Category Archives: Pair O’ Dime Shift

9/11: The 15 Year Anniversary & the Occult Astrology Behind It

Astrologer Laura Walker of has written another eye-opening astrological report that delves into the geo-political (and much more) event of 9/11/01  and has shown us now that the 15 year anniversary which is upon is, is highly significant.


The 15th Anniversary of the terror attacks and trauma response of 9/11 is upon us, offering the degrading globalist monstrosity a chance for a life line if they can reproduce fear.

The Illuminati minions of the Archons use astrology to time false flag operations for the maximum impact of any goal.  On September 11, 2016, certain astrological aspects at the time of September 11, 2001, reactivate.  This offers the Illuminati an opportunity to attempt to capitalize on the energetic imprints of the past, and thus reassert control.

Many of the Illuminati refuse to accept that the old ways no longer work, and thus are highly tempted by a repeat in the “archetypal field of consciousness” that astrology describes (decodes).

The highest levels of the cabal use astrology and knowledge of the cycles of time to time their moves against humanity.  In this way, they have been Time Bandits, manipulating psyches through the induction of trauma — fear.

A system in collapse would try to reassert control using the same old methods, attempting to revive the past.  This indicates a deep level of denial.

This weekend, on the 15th Anniversary of 9-11, certain planets are re-activating the astrology from the day of the attacks:

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Another Famous Holistic Doctor Has Passed Over

Alfred Bowman, also known as Dr. Sebi, has passed over in Honduras. Though it may have indeed been an intentional murder to silence this great healer of holistic medicine, what I wish to focus on is Dr. Sebi’s accomplishments so that his knowledge spreads to even more people on how to take health and healing into one’s own hands.


Takes On The FDA and Wins

In 1985 Dr. Sebi placed an ad in three different newspapers which read:

“Aids has been cured by the Usha Research Institute, and we specialize in cures for Sickle Cell, Lupus, Blindness, Herpes, Cancer and others.”

The ad was running still 2 years later until the New York Attorney General served Dr. Sebi with an arrest warrant. In court, Dr. Sebi was charged with practicing medicine without a license, selling products not approved by the FDA,  and claiming to cure AIDS and other diseases, which was seen by the court as a fraudulent claim.

Dr. Sebi was asked to bring one person to court as proof for every disease he claimed to cure. He ended up bringing in over 70 patients as his living proof and Dr. Sebi was dismissed after the judge spoke more in-depth with Sebi and the patients.


Dr. Sebi’s Philosophy and Methods

Dr. Sebi, a pathologist, herbalist, biochemist and naturalist, believed that the root of all disease was excessive mucous–that the mucous was the effect of an out of balance biochemical state within the body. Continue reading

Liberating Syria’s Ancient Pentagram Vortex & It’s Geopolitical Effects


The Syrian vortex includes Allepo, Homs, Raqqa, Manbij and Palmyra.

Liberating the Syrian pentagram is the talk of many right now within the esoteric fields of study as well as those involved in covert geopolitical action. It is with no doubt that much of Washington D.C.’s effort and focus right now is and has been for the past 4 years specifically to forcefully overthrow the sovereign and democratically elected regime of Bashar al-Assad.

It is easy to understand the reasoning for this in a geopolitical sense, as Syria is pivotal in the control for Middle Eastern oil and natural gas. On a deeper, more occult level, Syria has special importance on a global level.

First though, let’s look at the political and financial importance of Syria.

In 2009, two pipelines were proposed: 

One that started in Qatar and went through Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq then on to Turkey [then to Europe]. The second proposed pipeline was to go through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Turkey [then also on to Europe]. Saudi Arabia said no to the first and Syria said no to the second.

This “no” from Assad in Syria was certainly done to protect his Russian ally, as well as to protect himself from being overthrown. The reason that Russia has a strong interest in protecting the Assad regime is that Assad is stopping natural gas from flowing from the Persian Gulf to Europe. And since Europe is dependent on and the biggest customer of Russia’s natural gas (from the Gazprom company which holds the world’s largest supply of natural gas), it is important financially and politically for Europe to remain that way, in the view of Russia.

