Category Archives: Science

7 Simple Ways To Improve Your Health Fast

In today’s age of fast food options and pseudo health drinks, we pay for convenience with our health more than we care to admit. Instead of offering a crazy cleanse or ridiculously difficult meditation/workout, I’d like to remind everyone of some basic and tasty efforts anyone can make to make them feel better. These simple changes can be traced to centuries ago, present in different cultures. A lot of health issues can be related to the body’s pH levels. The higher your acidity levels the worse your body performs and the more it needs to recuperate. Acidity specifically increases inflammation. This leads to many health issues.

Add Cardamom Powder To Your Coffee

Cardamom is a spice blend made from several plants found in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Nepal and Pakistan. The seeds are smaller and the plants they come from are green and leafy. Coffee is the magical concoction that fuels the world as we know it.
Sadly this lovely beverage has a very high acidity, this means that when we consume it, our body’s pH is pushed out of wack. To immediately re balance the body while drinking coffee add half a teaspoon cardamom to every twelve ounces of coffee you drink. This will effectively negate the acidity and add an earthy element to the taste.

Alkaline Foods Are A Must

So alkaline food will naturally re balance your body. The healthy standard pH balance for the human body is about 7.4. You;ll want to eat lots of foods around this scale to feel at your best. Some examples of these foods are raw fruits, vegetables,nuts, seeds and starches. Sadly meat, dairy, processed foods, refined sugar, starches and alcohol raise and lower this balance dramatically. Try and stay away from fluoridated, non ionized water as well.

Oil Pulling

This process has many benefits, some of which are preventing gingivitis, plaque and malodorous bacteria. It only takes 20 minutes and is fairly cheaper than commercial mouthwashes. You’ll have to mix equal parts coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil in your mouth. Swish it around for twenty minutes and spit out the solution. The lipids in the oils bonds to the toxins and bacteria, so when you spit you purge all that out. The highly absorbent membranes in your mouth help you balance out that all important pH levels. You will also see clearer skin and eyes,whiter teeth, stronger gums and much higher energy levels.

A Little Turmeric Goes A Long Way

Turmeric is a delicious herb that has amazing properties. It tastes like a warm, peppery, slightly bitter mix of oranges and ginger. Ancient cultures used it to spice up favorite dishes but also treat arthritis, stomach pain, heartburn, gas, bloating, headaches and just about every classic ailment you can consider. Recent studies show it can combat Alzheimer’s! You can put it in your cooking, cup of tea or in your baked goods. You only need about a teaspoon a day.

Be Positive

I know this seems obvious but its hard to keep positive when you aren’t feeling well. Remember that your body is always trying to repair itself. You only need to provide it with the resources to accomplish its goal (like the items on this list for instance). Breathe and send healing energies through mindfulness.

Use Essential Oils

There are more beneficial oils than a fit person could shake a yoga mat at. Each one has specific properties. Take a look at the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s library to start your research into what may work for you. Don’t underestimate this form of medicine.

Drink Water

The average adult should drink about eight glasses (a standard glass is 8 oz) or half a gallon a day. Water aids in any detoxifying and healing process in the body. It also helps keep your joints lubricated. I hear some people say they are afraid of drinking too much water. This statement is a little ridiculous. You will feel ill before you start to drown, so just keep it moderated.

The Science of Intuition: Gut Feelings Are Much More Than A Feeling

Everybody experiences ‘feelings’ that seem to originate from our abdominal region. That sinking sensation before addressing a room of people, ‘butterflies in your stomach’, or that awful twisting feeling from negative situations, are a few of the common experiences. While a mostly unexplained phenomenon, humans have learned to trust and acknowledge these feelings.

They are highly relatable to our intuition, growling our subconscious thoughts and feelings when our mind is preoccupied.


Your nervous center can be broken up into your central and peripheral systems. The central is your brain, where we make use of all of those awesome cognitive processes.

The peripheral is where impulses are sent from the brain to various systems and functions. Researchers have been probing the concept of these ‘gut feelings’ and finding out we may need to re vamp the peripheral nervous system’s definition.

A dense network has been found in the abdominal cavity. This network consists of over one hundred million neurons and is called the Enteric Nervous System (ENS). Dr. Jay Pasricha, Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Neurogastroenterology, has conducted internationally renowned research into the topic. The Dr. explains,

“Its main role is controlling digestion, from swallowing to the release of enzymes that break down food to the control of blood flow that helps with nutrient absorption to elimination. The enteric nervous system doesn’t seem capable of thought as we know it, but it communicates back and forth with our big brain—with profound results.”shutterstock_218492107

There are studies across the world being conducted to better understand the ENS and its relation to the rest of the body.

There are prevailing suppositions that this system is related to Irritable Bowl Syndrome, metabolism control, and may be a potential way for us to reduce risks type two diabetes.

By understanding the ENS system more we will learn more about neurology as a whole but also more about the intricacies of the human body as a whole. Uncovering the secrets between this connection and our emotions will prove invaluable.

Russian Scientist Discovers How Your Aura Impacts The Health Of Others

Auras are the projection of energy stemming from our bodies. If you pay any mind to chakras, then auras are the out of body energy projections that our chakras emit. Auras are seen as ovals or bubbles of light and colors. Not everyone can see these projections though it can be done through training to that end. As aura’s are a real projection that scientists can mark and observe, there are properties that auras carry.They are highly magnetic. Even as you sit down to read this you are projecting a tangible, magnetic energy that is interacting with the people and objects around you.

