Category Archives: Philosophy

Understanding Soul Contracts: Agreements We Made Before Coming to Earth

Before we are born we are asked just one question by our soul family. “What is it you would like to learn this lifetime?” It is then, in our answer, that soul contracts are formed. 

If we wish to learn patience, we will not ask to be surrounded by Zen Masters, but rather people (siblings for example) who will push our buttons and annoy us to the ends of the earth. If we wish to learn love, we will be shown hate, and no matter the lesson, we ask that the opposite be brought to us for example, if self confidence is chosen, then friends in disguise will come and step on us.


It is within this very principle that all soul contracts are based, for it is only in being stepped on that we have no choice but to learn to STAND UP for ourselves.

Self development can be a deeply painful process that by nature requires us to be scrubbed. It is in the repetitive scrubbing of a diamond that it gains its sparkle and we are no different. There are two kinds of pain, learning pain and abusive pain. While the latter serves little to no purpose, the former is fundamental to our growth as human beings.

Other than beginner’s luck, which (in my opinion) is the universes way of showing us that we can achieve a high level of success, with of course, practice; the first step to growth is being knocked off balance.

We get removed from center by ‘x’ amount which is directly proportionate to how much we have chosen to learn. It is through learning and growth that we come back to our center with the tools that were required to bring ourselves home.

The flip side of our return to balance is expressed directly as growth.


The universe in its infinite love for us will continue to send us lessons, and one of the most frustrating truths to accept is as follows: ‘Wow, you learned a lesson, you overcame a problem?

Congratulations, here is your reward… ANOTHER problem.’ Each time we show the universe that we can take the heat, life becomes a little hotter! It is simply one of the painful aspects to this path of learning, yet it is beautiful because of the growth we experience from it.

The main thing to remember here (going full circle) is that it is our friends who come to teach us these lessons. It is our soul friends who (by our consent) hurt us, our friends who betray us and our friends who give us our opportunities to learn.

In order for these experiences to seem real, we naturally forget that they are our friends when we cross over the river of forgetfulness (birth). If you would rather be happy than right, just pretend that they love you, it will definitely change your perspective!

The Nature of the Mind ~ Part 1

       The nature of the mind is both incredibly simple, and incredibly complex. It has an infinite number of ways you can program it, and in todays world, the majority of programs created keep you in bondage. Its purpose is like a rubik’s cube, it is there to challenge us and to encourage us to attain higher states of consciousness that allow us to see deeper, think clearer, and know more.

humanmindpictureAs many of us know, the joy found in solving puzzles is only achieved when we have taken the time to figure it out, and then actually solve it. This applies to the mind as well, except it is a little bit more open. We are all solving this puzzle together, and each of us has a piece.

Of course, we need to listen to each other fully in order to create that harmony, and often, language is the misconstruer of ideas.

Have you ever met someone in the street and had a conversation with them, walked away and thought, “hold on, I just told them ‘a’, and if I told them ‘a’ then they are going to think ‘b’, and if they think ‘b’ then they are going to work out ‘c’, ‘Oh my goodness, I just told them ‘c’?

Woah, hold up a minute, you haven’t told them ‘c’, you simply told them ‘a’. So what happened? It is the nature of the mind to make logical conclusions, however if we are operating within a limited mental data set, then the conclusions that we make may not be so logical.

The mind, with the regular training we all get in todays world, negatively embellishes a situation, scenario or thought process and spirals it out of control until we are all panicky and fretting over nothing. In fact, this happens especially much when the stress levels get higher than what is able to be sustained by the body.

It is in this moment, in the prison that cannot be seen, smelt, heard nor touched that the universe gives us the opportunity to recognize what is really going on, and to overcome.

But the key actually lies in the focus on what you want. If you’re trying NOT to think of something, it just reinforces it. It’s like telling you not to think of pink elephants, you don’t have a choice.

Observing is the first step to see what your mind is actually saying, and why. Listening, paying attention. However, that is just the beginning. One must step into the place of creation in order to actually get there.  You are all 4 elements combined, not just one, or another.

The simple fact of the matter is that we are not the mind nor are we the body; we are that which was never born and can never die. The mind and body are the price of entry for learning in this space/time continuum. Please remember guys, we are not humans pretending to be beings, we are beings pretending to be human.


A Buddhist walks up to a hotdog vendor and says ‘make me one with everything’ he gives the vendor a $20, the vendor takes the money, and then goes to hand him his change. The Buddhist looks at him simply and then waves his hand, saying only: ‘Change comes from within’.

3 Life Changing Experiences You Undergo When Your Sensitivity Increases

“What you are seeking is seeking you” – Rumi

I knew that I always liked this quote, without really knowing why. To be honest, for the longest time I never really understood what it meant. Then, everything changed.