Also, Turkey is Russia’s second biggest recipient of natural gas. For the banking and political cabal (who controls the U.S., Qatar and Saudi Arabia and many more), it has been a goal to move away from Russian natural gas dependence for all of Europe and Turkey as a way to substantially cripple the Russian economy and political influence.

A year after Assad said no to the Qatar, Saudi Pipeline, he called for a pipeline running from Iran (who has the world’s second largest supply of natural gas, behind Russia) through Iraq and into Syria, which then could begin supplying Europe as well. This move was supported by Russia, Iran and Iraq, which now makes up a growing alliance throughout the Middle East.

iran-iraq-syria-pipelineThis pipeline would give Russia and Iran dominance over global and especially European natural gas supply. Moreover, this pipeline would bypass Turkey; something the Turkish government did not like and began helping to create and fund ISIL, as Russia openly exposed in December of 2015. Remember, one of the biggest reasons various forces created and funded ISIL has been to destabilize Syria and overthrow the Assad regime, which would completely alter the geopolitical and financial playing field.

Soon after Assad proposed this new Iran-Iraq-Syrian pipeline, was when the “civil war” broke out and ISIL began creating havoc.

Fast forward to August of 2016 and we see the Assad regime still in power and Europe and Turkey still reliant upon Russian gas. In fact, just a couple days ago on August 12th, 2016 the entire game has shifted in a massive way when Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited St. Petersburg, Russia to hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Erdogan stunned the world by saying that it would benefit both Russia and Turkey to stop trading in U.S. Dollars and begin using the local Russian (Rubles ) and Turkish (Lira) currencies. Turkey also said on the 11th of August that NATO may one day soon lose Turkey as a member. 

The importance of Turkish and Russian cooperation as a way to take down the banking/political cabal (who controls the U.S., The E.U. and the United Nations, as well many other countries and organizations) cannot be underestimated. Zerohedge sums up the latest move nicely:

“Needless to say, such a bilateral agreement would further infuriate Turkey’s European “friends”, permanently halting Turkish accession into the customs union, in accordance with Austria’s recent demands, and would in turn lead to a dissolution of the refugee agreement that is still keeping millions in refugees away from Europe in general and Germany, and Merkel’s plunging popularity ratings, in particular. Which, incidentally, means that not only Erdogan, but now also Putin, holds key leverage over the career of Europe’s most important politician.[Angela Merkel]”



The Syrian Pentagram Goddess Vortex

Though the political and financial events are fascinating to observe, if we look closer at the spiritual significance of Syria, we see something interesting playing out as well.

The control for Syria is also for control over one of the planets strongest goddess energy vortex sites. According  to this researcher:

“The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the planetary energy grid. Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy leyline system on the planetary surface. Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness of humanity.

The Syrian energy vortex is actually a pentagram. In the hands of the Light forces, this pentagram is an instrument of good that can transform the whole Middle East and can be a huge transmitter of positive feminine energy. In the hands of the dark, this pentagram can create much suffering, as people in Syria have experienced in the last few years. All five points of Syria pentagram are key towns in Syria that had a strong connection with the Goddess energy in their rich past. “
The five cities include Homs, Allepo, Raqqa, Palmyra and Manbij.


Allepo is a city with a very strong goddess presence.

Homs was the birthplace of Julia Domna, who was a Roman empress who sought to bring wisdom to the Roman courts and people.

Palmyra is the birthplace of Zenobia, the queen who lead the revolt against the oppressive Roman empire.

Manbij is the central worship location of the Syrian goddess of fertility Atargatis.

Raqqa is where the Halaf culture began. In the picture above and below is a Halafian pottery symbol which is said to activate sacred geometrical codes of divine goddess presence and energy to remove negativity and darkness.


Ancient Halafian pottery, containing sacred geometrical codes.