Aura’s color, strength and manner of effect differ from person to person. It’s sort of like your spiritual ‘finger print’. As you grow and evolve so to will your aura. Your thoughts and emotions effect your aura greatly. The human heart and brain are the main creators of electromagnetic energies. As our attitude changes so do the waves but out by these organs, Your mood can change the way your heart beats, which changes your energy projection, which changes your aura.

Rolin McCratey, Ph.D, and Director of Research at the Institute of  was quoted as saying,

“Emotional information is actually included and modulated into these fields. By learning to shift our emotions, we are changing the information coded into the magnetic fields that are radiated by the heart, and that can impact those around us. We are fundamentally and deeply connected with each other and the planet itself, and what we do individually really does count and matters. “

Around the world, at Russia’s St. Petersburg State Technical University, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov is trying to build a tested bridge between auras and the projector’s health. He has created a special device that reads the bio energy of living organisms and their surroundings. This device (GDV) takes an electron cloud snapshot of the subject in a millisecond and prints out the results. This image is compared to other healthy subjects. From this comparison specialists can get an idea of where to investigate potential hidden disease.

The idea is revolutionary. Certain diseases take years to manifest themselves but with this technology we could be able to spot it all the faster. The body is aware when disease or sickness is creeping on it, and projects warning signs.

These Special Solar Panels Could Doom Fossil Fuel Companies

Solar technology is normally a focus of renewable energy. Up until this point, they have been expensive, bulky and easily broken. The initial costs of setting up solar panels are the biggest hang up for investors. That is until scientists, as part of the Victorian Organic Solar Cell Consortium, printed the largest ever printed solar cells with a newly developed solar cell printer.

The new cells are semi-transparent, flexible, light weight, cheap and to top it off made from organic materials. It seems like this would be just as pricey as its predecessors but one of the project partners says

“The consortium is currently only purchasing materials on a research scale. When bought on a larger scale it is anticipated that component costs will be significantly lower and that pricing around A$1/W will be achievable.”

The amazing pricing aside, these panels will be easily installed to windows, roofs, and local signage. While this project is still in its research phase,  scientists remain hopeful about its wide range of applications.

The ease of production is a huge selling point for potential investors. Factories will be smaller, cheaper and will limit negative impacts on its surroundings. This decentralized approach to production will spell massive expansion once the project enters large scale manufacturing. The fact that they are so easily and cheapily transported (because they are so light) is another great selling point

Hoax Or Visitors From The Stars? Crop Circles Are Still Shrouded In Mystery

Crop circles are designs that have been imprinted in crop fields. Sounds simple until we get into the nitty gritty details. The creators of these designs are a mystery for one. While a handful of humans have come forward to claim responsibility, there are many more instances that humans couldn’t have accomplished.

There are only so many hours in the night and many crop circles are huge (some spanning over a kilometer). It would take a massive team of people of people using GPS, lasers, and advanced, localized microwave emitters to produce the typical crop circle. This would be a very noticeable night time event. Even if a group of people were that organized and ninja trained, they would still very likely leave foot prints.

It was originally thought that a team of hoaxsters could use planks attached to ropes could bend the stalks. The manner that the more mysterious circles have been formed reveals a difference in how the stalks can be bent. Any physical means of forming the stalks breaks or deforms them. Only intense heated microwaves bends the stalk without deforming it. There is no hand held device that could do this on the such a large magnitude.

Over the crop circles that have no obvious creator,there is a strong magnetic resonance to be found lingering for a couple of days. We have no applicable knowledge of what could magnetize an entire field of crops or for what purpose. Scientific research has been conducted but no conclusions have been drawn. We gather facts of the after math but scientists would need information during or before the event to truly qualify what is going on.

The lack of obtainable information on the how is fairly is more than perplexing. There is a message being projected from some sort of entity and we are clueless as to what it is. If its aliens why would they choose such an indirect manner of communication. With their advanced technology there would be many avenues available for them to communicate to us.

There are theories that crop circles are communications from inter dimensional beings, or other supernatural entities. What really gives the latter theory clout is they have to use indirect means to contact us. Kind of like how entities use repeating numbers or other omens to communicate. They have restrictions placed on how they can cross ideas from the immaterial to the physical. As time goes on and more testing methods are employed to gather information we are more likely to glean new information.

Studies Show People Who Are Awakened Can Telepathically Influence Others’ Dreams

Dream telepathy is the event in which a person influences or sends specific images to a sleeping person via telepathy. This form of para psychological (PSI) phenomena has been documented through out the ages. While it has been a interesting subject as long as people have been communicating, the theories behind this phenomena started to solidify with the psychoanalytic movement. Great thinkers like Freud, Tesla, and Jung were greatly interested in and believed in non physical abilities of people.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla

shutterstock_228583069 (1)Once technology caught up to the idea of the human potential we started testing the theories. Most notably, Dr. Montag Ullman, experimented in the mid 60’s to test the ideas that people could send randomly selected and specific material.

Conducted at the Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York, test subjects attempted to send images of photographs and paintings. Dr. Stanley Krippner joined the experiment shortly after it began, Krippner is still actively experimenting in this field. The experiments lasted more than ten years, yielding statistically significant results. Continue reading