic ability. One of the first steps to unlocking this potential is actually believing that it’s possible. We are so much more powerful than we realize, and if you truly believe something is impossible, then in your reality, it will be. There is an infinite universe of abstract and impossible creations beyond our physical realm.

If this 3D life was all that was possible in our universe, how unbelievably boring it would be. 

Tips for Beginner Psychics

There are multiple types of psychic abilities to be understood, but for the purpose of beginners we’ll focus on the three most popular: clairaudience is the perception of things through hearing, clairsentience is perception through intuition or feelings and clairvoyance is visualizing things or events in the future or not within reach of normal human contact.

Here are some exercises to try out yourself:


  1. Start by listening to everything around you at once, soak it all in
  2. Next, focus on distinct and individual sounds. Listen for birds chirping, tress leaves blowing, distant planes, etc.
  3. Eventually you will notice an increase in what you are aware of around you so practice any chance you get!

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“Superhenge” Excavation Reveals Big Surprise: Is Stonehenge Larger Than We Thought?

Last year, researchers from the Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project were mapping the underground area of Stonehenge when they stumbled upon a secret anomaly. They thought they had found an even bigger stone monolith site, up to five times the size, that they nicknamed ‘Superhenge’. After beginning the excavation recently however, what they found was completely unexpected.

Ancient Secrets

About 2 miles northeast of Stonehenge beneath Durrington Walls, once home to the Neolithic builders of Stonehenge, researchers believed they’d found over 100 stone monoliths buried.


It actually turned out to be a collection of 5 foot deep pits deliberately filled with blocks of chalk that at one point held 20 foot tall wooden timber posts.

It is believed to be part of a circular monument built 4,500 years ago to memorialize the Stonehenge builders, but further study reveals the project was never finished and the timbers were removed. The monument was replaced and covered with an enormous circular bank of dirt around a mile long that’s still there today.

So why did they suddenly stop? The archaeologist’s predict it could possibly be due to a sudden religious, political, or even cultural change as it was around the beginning of the Bronze Age and the arrival of a new tradition known as Beaker culture.

Adding to the Mystery

The use of wood for this monument also intrigued the researchers since now aside from just Woodhenge, a monument of 168 timber posts that resemble Stonehenge, they can confirm that there must have been a significance for when the ancient pagans used stone and when they used wood.


“One of our project leads, Professor Mike Parker Pearson, is of the view that wood is connected with the living and stone with the dead or ancestors” Says Dr. Nick Snashall, an archaeologist with Britain’s National Trust, “That would make sense in this context as immediately before the putting up of the timber posts this site had been an enormous settlement—the evidence suggests for the builders of Continue reading

The Most Sacred Mandala: Understanding The Meaning of The Tibetan Kalachakra Mandala

We all love mandalas and when we draw one it essentially becomes us. Mandalas have been used in many ancient cultures as a process of connecting with the divine. The most common mandalas are drawn with repeating shapes and symbols while other mandalas hold imagery and each image is a representation of something else. No matter what the mandala contains it is used as a form of meditation, which also a form of connecting with the divine source.

In this article, we are going to take a look at the Tibetan Kalachakra mandala, otherwise known as, The wheel of time. This mandala is the most sacred to the Tibetans as it takes everything into account such as, the human mind and body, the whole external aspect – as well as cosmic and astrological. The Tibetans believe that it is possible to achieve enlightenment in this lifetime if one observes studies and then later produces the mandala.

The Tibetan culture firmly believes in the healing power of this mandala. “We firmly believe in its power to reduce conflict and we believe its capable of creating peace, peace of the spirit and therefore of the mind.” – Tenin Gyatso, the fourteenth Dalai Lama, 1993

When I first came across this intricate mandala it was because I wanted to get ideas for a mandala that had a similar shape. Little did I know, I was about to be let into a whole new world of exploring my mind, body, spirit.


The Kalachakra is known as a ‘divine’ palace, with five levels which are represented by 5 squares imposed onto one another.  Within this “divine palace” there are 722 deities and right at its center is Buddha, sitting on a lotus flower. Continue reading

9/11: The 15 Year Anniversary & the Occult Astrology Behind It

Astrologer Laura Walker of has written another eye-opening astrological report that delves into the geo-political (and much more) event of 9/11/01  and has shown us now that the 15 year anniversary which is upon is, is highly significant.


The 15th Anniversary of the terror attacks and trauma response of 9/11 is upon us, offering the degrading globalist monstrosity a chance for a life line if they can reproduce fear.

The Illuminati minions of the Archons use astrology to time false flag operations for the maximum impact of any goal.  On September 11, 2016, certain astrological aspects at the time of September 11, 2001, reactivate.  This offers the Illuminati an opportunity to attempt to capitalize on the energetic imprints of the past, and thus reassert control.

Many of the Illuminati refuse to accept that the old ways no longer work, and thus are highly tempted by a repeat in the “archetypal field of consciousness” that astrology describes (decodes).

The highest levels of the cabal use astrology and knowledge of the cycles of time to time their moves against humanity.  In this way, they have been Time Bandits, manipulating psyches through the induction of trauma — fear.

A system in collapse would try to reassert control using the same old methods, attempting to revive the past.  This indicates a deep level of denial.

This weekend, on the 15th Anniversary of 9-11, certain planets are re-activating the astrology from the day of the attacks:

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The Importance of Bees: Why It Really Matters That So Many Are Dying

Bees, whether we know it or not, are responsible for many of the foods we eat, and of course,  honey! Without bees our crops would die and mankind will be plunged into despair.

Bees are flying insects that pollinate our crops and flowers. They are life givers and sustainers of life. There are over 20 000 different species of bee, each one unique and important to our eco-system.

Bees are responsible for ‘fertilizing’ our crops, which in turn are eaten by livestock which we then eat, assuming you’re a meat eater. Needless to say, if bees are removed from the picture, humanity and planet earth are doomed.

For instance, for every (approximately 100) fruit trees, one bee hive is needed for pollination. Without that bee hive the fruit trees will not grow. Studies have shown that fruit trees regularly visited by bees produce perfectly shaped fruits in compassion to trees rarely visited by bees, which produce deformed, discolored fruits.  This a list of just some of the fruit and veg that rely on bees;


cauliflower, cabbage, garlic, blueberries, pumpkins, plumbs, onions, cherries, cucumbers and many more.

One of the most interesting things about bees is that they are able to get disease, and just like us and many other animals, they also feel stress. Continue reading