Just today, on August 12th, 2016, it was announced by Syria that Manbij has been liberated (besides a few holdouts) from ISIL control. This now marks Manbij, Palmyra and Homs all set free.

Allepo is close now to being in full control of the Syrian/Russian/Iranian/Iraqi alliance. Additionally, Raqqa is moving closer to liberation as well, largely thanks to Russia.

To create peace throughout Syria, the Middle East and the world, the researcher suggests the following:

“Those who feel guided, you can help support the healing of the Syria pentagram by visualizing this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria pentagram, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region.”

What are your thoughts? How soon will Syria be liberated from negative control forces? What can we do as individuals and as a collective to help liberate Syria, the Middle East and our entire world from negative control? Here is a weekly synchronized meditation event that is aimed at helping to send and anchor peace throughout Syria and the entire world.

The old paradigm is falling away as the new peaceful, abundant and harmonious paradigm is manifesting more each moment. Spread this article’s information and spread peace to all. Peace is happening. Visualize it, feel it, breathe it, believe it.

Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science and does donation-based health coaching on the side through his website Orgonlight Health. You can follow the Orgonlight Health facebook page or visit the website for more information and other inspiring articles. 

Ex-CIA Spy: The Global Open Source Revolution Is About To Begin


Robert David Steele, former CIA spy and U.S. Marine

When Robert David Steele speaks, people listen. Especially those within the military and intelligence communities around the world. With his continued rhetoric on the open source everything manifesto as a way to positively transform this world for all, Mr. Steele has additionally begun discussing the world’s largest financial/gold cover-up story which has ties to JFK’s assassination and 9/11: That is, the global collateral accounts.

As a former CIA spy who has trained over 7,500 officers from over 66 countries,  Robert Steele has over 18 years experience across the U.S. Intelligence community  and an additional 20 years experience in commercial intelligence and training. He is  also a former Marine and he is the co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence  Activity.

He has also written several books, which include, The Open Source Manifesto and  Intelligence For Earth: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity and Sustainability, among others.

In accord to open source everything, Robert’s motto is: The truth at any cost, lowers all other costs.

Essentially, when information, technology and resources are opened up as the  commons to all, the true cost plummets and the well-being of our planet and all living  beings here begin to thrive, as well as our social, political and financial systems.

In Robert’s own words, the open source revolution will transform our world for the better and for all.

“Sharing, not secrecy, is the means by which we realize such a lofty destiny as well as create infinite wealth. The wealth of networks, the wealth of knowledge, revolutionary wealth- all can create a nonzero, win-win Earth that works for 100% of humanity. This is the ‘utopia’ that Buckminster Fuller foresaw, now within our reach.”  Continue reading

The Truth Is Coming And It Cannot Be Stopped

Shortly after Edward Snowden went public with his findings on the NSA’s surveillance program, he uttered some very powerful words“All I can say right now is the US Government is not going to be able to cover this up by jailing or murdering me. Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped.”

Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped. Exciting words for most of the general population, but troubling for a select few in Washington, New York, London and Brussels.

What he is describing, believe it or not, is the true definition of “Apocalypse” – The “Lifting of the Veil”, when all truths become known and public… Hidden information revealed, including, that pertaining to the purposeful use and abuse of the common people of earth.

