Category Archives: Relationships

Understanding Soul Contracts: Agreements We Made Before Coming to Earth

Before we are born we are asked just one question by our soul family. “What is it you would like to learn this lifetime?” It is then, in our answer, that soul contracts are formed. 

If we wish to learn patience, we will not ask to be surrounded by Zen Masters, but rather people (siblings for example) who will push our buttons and annoy us to the ends of the earth. If we wish to learn love, we will be shown hate, and no matter the lesson, we ask that the opposite be brought to us for example, if self confidence is chosen, then friends in disguise will come and step on us.


It is within this very principle that all soul contracts are based, for it is only in being stepped on that we have no choice but to learn to STAND UP for ourselves.

Self development can be a deeply painful process that by nature requires us to be scrubbed. It is in the repetitive scrubbing of a diamond that it gains its sparkle and we are no different. There are two kinds of pain, learning pain and abusive pain. While the latter serves little to no purpose, the former is fundamental to our growth as human beings.

Other than beginner’s luck, which (in my opinion) is the universes way of showing us that we can achieve a high level of success, with of course, practice; the first step to growth is being knocked off balance.

We get removed from center by ‘x’ amount which is directly proportionate to how much we have chosen to learn. It is through learning and growth that we come back to our center with the tools that were required to bring ourselves home.

The flip side of our return to balance is expressed directly as growth.


The universe in its infinite love for us will continue to send us lessons, and one of the most frustrating truths to accept is as follows: ‘Wow, you learned a lesson, you overcame a problem?

Congratulations, here is your reward… ANOTHER problem.’ Each time we show the universe that we can take the heat, life becomes a little hotter! It is simply one of the painful aspects to this path of learning, yet it is beautiful because of the growth we experience from it.

The main thing to remember here (going full circle) is that it is our friends who come to teach us these lessons. It is our soul friends who (by our consent) hurt us, our friends who betray us and our friends who give us our opportunities to learn.

In order for these experiences to seem real, we naturally forget that they are our friends when we cross over the river of forgetfulness (birth). If you would rather be happy than right, just pretend that they love you, it will definitely change your perspective!

12 Signs You Aren’t Following Your Inner Truth & How to Find it Again

“How people  treat other people is a direct reflection how they feel about themselves” – Paulo Coehlo

Every relationship we have, can be viewed as a reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves and setting the tone for the right relationships, lies heavily upon us.

By trusting ourselves, listening to our own thoughts, feelings and emotions, we become more authentic and this gives us the wonderful opportunity to become comfortable in our own skin. Yet, when we are not comfortable with who we are, we project onto others, what we cannot accept of ourselves.

12. You are “judgy”.

“Life is a mirror and will reflect back to thinker what he thinks into it” – Ernest Holmesshutterstock_267450737

Remember that each time you lash out against someone, whether it is behind their back or to their face, you are meeting an aspect of your own shadow. So turn those words back around, because what you just said, is exactly what you need to heal, accept and alchemize within you.

Tongue lashing someone with crude remarks is a sure sign that you’re not comfortable in your own skin; you’re too hard on yourself and you lack self-acceptance.

When we judge others, not only are we bringing forward an aspect of ourselves, we are unknowingly hurting someone else, based on our own perception of the world in how we see others.

11. You seek validation from others.

We seek attention and validation from others when there is something missing. A void that needs to be filled, and without the proper tools and the introspection to understand and alleviate the cause, we search for an external reaction.

You are the cause and the reaction. What you seek in the world is already within you, you already know the answer because you asked the question. Measure yourself by your own standards and set the bar high because you’re worth it.

10. You put yourself last.

Doing things for others can bring us joy and satisfaction, but there is a sacred selfishness that we can’t afford to ignore. When we over-indulge in giving our time, our energy and our good nature, we may think that there’s no harm but be warned, like a car we can’t run on empty and we all need a refill.  Continue reading

5 Manipulative Behaviors You Should Never Tolerate From Others


If you are trying to create a better life for yourself, it’s a good idea to evaluate the people you are close with to make sure they don’t exhibit any chronic, toxic behaviors.

Toxic behaviors are not only unpleasant to be around, but left unchecked, the negativity they likely elicit from you can snowball and bleed into all areas of your life.  It’s hard to be positive and optimistic when you are in a relationship that isn’t good for your soul.

We all can be a little negative from time to time, so please don’t assume that everyone you are close to must be “perfect” and never do any of these things.

However, if you are close with someone who exhibits toxic behaviors on a consistent basis, you might want to consider removing yourself from the relationship.

Toxic Behaviors:

140228155048-whispering-gossip-horizontal-large-gallery1. Gossip: Avoid relationships that center around gossip. As has famously been said: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”  Quality relationships are based on an exchange of ideas and excitement; this is what helps us grow, evolve and achieve our dreams. Continue reading

What is The Real Purpose of A Twin Flame Relationship?

