Category Archives: Spirituality

3 Ways To Know Someone Is Lying By Using Your Intuition

Have you ever had an experience where you knew someone was lying but you weren’t sure enough to call them out on it, only to find out later that you were right all along?  As much as life is about love and community and friendship, it is also about wisdom and discernment.

As nice as it would be to live in a world where everyone is honest and transparent, the truth is, we have a long way to go with that still.  Something that can really help you on your journey is being able to distinguish between a lie and a truth.  It is good to learn the ways to identify a lie NOW so that you don’t have to learn the hard way through experience later.

Whether it be a co-worker, friend, family member, or peer, here are 3 main ways to tell if someone is lying to you:

1) Their body language changes


It has been estimated that about 55% of all communication boils down to body language.  We are biologically wired to be able to read body language, and knowing how to identify specific movements and gestures is a good way to prevent yourself from falling victim to a liar.  Here are a few body language signs to look for if someone is lying: Continue reading

What To Do When You Feel “Hatred” Towards Another Person

Hatred is typically defined as being an intense dislike towards another person.  You have a right to dislike someone, but to HATE someone usually means that there is something that is unresolved energetically and needs to be looked at.

Not to mention, hatred is a very destructive and toxic feeling to carry around with you, and it often times can drive you mad.  It can also lead to physical illness and contribute to spiritual and mental instability.  Life is too short to carry around hatred for another person when it can be resolved, so let’s take a look at some things you can do when you feel this intense feeling towards another person:

1) Ask yourself, “Is this even true?”

We get into a habit of taking our initial thoughts and emotions as absolute truth, when the majority of the time they are just egoic impulses and reactions.  And even when they aren’t mere reactions and are actually grounded in some truth, we still tend to create unnecessary stories around a situation and believe them into existence.  Let me give you an example.

Let’s say a friend of yours goes behind your back and smears you on social media and sleeps with your ex.  A story that would initially arise in our minds may be something like “That person betrayed me, and I hate them for that”.  Now notice what happens in your energy field when we take that story and replace it with “That person manifested a behaviour that was aligned with their level of consciousness at the time, and they clearly lack the insight and wisdom to see that was inappropriate.”.

They are both true, but one comes from a place of unconsciousness and turns you into a victim, while the other comes from a place of higher understanding and gives you your power back.  Or maybe, they didn’t even betray you, they just felt extremely hurt by something you did and said to them without you even realizing it and they didn’t know how to express their pain properly.  We often fail to question if we had anything to do with their behaviour.  Check inside yourself for false stories AND for how may have contributed energetically to the situation.

The next time you feel hate towards somebody, question the story you keep telling yourself in your head about the situation.  If you are at all like me, you will find that the story running through your mind about the person you hate is not only useless, it is almost always untrue.

2) Express it to them

One of the worst pieces of advice we get upset or angry is to just “get over it”.  This typically only results in resentment towards the other person and just puts a blanket over uncommunicative thoughts and emotions.  As uncomfortable as it may be at times, and as resistant you may be to being open and honest with the other person, the best thing you can do is communicate it to them.  Say exactly what you mean,

Keeping anger towards another person inside yourself is like holding on to a flame and expecting the other person to get burnt.  You owe it to yourself out of self-love alone to be honest and open with someone as a way to release yourself from the burden of carrying around something that needs to be communicated.  And when you do communicate it, you will often find that the story you were telling yourself about them as untrue or incomplete.

You have a mouth and vocal chords for a reason.  Don’t be afraid to use them!

3) Release

If you have looked at your story from different perspectives, have considered how you may have played a role in their behaviour, and if you express yourself to that other person from a place of sincerity, groundedness, and honesty, then your job is essentially done. If they still aren’t willing to listen, then you have to accept that they are simply not operating from a state of consciousness that is ready to be open and transparent.  Being frustrated and resentment that they aren’t hearing you out will only cause you more suffering.

Accept that they may not have the self-honesty or wisdom necessary to see things from your point of view, and move on knowing that you have done your part.  “Releasing” yourself from something doesn’t just meaning not thinking about it anymore.  To release does not mean to forget or suppress.  Sometimes, it requires deep meditation and ceremonial efforts to cleanse yourself and fully forgive the other person.

Hatred is just of a natural emotion to experience as anything else.  But with all emotions and feelings that arise within our energy field, it’s important to get into the habit of reviewing them, expressing them, and releasing them.  If you catch yourself feeling hatred towards another person, allow yourself to fully feel it.  Once you feel it , analyze it, express it, then release it, it’s no longer anger.  It becomes a lesson and an opportunity for higher understanding.

3 Myths About Spirituality That Stop Us From Living Fully

As you begin to awaken to your sense of spirituality, it’s easy to get misguided by all of the disinformation that is spread online and in the book stores.  As we begin to work through our own personal thought programs and belief systems, some additional belief systems can become installed and act as viruses inside our being.

These viruses are really just false beliefs and spiritual myths that get installed inside of us and can prevent us from living fully and authentically.  Here are three very common spiritual myths that block us from living fully:

1) Spirituality is a belief system

Spirituality has nothing to do with subscribing to a new series of thoughts in your head.  When people shift from one worldview or religion to another, it usual comes in the form of switching belief systems and adopting a new ideology.

The number one biggest spiritual myth is that spirituality is just another belief system we have to adopt.  Sometimes, we end up confusing spirituality with a sort of New Age belief system instead of as a skill set, a way of interacting with thought and emotion, and a relationship with the present moment.

