What does it mean to be a Star, Crystal or Indigo child? Many people see these labels as just that – simply labels that make a group of people feel special. The fundamental differences of a Star, Crystal or Indigo person is their core purpose in life.

Our consciousness exists beyond this physical realm, we’ve all experienced “life” outside of this physical reality.
When our awareness chose to incarnate on this planet, we chose a kind of template of our life. Throughout many life times, we have chosen contrasting experiences to better understand ourselves as an extension of Source or God. In this life, if you have chosen to create a beneficial, radical change through whatever means whether it be art, technology, science, writing – or anything you are passionate about; you are an Star, Crystal or Indigo child.
If you can see the blatant corruption of this world, see what’s really going on, dream of a world of unity, and think it can actually happen – you are an Star, Crystal or Indigo child.
If you think a 9 to 5 job, the design of our society and how things are going on this planet are “good” or “just the way it is”, you don’t fall into the category of Star, Crystal or Indigo people. That doesn’t mean you are less important, unique and beautiful in any way. It means your path is not shifting the state of the world.
That is THE quality all Star, Crystal or Indigo people share – it’s the intense desire for change.
As a child, almost all of us have this inherent understanding. Over time, we are conditioned and numbed to potential of what humanity could be. If you are a parent with a baby or young child, it is vital you allow them flourish in the way they need to. Children are naturally loving, non-judgemental, and incredibly wise when they are in a nurturing environment. Give you children the water they need for their seeds to grow.
1. Don’t Cut Their Hair
According to North American traditions, hair is an extension of the nervous system, and spiritual journeyers who grow their hair experience an increase in their abilities.

There are a number of other cultures, faiths and beliefs that also promote growing and hiding of hair, and it has long tradition throughout human culture.
Cutting hair is not like normal for us. Many of us experience haircuts as painfully traumatic and experience deep shock and a sense of loss afterwards. It’s like the intensity of breaking up with a lover kind of loss. Continue reading →