A twin flame union, is a connection that is established on a higher level. Two souls enmeshed together, becoming the full embodiment of universal love, a universal consciousness. This spiritual bond is formed between two people energetically, through a kind of quantum entanglement and once formed, is unbreakable.

heart chakraUpon the initial meeting, it will feel like a shooting star, screaming at the speed of light through your chakras. You quite literally feel as though your heart will explode with love and affection for this person. Overwhelming to say the least, and you can’t seem to get a grasp on yourself. You’ve lost all rational thought, as well as the ability to make sound decisions.

A feeling of familiarity is immediately apparent upon meeting your twin, as if looking at yourself in a mirror and seeing your own soul.

Once the union is formed it is explosive, accelerating each others DNA– your DNA, catapulting the pair onto the path of ascension. The energies are resonating so high into euphoric bliss that you feel as though you can fly through the universe, without wings. A true taste of heaven on earth, not like anything you have experienced in your entire life. The mind cannot keep hold on the experience “It couldn’t be real, this must not be real” you think to yourself. Continue reading

5 Signs of An Intimate Soul Mate Connection

Have you ever wondered why it is possible to walk into a room and immediately been drawn to someone you don’t even know? Like there is a magnetic force field between you, drawing you in, bring you closer and closer until finally without even knowing it, you are lost in conversation full of sexual charge.

5 Intimate Qualities of An Enlightened PartnerWe all possess powerful, electrical and magnetic forces within us. Alike to a magnet, we exert a force of attraction to others and between lovers, this magnetic energy is amplified, as we fixate on what it is that we are attracted to.

When we can learn to embrace this powerful energy, we can wield it to elevate our consciousness through the sacred act of sex.

An enlightened partner is aware of this and will use this same magnetic energy, to elevate the experience to heights you never thought possible. As if they are reading your mind, your sensitive spots, likes and dislikes without speaking a word.

If you are an un-enlightened person or someone who is not in tune with their own energy, you may be unaware of what is actually happening. Continue reading

What Are The Differences Between Twin Flames and Soul Mates?

Currently, the understanding of a twin flame and a soul mate are being used interchangeably. Giving the notion, that there isn’t an inherent difference between a soul mate relationship and a twin flame union. But as we raise our vibration and increase our conscious awareness, we begin to see the major differences between soul mates and twin flames.

This understanding would not have been previously available to us in the last two decades and it is only because of this evolution of consciousness, that we see the difference between the two connections.

Soul Mates

A soul mate is someone who is in harmony with you. Someone who resonates with your own energy and someone you create with.

twin fllameSoul mates are known to be from different soul groups, allowing for tremendous growth. They can serve as heart center catalysts to open you up and assist you in your ascension process and will assist you in your souls spiritual evolution.

Soul mate relationships have the primary purpose to further learning by adopting new traits, sharing and growing together in love and harmony.

A soul mate is united to you when you reach the point of maturity, where you are ready to enter into a real and true relationship of the soul.

Twin Flames

Twin flames are a much different story, and we are seeing more and more twin flames reigniting; coming together again, for their own very special and unique purpose.

There are only a small number of twin flames who have incarnated here on the planet, and their missions were set before their arrival.

Standing together, masculine and feminine energies, separated, but were once as one. Twin flames are from the same soul group and have the same energetic blue print. The yin to your yang and the dark to your light.

Your twin flame is YOU.

The Stages of a Twin Flame Union

Upon first contact with your twin flame, you may feel a familiarity between you as if looking at yourself in the mirror. Yet, it is only your subconscious, your higher self, that knows the truth and until you have danced the twin flame dance, you may remain unaware.

The Dance

The dance begins with fireworks, playfulness and immense creativity, reverberating back and forth between the two of you as you explore each others energy. Your energy, the familiar yet unfamiliar radiance shared.

Through this connection the meaning of love and understanding reaches new heights that you didn’t even think were possible. Exploring, sharing laughing and enjoying this bubble love.

Yet, soon before you are even ready for it, the bubble bursts. Leaving one broken-hearted and the other confused.

Runner and the Chaser

One twin will run, unable to handle the energy, unable to face the partner any longer because what the twin sees, is himself in the face of another. An independent pair, yet a single being mirrored.

Harsh and immediate separation is sure to follow as they both plummet into the dreaded Dark Night of The Soul, where grief and sorrow await.

A deep healing is needed for both twins and once the separation has taken place it deals death to the soul.
Sending the twins down the path of enlightenment, ascension and much-needed healing.

Each twin learns that they are already whole, no longer needing or wanting the affection of the other in order to feel whole. Yet, until this realization and acceptance, the twins will remain separate to balance their own masculine and feminine energies.

During this separation the twins may share visions, dreams and prophecies. As well as unexplained synchronicities, giving much-needed guidance and assurance.

What’s Meant to Be Will Be

Letting go, is the key to reuniting with your twin.

Accept that everything is exactly as it should be and in time, you will reflect back upon this feeling of separation and understand why it needed to happen.

By establishing your own strength and confidence, you make yourself whole. No one can ever complete you, you are already complete. Do not search outside of yourself, everything you need is already within you.

In this search, you will find a knowing that physical separation is merely an illusion. You are never separate.  For you two, who are one, are never really apart. So have faith!

“Your present situation is not your final destination, the best is yet to come” 

by LJ Vanier