ed snowden

From Snowden’s testimony, he covertly said from the very beginning that there was and is an end-game in play. Who’s? That is not yet made known.
In other words, there are white hats (good guys) within “the matrix” aimed at taking down the banking/political cabalists.
Though it may be difficult for many to believe that such powerful forces will see the darkness and corruption of their actions and rituals exposed, the world is already seeing the beginning of such things come to light…and with much more to come.
For those who are interested, here is some key ingredients in the current drama’s are unfolding.
In middle November of 2015 at the G-20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey, Vladimir Putin surprised most of the world when he announced that Russia’s collected data showed that ISIL was (and probably still is at the time of this writing) being financed by 40 countries and that some of those countries were G-20 members. In other words, he stated at the G-20 Summit that members present at the gathering were helping to fund ISIL. This call-out is of extreme magnitude.
What is most important to evaluate from this disclosure is that this situation is also still in play. Since that time, Russia has publicly presented evidence that Turkey is one of those countries, but has not listed the other 39. Are we really to believe Putin and Russia will just forget about this and not reveal the other 39 countries?
It seems much more likely that a chess game is being played behind the geopolitical scenes of the world and that Putin may be simply waiting for the “right time” to reveal such things.
Putin Popcorn
Imagine the ramifications, especially in the United States and Europe, when this high-level disclosure takes place. It is truly not difficult to see why we are seeing the elite panic in so many different directions right now, as well as continue to unsuccessfully attempt to propagandize Putin as the “bad guy.”
In reality, Putin could have several aces up his sleeves and the global elite know it.
FBI and Hillary Clinton
In early January 2016, former US attorney Joe Digenova stated that the FBI is coming to a “critical mass” point in its investigation of Hillary Clinton. He followed that by saying that if the Department of Justice does not indict, the FBI is in a position to “basically revolt.”
More easily put, the global elite are in a very difficult spot. Let the DoJ indict their preferred choice for president (Hillary), or do not allow an indiction and watch the FBI and other intelligence agencies begin coming forth to the public en masse with their evidence on this case and most likely evidence of even deeper stories.
Since January, much more has come to light as over 30,000 emails have been released. Just a few of the biggest stories within these emails, as Wikileaks has revealed, include Hillary’s extremist role in Libya, her push to privatize oil Mexico, claiming a Sunni-Shiite war would be good for the West and Israel.
They also included her suggestion to overthrow a sovereign government in Syria and remove Assad.
Though some people believe all of this will lead to nothing and to her getting off the hook, that scenario is becoming increasingly less likely as the Washington Post just a few days ago reported that at least 147 FBI agents are investigating this case. Even if the DoJ would choose not to indict, do you really believe these 147+ FBI agents (and probably many other intelligence agency members) would simply stay quiet? Or would they indeed revolt as Joe Digenova stated earlier?
The Dam Is About To Break
As we can see, there are huge stories all still in play and all affecting each other in different ways. What is clear is that we are indeed in the “quickening” of this entire scheme and that the truth is continuing to come out at an ever-increasing rate.
In fact, we may already be at the “critical mass” point in relation to disclosures of truth occurring.
As Charlie Munger has said, “The notion of critical mass-that comes out of physics is a very powerful model. Adding success factors so that a bigger combination drives success, often in a non-linear fashion, as one is reminded by the concept of breakpoint and the concept of critical mass in physics. You get a little bit more mass and you get a lollapalooza result.”
Pillow talk these nights in Washington, New York, London, Brussels and elsewhere must be getting very interesting.
These stories are all incredibly important and deserves questioning and investigation, though one must ask what Snowden, Wikileaks and Anonymous know on an even bigger story most media outlets have yet to touch: the global collateral accounts and their relation to global finance, politics and gold. Lots of gold.
jfk soekarno
Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science and does donation-based health coaching on the side through his website Orgonlight Health. You can follow the Orgonlight Health facebook page or visit the website for more information and other inspiring articles. 

Healing Ourselves And The World With Flower Essences

flower kirlian

Kirlian photography of various flowers.

What Are Flower Essences?  

When we look at a medicinal plant, we see the different parts used in various ways. Sometimes the roots are medicinal. Or sometimes the leaves and stems have healing properties.
Though when we look at the flower of any given plant, it is clear that it is often the most vibrant, attractive and spectacular part of the plant itself. It is the quintessential expression of that plant. Wouldn’t it then only make sense that this part of the plant offers us the most medicinal/healing properties of that plant?
To make a flower essence, flower pedals are gently plucked (with leaves preferably) and placed in a glass or crystal bowl that is filled with the cleanest water possible. With the help of the Sun’s rays, the bioelectrical field of the flower (and yes, bioelectrical fields have been shown to exist around every living thing in nature via Kirlian photography) is imprinted into the crystalline structure of the water molecule. Remember, it is also an established fact that water has memory and can be imprinted through various methods.


