Category Archives: Spirituality

How To Begin Remembering Your Past Lives

The search for meaning in our lives is a powerful one that we all share, and can take on a new meaning altogether when we are able to incorporate information from previous incarnations. After all, the journey of our lives is just a small subset of the timeless journey of our souls. The more information you can derive about that, the easier it will be for you to see the path ahead of you in this life.

Of course, it is easy to say this, but can be difficult to derive meaning from past lives without the assistance of a psychic who specializes in past life regressions. Not only that, it is a job in itself to find a qualified and trustworthy psychic with whom you will undertake this sensitive task. For this reason, we wanted to share some ways that you might get started on your own, so that when you find a good psychic, you already are well underway.


The soul has endured many bodily incarnations before the one it’s in now, so why not leave the body out of the equation as much as possible? The mind is a part of the body, and when the mind is quieted, the soul can speak without interruption. As you meditate, pay attention to what comes up. Are there memories of places, people or happenings? It is a lot of fun to write these things down after the practice is over, and see if you can derive some information when you compare your notes to history!

Consult Your Present Incarnation

What have you been through in life? Chances are, you have had many powerful experiences that have helped to create the person you are now. These experiences happened for a reason: they are part of the journey that your soul felt would help to shape its overall being. The truth is that karma carries over from previous lives, and present difficulties could be a sign of past transgressions. What could have happened in your soul’s past that might have caused it to need the lessons you’ve learned in your life?

Consider The Strangely Familiar

Everyone experiences the feeling of already knowing someone they’ve just met, or feeling oddly at home in a new or strange place at one time or another. These could be the direct result of knowledge from a past life. In fact, the soul is naturally drawn to that which it is familiar, so you’ll often find yourself treading paths that a previous incarnation also tread. It is therefore important to note that which is oddly familiar or causes a feeling of déjà vu. Write them down so you can remember.

Note Your Feelings About Past Memories

At some point, you may come across ‘memories’ that you didn’t actually experience. That is, you didn’t experience them in your present incarnation. If you randomly imagine something that brings up a powerful, soul felt emotion, pay attention! That could be a real memory from your spirit being coming across in this life.

5 Simple Ways To Raise Your Vibration

What do we mean when we say ‘vibration’? We’re not talking about the rapid movement of matter in a physical sense, but rather the state of our own spiritual energy. Contributors to that are such things as: what we are thinking, the state of our bodily health, what we are feeling and what we believe. The confluence of these traits make up our ‘vibes,’ if you will.

Now, when we speak of ‘raising your vibration,’ we are talking about self-improvement. Oftentimes, self-improvement is a long journey, and sometimes we want immediate results when we are feeling down. Here are some suggestions for those times of immediate need.


When we say ‘breathe,’ we’re not talking about normal functional breaths, but rather ‘yogic’ breaths. In yogic breathing, emphasis is put on a meditative focus on each inhale and exhale. Make sure the breath is intentional to derive effect. On the inhale, fill the belly and then fill the chest. On the exhale, contract the diaphragm, expelling everything. Scientifically, yogic long deep breathing can hack the brain during times of stress and make us calm again.


While it might be difficult to laugh in times of low energy, it’s easy to go online or consult Netflix for something that is sure to produce laughter. If your problem is an argument with another, attempt to diffuse tension with humor.


Meditation is the trendiest way to impart a state of superior mental and physical health for a really good reason: it works. However, it can be difficult to stop everything for a practice in meditation, and this is especially true when you really could benefit the most from it. However, you can try to frame it differently if you have trouble meditating. Think of it as a break. As a former smoker, I find it easy to meditate when I consider the fact that I used to take hourly cigarette breaks. If I was always able to find 5 minutes to smoke when I was stressed, then I certainly can find five minutes to meditate. How can you re-frame meditation? Can you find one to five minutes to engage in what is likely to be the most important practice of your life?

Be Grateful

Whatever you are going through right now, the chances are that, if you are able to read this, then you are better off than the majority of people on this planet as far as making sure your basic needs are met. Sometimes, we need a little perspective to help put us in a better mood, and what better way than to be completely thankful that you are healthy, and have food, water and shelter?

