Category Archives: Question Everything

Helping Heal Hatred: The Secret Cause of Hate

Typically, hatred is seen as a negative and therefore unacceptable thing in our society. But hatred is a valid feeling, and when we deem something as bad and unacceptable to feel, we resist it within ourselves. And in a universe based on the law of attraction, whatever we resist persists. Instead of denying our hatred, we need to admit it to ourselves.

When we feel hatred and peel back that hatred to expose the more vulnerable emotions underneath it. Only then can we end hatred in ourselves and therefore end it in the world.

“Hatred is a cover emotion for fear and hurt. So address the fear and hurt directly then focus on things that cause you to feel empowered and safe and watch the hatred melt away. “

The Nature of the Mind ~ Part 1

       The nature of the mind is both incredibly simple, and incredibly complex. It has an infinite number of ways you can program it, and in todays world, the majority of programs created keep you in bondage. Its purpose is like a rubik’s cube, it is there to challenge us and to encourage us to attain higher states of consciousness that allow us to see deeper, think clearer, and know more.

humanmindpictureAs many of us know, the joy found in solving puzzles is only achieved when we have taken the time to figure it out, and then actually solve it. This applies to the mind as well, except it is a little bit more open. We are all solving this puzzle together, and each of us has a piece.

Of course, we need to listen to each other fully in order to create that harmony, and often, language is the misconstruer of ideas.

Have you ever met someone in the street and had a conversation with them, walked away and thought, “hold on, I just told them ‘a’, and if I told them ‘a’ then they are going to think ‘b’, and if they think ‘b’ then they are going to work out ‘c’, ‘Oh my goodness, I just told them ‘c’?

Woah, hold up a minute, you haven’t told them ‘c’, you simply told them ‘a’. So what happened? It is the nature of the mind to make logical conclusions, however if we are operating within a limited mental data set, then the conclusions that we make may not be so logical.

The mind, with the regular training we all get in todays world, negatively embellishes a situation, scenario or thought process and spirals it out of control until we are all panicky and fretting over nothing. In fact, this happens especially much when the stress levels get higher than what is able to be sustained by the body.

It is in this moment, in the prison that cannot be seen, smelt, heard nor touched that the universe gives us the opportunity to recognize what is really going on, and to overcome.

But the key actually lies in the focus on what you want. If you’re trying NOT to think of something, it just reinforces it. It’s like telling you not to think of pink elephants, you don’t have a choice.

Observing is the first step to see what your mind is actually saying, and why. Listening, paying attention. However, that is just the beginning. One must step into the place of creation in order to actually get there.  You are all 4 elements combined, not just one, or another.

The simple fact of the matter is that we are not the mind nor are we the body; we are that which was never born and can never die. The mind and body are the price of entry for learning in this space/time continuum. Please remember guys, we are not humans pretending to be beings, we are beings pretending to be human.


A Buddhist walks up to a hotdog vendor and says ‘make me one with everything’ he gives the vendor a $20, the vendor takes the money, and then goes to hand him his change. The Buddhist looks at him simply and then waves his hand, saying only: ‘Change comes from within’.

The 3 Universal Truths That Will Blow Your Mind

“Karma is a dish best served cold”. I am sure you’ve heard this before, among other phrases. The word karma has become so common in our vocabulary that we seem to accept it as a normal functioning part of reality. For instance, when someone is rude to another and then immediately following walks into a pole, we don’t hesitate to point out that “they had what was coming to them”.

This is the understanding of day-to- day karma, as we have accepted. As every action has an equal and opposite reaction, we have adopted this understanding and called it karma, but this to me, is not the true meaning of karma.

3033077-inline-i-1-iris-scans-and-reincarnation-filmmaker-mike-cahill-spills-origins-story-for-i-originsNow, on the other hand there is a karma that many have adopted, that firmly rests upon the belief of reincarnation. As I am sure that many of you are well aware of this fact, I will keep it light. The basis of this doctrine to put it plainly, is that as we incarnate from lifetime to lifetime we gather “karma points” good and bad for past actions.

Each lifetime you live ,you will be paying off karmic deeds, as well as reaping the benefits of good karma (either in this lifetime or a previous) until all karma has been settled and you will no longer need to reincarnate.

Now I don’t know about you, but something just doesn’t sit right with me about all of this.

1. Guilt

What are the two best ways to control a population? Fear and Guilt.

When we insinuate that karma translates to deed, we instil an automatic emotional reaction which usually transgress as guilt or unworthiness. Karma, is not to be equated with guilt. Karma is to be equated with action.

I can’t help but refuse the idea that we are here on this earth until we finally “get it right”, or pay off some kind of debt. We are here to learn, to grow and to experience life as a soul incarnate, in the divine creation of human existence.  We are here because we choose to be here, no guilt, no strings attached.

So what is karma then?

shutterstock_291501230Recently, I was thinking. And in this thinking… I started thinking… about over thinking…. and had the realization that over thinking, while many understand is the “art of creating problems that were never there to begin with” I saw more clearly that lack of trust, was the true cause of creating problems that were never really there to begin with and that lack trust initiates over thinking, which becomes the sole “cause of action” or karma. Continue reading

Judge Calls For The FBI To Arrest Congress and The President


On November 28th, 2015, Alaska State Judge Anna von Reitz (Anna Maria Riezinger) addressed an open letter to all federal agents, including the FBI and US Marshals to arrest Congress, the President and the Secretary of the Treasury.