 So what occurs is the imprinting of the quintessential vibrational field of the flower into water. The highest vibrational output of the plant is encoded into the water molecules. One could also think of it as the consciousness or literally, light codes of information from the plant being infused into the medium of water.
What Are The Effects? 
Because the essences of flowers operate more on a vibrational/electrical level rather than a biochemical (like the use of herbs or foods), the effects are felt in a more subtle way. However, subtle doesn’t mean it isn’t powerful or effective. What a person experiences is more of a shift in awareness, a shift in understanding or a shift in consciousness around a certain situation. It can help us understand and transform the underlying emotional issue.

For example, if someone is dealing with an issue from some sort of trauma from a situation that occurred at some point in his or her life, flower essences can help bring greater understanding to the trauma event as well as bring the emotional ability to transform, release and forgive or accept what happened.

Flower essences are essentially nutrients for the soul. They help us on an emotional level. We begin to see things in a new light and can begin to deal with things in a new way. This leads to taking different actions in regards to processing and resolving any issues we might be working through.

They let us work through things in a truly holistic and therapeutic manner. This also works to help physical diseases or issues as it is commonly known in holistic and natural medicine that every physical health issue has an emotional issue below the surface that has created this physical issue. So as we heal ourselves emotionally, we can begin to heal ourselves on a physical level. “As within, so without.”


Dr. Edward Bach has stated, “The action of the flower essences raises the vibration of the being…they cure by flooding the body with the beautiful vibrations of the highest nature- in whose presence there is the opportunity for disease to melt away like snow in sunshine.”

Healing The World 

Since flower essences help us process and heal the underlying emotional issues, a person is better able to make different choices and take different actions to bring about even more healing.

I believe that as more and more people heal themselves with flower essences and make better choices and take different actions, they directly bring about more healing with their friends, their family and their community. As more and more people work together in a holistic way, our relationships with each other, with the ecosystem and planet itself experience greater harmony, and thus, greater health and happiness.

Different Essences
All plants we see have different cosmic information that has been used to create their flower and so every flower has a different and specific healing potential. For example, the Iris flower essence helps a person unleash their unique inner creativity and self-expression. It is also known as the “paintbrush of the soul.”

The Silversword flower essence is an incredibly unique essence as this plant is only found on the Haleakala Crater on the island of Maui, Hawaii. One could intuit that because a meteorite hit there, it brought with it this special plant. The benefits of Silversword flower essences can be to help put a person on his or her path of purpose. It can be used when a person is ready for their truest soul work.

I personally find flower essences work even better when combined with cell salts. Because the cell salts are mineral compounds and electrically conductive, they help the flower essences penetrate very quickly and efficiently into our bodies. One that uses both cell salts and flower essences is called Happy Heart. It has many rose flower essences in it as well as the Silversword flower essence. I believe why so many people are unhappy in their heart is because they feel they aren’t doing their truest soul work.

The Happy Heart has dramatically helped me in several ways. There are however, many other essences out there and many places to find them. Pets and kids also benefit tremendously from flower essences as the nervous system in pets and kids are usually even more sensitive than adults. This allows for the essences to be utilized even more effectively.

Here is a list of many flower essences and their benefits.

Will you join?
I believe the more people that use flower essences, the greater healing we as individuals will experience. I see this healing extending to our relationships with our friends, our families, our social systems, our ecosystem and all beings that live on this planet with us.
For some, the beneficial effects of flower essences are felt almost right away. For others it can be days or weeks later. The key is continued use. They work in a cumulative way. The more consistent, the better.
Are you interested in using flower essences or have you used them before? Which ones are you currently using and what benefits are you finding? How soon did you start noticing the benefits? What patterns or habits have you transformed?
What other creative ways could we incorporate into our society the use of flower essences?