Remember That Life Is Short

Remembering our own impermanence is sometimes what we need to change our outlook when we are down. From moment to moment, everything in this life is slowly and steadily passing away. You will never get those moments back, and when you are old and looking back, you will want to remember them as times that you made the absolute best of what you had, and that you were happy and at peace.


21 Of The Best Quotes For Loving Yourself

We are our own worst critics. It can be hard for the normal everyday person to live up to a perceived standard set by the perfect-looking people with perfect-seeming lives we see everywhere in the media. Therefore, one of the challenges in life for us is to know ourselves and embrace that person, including shortcomings.

When we can develop the courage to look in the mirror and love what we see, it can start a domino effect that will lead to us becoming more caring and supportive of our loved ones, and more empathetic regarding the entire world and everything living in it. First, though, we must love ourselves.

Below are some quotes to help us along the path to self-love.

On Developing Knowledge of the Self:

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.” – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

“You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Becoming acquainted with yourself is a price well worth paying for the love that will really address your needs.” – Daphne Rose Kingma

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – Carl Jung

“It ain’t what they call you, it’s what you answer to.” – W.C. Fields

“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.” – Steve Maraboli

On Accepting One’s Self:

“I’ve finally stopped running away from myself. Who else is there better to be?” – Goldie Hawn

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

“Your problem is you’re … too busy holding onto your unworthiness.” – Ram Dass

“Believing in our hearts that who we are is enough is the key to a more satisfying and balanced life.” – Ellen Sue Stern

“Scarcity of self value cannot be remedied by money, recognition, affection, attention or influence.” – Gary Zukav

“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.” – Malcolm S. Forbes

“The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else.” – E.E. Cummings

“She lacks confidence, she craves admiration insatiably. She lives on the reflections of herself in the eyes of others. She does not dare to be herself.” – Anais Nin

“Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

On Loving One’s Self:

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love & affection.” – Buddha

“Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi

“Loving yourself…does not mean being self-absorbed or narcissistic, or disregarding others. Rather it means welcoming yourself as the most honored guest in your own heart, a guest worthy of respect, a lovable companion.” – Margo Anand

“I celebrate myself, and sing myself.” – Walt Whitman

“Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” – Louise L. Hay

“Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are feeling, love yourself for feeling it.” – Thaddeus Golas

10 Ways That Can Expand Your Consciousness

Spirituality is a huge topic of discussion lately as more and more people are awakening to a higher sense of truth and curiosity about the nature of the universe. Often, we hear people discussing the “Expansion of Consciousness”... But what exactly does that mean?

archanpaintingeyesTypically, whomever is speaking this aphorism is telling you to raise your awareness, because through awareness of great truths, one finds freedom in the understanding. It does not mean to change yourself or alter who you are, but rather to realize that you are not your body or mind, but the observer, and we all have a lot to learn.

Here are some ways that you can do this, to become more free, and less constrained by issues that come up in life.

Trust Your Inner Voice

That little voice inside your head is actually a big deal: your subconscious mind. So if it tells you to take a different path to work or school today, listen! You never know what you’ll come across. Chances are it’s something your subconscious feels that your conscious mind can’t attune to.

Rise Above The Bicameral Mind

The ‘Bicameral mind‘ is a concept coined by psychologist Julian Jaynes, presented in his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Essentially, the idea is that one part of the brain speaks, and another part listens (and obeys). Jaynes theorizes that the breakdown of bicameralism is ongoing, and leads to introspection and consciousness. In the next stage of evolution, we will overcome this duality.


anthonyvisitsaustraliawowIf travel is impractical or not affordable, the study of other cultures through the internet, documentaries, books and periodicals can serve as a replacement (however, there is no substitute to immersing one’s self in another area of the world). Compare the standards of other cultures to your own.

What does it mean to be beautiful and successful to the other culture? What are the differences in their cultural history lessons? Knowing these is important, as it makes one realize that perceived objectivity and standardization is easily demolished.

Listen To Binaural Beats

These are simply sounds tuned to a certain frequency that can shift your brain waves to a meditative state easily. There is information on YouTube on this subject, and they are easy to find and free to use.


Check What’s Important To You In Life

If you search your life and find that you’ve assigned significant meaning to material things, such as your car, home, hair, clothes, or other possessions, try to revise how you think about them. These can often be a substitute for actually reflecting upon the self, as we can easily link our personality to our things.