1. Discovering the Light

In Daosim, it is believed that the journey to enlightenment starts by turning the eyes inside out and there is an african proverb that states “when there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot touch you”. As we have all learned by now, the way that view the world around us, is a projection of our inner world, and so our quest for happiness, enlightenment and satisfaction lies primarily upon filling our selves with light and love in order to then radiate it into the world.

shutterstock_316177406 (1)Sadly however, as a defence mechanism, we seek to avoid the inner work of illuminating the shadows in our minds and neglect doing what is necessary, to reach an enlightened state.

New age spirituality for instance, relies too heavily on focusing on the love and light aspect; when we seek out, search for, or try to attain this light we are essentially chasing our own tails. This may be what Rumi was portraying when he made this statement. We become like dogs and cats spinning around in circles, all the while missing the point. Rumi I feel, had a very good sense of humour. Continue reading

Zen Garden – Genesis of Peace & Serenity

Have you ever seen a zen or Japanese rock garden? Did it bring you a sense of peace and serenity? The Japanese rock garden or “dry landscape” garden, often called a zen garden, generates a miniature stylized landscape by means of carefully composed arrangements of stones, water elements, moss, pruned trees along with bushes, and makes use of stones or even sand which can be raked in order to symbolize ripples in water. A zen garden is usually fairly tiny, enclosed by a wall, and is also commonly meant to be looked at whilst seated from a single point of view outside of the garden, such as the porch of the hojo, the residence of the chief monk from the temple or monastery. Classical zen gardens were made at temples of Zen Buddhism in Kyoto, Japan throughout the Muromachi Period. They were designed to imitate the meaningful substance connected with mother nature, not its true physical appearance, and to serve as an aid to meditation about the true meaning of life.

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Rock gardens existed around Japan at least since the Heian Period (784-1185). These early gardens were detailed inside the very first manual of Japanese gardens,  written at the conclusion of the 1200’s. They were largely copied from the Chinese gardens of the Song Dynasty (960-1279), where groups of rocks symbolized Mount Penglai, the legendary mountain-island home of the Eight Immortals in Chinese mythology, known in Japanese as Horai. The manual described precisely how rocks need to be placed. In one verse, was written: “In a place where there is neither a lake or a stream, one can put in place what is called a kare-sansui, or dry landscape…” This kind of garden featured either rocks placed upright like mountains, or laid out in a miniature landscape of hills and ravines, with few plants. He described several other styles of rock garden, which usually included a stream or pond, including the great river style, the mountain river style, and the marsh style. The ocean style featured rocks that appeared to have been eroded by waves, surrounded by a bank of white sand, like a beach. White sand and gravel had long been a feature of Japanese gardens. In the Shinto religion, it was used to symbolize purity, and was used around shrines, temples, and palaces. In zen gardens, it represents water, or, like the white space in Japanese paintings, emptiness and distance. They are places of meditation.

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A zen garden is without a doubt a sanctuary that can be placed in nearly any living space. Some zen gardens are massive creations that can consist of massive areas, while many are tiny desktop gardens that use up no more room than your notebook. It’s not difficult to create a constantly changing work of art that is visually pleasing with clean, flowing lines and carefully placed objects. Best of all, a small zen garden is incredibly inexpensive to create! It will also show your unique style of rocks and sand patterns. The selection and placement of rocks is the most important part of making a Japanese rock garden. Different types of rocks are used for creating different symbolic things like mountains, rivers or seashores.The act of raking the gravel into a pattern recalling waves or rippling water, known as samon has an aesthetic function. Zen priests practice this raking also to help their concentration.These gardens are conceived and created from the meditative inspiration of the gardener, and contemplating one is a doorway to meditation for the viewer. While no rule exists against including plants and water features, many gardens omit them entirely and construct the garden from rocks and gravel to evoke emptiness through abstraction.

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You don’t have to do a lot to keep your rock garden looking good. Sand and stones don’t degenerate or need food or water – so there is nothing you have to do there. Of course, you will have to care for whatever plants or trees are in your rock garden, but usually just a little water and plant food will suffice. Keep your rock garden free of debris and you’re good to go! This world can be busy and frantic – an individual should have just a little serenity. A Zen rock garden could be just the thing you need to help you relax and re-enter the world full of energy and vigor!


What Kind Of Wizard Are You? Take The Quiz And Find Out

This quick 8 question test can tell you what kind of wizard you are. Don’t worry we won’t ask you divulge any of your arcane secrets! The test uses your favorite activities, zodiac signs and personal preferences to plot out your inner wizard. The answer you get (I’m an air wizard), will show you how your natural proclivities would influence your magic powers.

There are a couple of wizards out there, and they don’t all fit so squarely into typecast categories. More often than not the most powerful magic a person can wield is that of love and productivity. Regardless of your strengths and weaknesses, try to resist using your powers for your personal gain. Look to the needs of others as they are an extension of yourself. Only as a community can anything be truly gained.