She goes into incredible detail on the fraud that has been committed in this country. Anyone who reads this is sure to learn at least something. Below is the first two paragraphs of the letter (with the link for the rest of it below). This has been encouraged to be shared widely.

Anna Maria Riezinger (Anna Von Reitz)

November 28, 2015 Big Lake, Alaska

Dear Federal Agents:

I am addressing this letter in this way, because it is my understanding that it will be read by members of both the FBI and the US Marshals Service. It is also my understanding that you have available for examination a wet-ink signed copy of the illustrated affidavit of probable cause entitled “You Know Something Is Wrong When…..An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” as back-up reference and evidence. Continue reading

The Most Important Financial Meeting Since JFK’s Death Just Took Place


Gold, gold, gold. The world is soon to return to an asset-backed financial system…and one that is no longer controlled by dark forces. Neil Keenan (pictured above) is helping to once and for all open the Global Collateral Accounts for humanity’s benefit.

If you have not heard of Neil Keenan or the Global Collateral Accounts, you soon will. The Global Collateral Accounts is the most prized financial secret of the banking cabal on this planet.

These accounts were originally intended for true humanitarian projects to revolutionize and transform our world for the better, but have been fraudulently abused by this banking cabal.

JFK signed the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement along with President Soekarno of Indonesia to use these accounts as a way to expose and legally end The Federal Reserve as well as the CIA by issuing gold-backed Treasury Notes, among other legal actions.

These accounts hold much more gold than has ever officially been reported. You can read more about these accounts in the article The Connection Between 9/11, JFK and the Global Collateral Accounts. 


Neil Keenan is about to do what JFK and President Soekarno were nearly completed with: Opening the global collateral accounts. These accounts have major ties to 9/11 and are the reason for JFK’s death. 8 days after signing the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement (which was to open the global collateral accounts), JFK was murdered.

Neil Keenan is not just working alone on this either, as he has openly stated in previous updates there are many countries involved in this process as well as certain positive elements inside the Pentagon and the U.S. Military that are to finally set this planet free…and soon.

On December 3rd, Neil Keenan issued an update on his process of opening these accounts for their intended purpose:

‘Today we received the following information from an anonymous individual going by the name “Asian Insider”:’

“After spending the past week discussing matters with Neil about the earth-shaking meeting that we attended, I have decided, with Neil’s permission, to construct an update regarding what can be classified as an imminent major change in the financial system.

For security purposes, we agreed that I would withhold my name in order to protect me and my family. You can post this if you like, or keep it to yourselves and wait until Neil completes the deal and returns to Jakarta. But I thought it would be kind to keep everyone abreast of the sweeping financial changes that are now shifting into place.

I hope you enjoy the news:

Late in the evening on November 25th, a meeting took place in an Asian country (not Indonesia) with: the Elders, who represent the largest depository of the Global Collateral Accounts (GCA) assets (worth Quadrillions); the Spiritual Advisor to the Elders; Jo, who served as the translator; and Neil Keenan. Security was very tight – what seemed like an “army” of guards safeguarded the home where the meeting was being held. Continue reading

Sure, It’s Easier To Run

i-am-02I just watched a documentary last night called I AM. This groundbreaking work follows director Tom Shadyac around the globe as he sits down with renown poets, business executives, psychologists, and biologists to ask two questions:

18iam-span-articleLargeWhat is wrong with the world?
What can we do to fix it?

The root to which it all boils down to is encompassed in a response given by English writer, G.K. Chesterton, to the initial question, posed to him by the London Times.
Q: What is wrong with the world?
A: I am.

Science today, as explored in this film, is rounding up more and more applicable and indisputable evidence to suggest that the totality of existence is in fact an energetic projection of The Individual Observer, that each of you reading this Now, whether aware of it or not, are in fact 100% responsible for the entirety of your every experience. Some have expressed this to be a daunting concept to accept, though I personally find this to be a most empowering paradigm. That we have the power to create worlds. That with personal mastery of our emotional and mental states, so too comes mastery of creating whatever reality we desire.

Running-awayOften times, we encounter struggles or set backs in life, and it’s as if it’s almost become natural for us to point the finger to a person or situation or group of persons for having caused the problem. Many times we have even chosen to walk away from a particular job or project, dissolve a personal relationship, or any other number of “move-away” tactics, as if separating ourself from “the thing” is going to solve the issue. The reality is, as the mystics have echoed through the ages, that the issue is within us, not “out there” and we have actual, measurable, repeatable evidence of this concept today! How exciting!

Thanks to institutions like Heart Math and Biocybernaut Institute, just to name a couple, Western culture is beginning to wake up to The Reality of what is true about ourselves and how we work, our natural design to exist in harmony with all that surrounds us, and step into authority of our lives by accepting fully the responsibility of our every experience.

change-your-thoughts-and-you-change-your-world18Instead of running from our problems, we now begin to see that there is no problem. There is only a manifestation of some personality trait that we desire other than to exhibit, and so we now become grateful for the encounter with these parts of ourselves, that they have been brought to our attention as an opportunity for personal growth through identifying those parts of our personality and shifting to what we truly desire to be.