Be Intentional

Good results take on a whole new meaning if the intentions were not good. At times we can find ourselves doing good while at the same time backslapping ourselves for doing good things, or doing them for recognition. Have positive intentions to be assured that what you are doing is within your truth.

Be Humble

beinghumbleisrightWe are all human: fragile with an endpoint. When we are honest with one another about our essential humanity, we can find common ground and love for people. If you are hurting, don’t be afraid to share. If you find that confessions are hard, they are likely the things you need to share the most.

Growing As A Person Is An End In Itself

We don’t want to become better people with the intention of making more money, being more successful, or impressing that person you think would be an ideal partner. In addition, personal growth is not about becoming more happy, pleasing god or because it’s the right thing to do. All of these examples are how we change into the person we think we should be, rather than simply accepting who you are and how you will change over time naturally.


Feelings are to be appreciated, because they offer an opportunity to be immersed within an experience. Be conscious and present with your feelings, and be totally within the moment of experience.

Let Love Guide You

on-the-boat-021114-ykwv1Remember that if you catch yourself being jealous or having a feeling of superiority, that is coming from the ego. The Soul, however, acts from a point of love. Being aware of your core being and where your thoughts come from is the first step in becoming more conscious.

3 Ways To Create Long Lasting Positive Vibes in Your Life

Cute Young Girl Hugging Two Teddy Bears

Let’s be honest, the culture that we’ve grown up in can be a highly negative place.  Through all of the negativity that we are exposed to, it can be pretty challenging for us to maintain good vibes. It’s really hard, and many of us have been unwittingly programmed into negativity, and its harder and harder for positive thinking to come naturally for us.

For those who are trying to master the creation process, the negativity of society can really interfere with our ability to be awesome all of the time!  In order to be deliberate creators, we must keep a positive state of mind. This can be tricky when we’ve been trained into a regular state of bad-vibes.

TVOne of the best examples that we have to date is the television itself. Look, it’s not called “programming” for no reason. Turn on the TV and it’s nothing but garbage. It’s difficult to find something that isn’t a nonstop stream of violence, crime, anger or gossip, and worst of all, ADVERTISING!  Constant exposure to these negative thoughts, emotions and actions automatically relate in your mind and start changing the way you see the world. What we surround ourselves with and think about, we become.

The good news is that you can program your mind into a high vibrational frequency just as easily as you could be programmed into negativity. Through exposing yourself to uplifting and inspirational ideas on a daily basis, you will begin to absorb and relate to the positive vibes, and even “emit” them yourself!

It sounds pretty simple, and the truth is, that it is! It just takes a little bit of practice, and sometimes, a little bit of help from a friend.

So, let me be a friend and describe exactly how this is done.

Like Burning Wood in a Fire

We’ve all seen a campfire before, right? Well, most of us anyways. In order to burn the fire and create warmth, we need a few specific ingredients. To start it out, kindling, tinder, some wood… and of course, the spark to ignite the flame.

Cozy home fireplaceBut once that fire is going, you don’t need the spark, tinder, or kindling anymore. The wood is your fuel source, and in fact, if you try and add those other ingredients again, your not going to support your roaring fire in the least. In needs a bigger fuel, more wood.

Now, if your like me, and have spent a lot of time around wood-stoves (our house has a wood stove, so I’m constantly feeding it throughout the winter), you’ll know that just throwing the wood on the fire isn’t always going to do the trick. No, the HOT COALS have to be touching the other wood. This creates a firey-friction of sorts, causing the unburnt log to ignite into flames, and cause the fire to overall get hotter!

Apply it to the Spirit

Much like burning wood in a fire, you need a “spiritual friction” of the right ingredients in order to create the warm heat inside that sustains your good feelings. The right ingredients, instead of logs, is actually #1 meaningful connections. Aka: Friendship. 

Happy couple

The spark, kindling, and tinder are the basis for the friendship that you have, and of course, there are tons of different kinds of logs. Some friendships are based around working together, intimacy, co-creation, and those can fractal to great depths in the possibilities of what can be accomplished.