Instead of presence, emotional mastery, communication, self-realization, and self-awareness, things like crystals, channeling, divination, and and astrology receive the most attention.  There is nothing wrong with any of those things, but is spirituality about investing your belief in a new field of study? Or is it about self-discovery and the pursuit of wisdom? Continue reading

The 3 Most Important People You Need To Find In Your Life

Life is about loving relationships.  More specifically, life is about loving relationships that push you into expansion and help you grow.   While all relationships play a role in our understandings of life and the development of our character, some relationships are just more special than others.

There many different types of relationships you can have in life, but there are a few types that are completely essential to your journey on this planet.  Here are 3 types of people you need to find in life.

1) Your Soul Mateshutterstock_401072437

Your soul mate is the one who you just click with on every level.  There is never any awkwardness, and it’s literally impossible to feel uncomfortable around them.  Their may be fights and arguments, but they are always resolved in a way that strengthens the relationship.

You could spend 3 years away from that person and reunite with them as if nothing has changed because you resonate at every possible level.

When you meet them, you may feel a strange sense of familiarity as if you had chosen to include them in your life prior to even being born.  This strange sense of familiarity often times comes from the fact that you share past lives with this person, and you both chose to come here to go on a mission together. Continue reading

5 Truths To Remind Yourself of When Times Get Tough

If you are reading this right now, chances are you have something you need to work on.  We all do.  It’s what makes us human. Unless you are Jesus reincarnate, you are going to encounter a lot of shadows in your life.  These “shadows” are meant to reveal you to yourself to push you into a new level of consciousness, but we sometimes get into the habit of treating them as annoyances.

We often don’t treat tough times as opportunities, when in reality, tough times are the only reason that life is worth living.  Live without growth and spiritual progress is meaningless, and growth is impossible without at least some degree of suffering.

We may not “like” the tough times we go through, but life is not always about receiving what we “like”.  Sometimes, it’s more about receiving what we need at a certain time in our life, and sometimes its about learning something about ourselves and  the world around us.  If you are experiencing suffering, anxiety, confusion, hopelessness, or pain, there are some things you really should know:

1) Everybody suffersshutterstock_382759990

Nobody in the history of planet earth has lived a life free of suffering, pain, depression, anger, of anxiety.  Everybody is experiences these things on a daily basis.

Even the people you look up to in your life the most are fighting their own battles.  Just because the people around you are smiling and talking does not mean they aren’t suffering deep down. Continue reading

3 Fundamental Realizations You Have After A Near Death Experience

Near-death-experiences are experiences people have when their physical body is dead.  While their body is dead, their consciousness detaches from their body and has vivid experiences of other worlds.  These worlds are usually heavenly in nature, and all of the people who have NDEs come back completely transformed by what they have experienced.

Some may say these experiences are DMT flooding into the brain, or are just hallucinations.  We know they are not hallucinations because some people are able to accurately report specific details about what the doctors were doing in the room at the time they detached from their body.  And we know this is not DMT, because Dr. Eben Alexander, a Harvard trained brain neurosurgeon of 25 years, had a vivid NDE while the neocortex of his brain was completely disabled.

His NDE remains the most scientifically credible experience of the afterlife that has ever been recorded.  To read more about his experience, click here.  But the point of this post is not to convince you that they have real experiences.  It is to talk about the implications their experiences have on how we relate to our life on earth.

Here are 3 things NDEs have taught us about life:

1) Life is a test

Life is a schoolhouse where your soul develops and evolves.  It is a test of personal growth.  Just like tests in school, you can pass, or you can fail.  To pass is to act out of love, compassion, and understanding.  When you “fail” in life, you will feel dirty inside yourself as if you have done something wrong.  This sense of conscience and moral apprehension is your soul attempting to guide you through this life.  When you fail in school, you get an “F”.  When you fail in life, you learn a new lesson.

As weird as this may sound, an important part of life is making mistakes, because it is only through direct experience that we can be permanently transformed.  Life is not a random accident, and your job is not to pay bills until you die.  Your primary job is to evolve and mature your consciousness, and this is done by embracing all of life’s experiences.

2) God is real

God is not some man or woman in the sky.  God is an all-pervasive, eternal, timeless, formless, loving consciousness.  Every single NDE account I have read or researched contains people reporting they feel an incredible sense of communion of something bigger than themselves.  They feel the presence of the Creator.

Which God? The Source of all creation, being, intelligence, and moral perfection.  Different religions try to interpret the Creator.  Some religions come close, and some not so close.  To understand God in intellectual terms is impossible for our brains, but simply put, God is Love with creative potential.  Dr. Eben Alexander said this about love:

Love is, without a doubt, the basis of everything. Not some abstract, hard-to-fathom kind of love but the day-to-day kind that everyone knows-the kind of love we feel when we look at our spouse and our children, or even our animals. In its purest and most powerful form, this love is not jealous or selfish, but unconditional. This is the reality of realities, the incomprehensibly glorious truth of truths that lives and breathes at the core of everything that exists or will ever exist, and no remotely accurate understanding of who and what we are can be achieved by anyone who does not know it, and embody it in all of their actions.”

The experience of God comes not from liturgy and dogma, but from personal depth and the expression of love.

3) You are eternal

You don’t die.  Whoever told you that you were born was mistaken.  YOU were never born.  Your body was born, but you existed eternally in the past in one form or another, and you will continue to after your physical body dies.  Everyone who survives a NDE comes back with absolutely no fear of death, because they understand that there is no end to identity.  There is only transition.

Your life here is just a flicker in the eye of eternity, and you will soon wake up from this dream and remember that you were only pretending to be a human being.  “Human being” is just a mask you soul is wearing right now.

NDEs can teach us a lot about the nature of consciousness and the brain, but they can teach us even more about the nature of life as a whole.  When we include the experiences of others as part of our personal databank of information, we can evolve into high understandings much faster.  Trust that one day, you too will leave this physical world behind.

Embrace your spiritual nature.  You are just a visitor passing through.