The point is though, that regardless of what kind of friendship that you have, it is the continuing of feeding the fire, the continuation of the relationship, the deep communications, the shared time together, shared laughter, shared moments, is what continues the spiritual fire burning bright, which allows you to give love to all of those around you, and bask in the warmth of your glowing heart. 

When your Low on Fuel…

Now, lets say for instance that you have a great connection with your partner or friends, but sometimes you have to go to work, and when you do, there isn’t a single person there who you connect with in a meaningful way.

Besides the fact that this is an obvious sign that your job is draining your soul and you should get out, sometimes its hard to do that immediately, and thus you have to find a way of keeping your spirits up while surrounded by mental garbage.

Here are 3 methods you can use to help you get through the day, when you go into the darkness and don’t see light for many hours later.

1. Meditation for a lasting flame

When you meditate, you can compress the “coals” into a hot iron that will stay hot, longer. That compression can even become like a beam of light, to guide you through the darkness to come.

2. Stoke the Fire with Meaningful bits and bytes on the Internet

When your feeling drained, its always a great way to get a bit of release by going on the internet and watching or looking at something to just lift your spirits.. JUST BE CAREFUL WITH THIS ONE!  This is like throwing a big piece of thick cardboard on the fire, it will create a burst of energy for you, but its not a lasting flame. It can also be dangerous, because there’s a lot of sloppy wet cardboard on the internet, and if you put that on your coals it will DOUSE YOUR FLAME! 

What this means is, be super mindful about what you take in. Advertisements will douse your flame. Don’t let that stuff in.


My recommendation? Spirit Science Cartoons!… No wait, even better –> The Daily Kitty. If you’ve ever seen this Facebook page, it’s awesome. I’ve never seen a bad post from them, and that’s probably because we’re the criminal masterminds behind this wonderful magical page. Special thanks to Ray for its inception.

3. Sleep Hypnosis for an overnight fire

Personally, I haven’t done too much experimentation with Sleep Hypnosis except for binaural beats and lucid dreaming, but there is a lot of research to suggest its very helpful in its ability to support a holistic overnight “reprogramming” of neural pathways in order to support a healthy lifestyle.

Tired woman sleeping on the coach at office

Ultimately, if we begin changing our actions, our lives have no choice but to change.

Besides this, you can also maintain good feels when everyone around you is an ass by eating as good as you can, taking breaks with some exercise or stretching, and going out of your way to smile even when your not feeling it. Force it, because pretty soon you’ll realize your actually smiling because your happy, and not because your forcing it. Smiling creates endorphines in your brain, it’s actually pretty amazing.

Anyways, I really hope that all of this can help you on your journey! Thank you for reading!

With love,
Jordan Pearce

Self-Mastery: How to Become Your Own True Love

A relationship is never the answer to your loneliness. Any feelings of emptiness, unhappiness, depression or self-hate can exist within you before you meet your partner. Most people tend to create new relationships based not on what they want, but in response to what they perceive to lack. They look outside of themselves, saying, “when I find someone, I will be happy, satisfied, and fulfilled’.

Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 12.07.53 AMWhen they do find someone to have a relationship with, it is exciting and fulfilling for a few months, maybe a few years.

When the original feelings come up again, they can start blaming the other person for their loneliness, depression, self-hate and their unhappy life. The other person, in turn, may dim their own light, by demanding your energy, time, and your personality.

It is their fear, their pain and their depression that starts chasing you, sucking your energy and imprisoning your beautiful free soul. You may do the same to them because of your own emptiness.

NOTHING outside of yourself, not a relationship or another person, will ever bring you true happiness, fulfillment or peace of heart if you aren’t already happy with yourself.

You are your own hero, your own lover, your own answer to all of your prayers, and your own TRUE LOVE.

Today is the day to become your own True Love! Start to love every aspect of yourself, including all of your Darkness and your Light. Start to appreciate and love your own personality; become your own best friend.

shutterstock_226234879Find out what nourishes your soul, and find the sacredness in each moment: Take a walk in the forest. Watch funny movies in your bed. Create art, or write from deep inside of your soul.

Start to embrace all that you are in your divinity. Stop waiting for something or someone outside of you.

YOU are what you’ve been looking and waiting for the whole time. Stop searching, stop demanding. Each of us is a free, sovereign spirit, meant only to share and celebrate our true essences together. Continue reading