Category Archives: Archives

Archived Posts from Spirit Science’s History

Self-Mastery: How to Become Your Own True Love

A relationship is never the answer to your loneliness. Any feelings of emptiness, unhappiness, depression or self-hate can exist within you before you meet your partner. Most people tend to create new relationships based not on what they want, but in response to what they perceive to lack. They look outside of themselves, saying, “when I find someone, I will be happy, satisfied, and fulfilled’.

Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 12.07.53 AMWhen they do find someone to have a relationship with, it is exciting and fulfilling for a few months, maybe a few years.

When the original feelings come up again, they can start blaming the other person for their loneliness, depression, self-hate and their unhappy life. The other person, in turn, may dim their own light, by demanding your energy, time, and your personality.

It is their fear, their pain and their depression that starts chasing you, sucking your energy and imprisoning your beautiful free soul. You may do the same to them because of your own emptiness.

NOTHING outside of yourself, not a relationship or another person, will ever bring you true happiness, fulfillment or peace of heart if you aren’t already happy with yourself.

You are your own hero, your own lover, your own answer to all of your prayers, and your own TRUE LOVE.

Today is the day to become your own True Love! Start to love every aspect of yourself, including all of your Darkness and your Light. Start to appreciate and love your own personality; become your own best friend.

shutterstock_226234879Find out what nourishes your soul, and find the sacredness in each moment: Take a walk in the forest. Watch funny movies in your bed. Create art, or write from deep inside of your soul.

Start to embrace all that you are in your divinity. Stop waiting for something or someone outside of you.

YOU are what you’ve been looking and waiting for the whole time. Stop searching, stop demanding. Each of us is a free, sovereign spirit, meant only to share and celebrate our true essences together. Continue reading

Cosmic Marriage: Why so Many Traditional Marriages Fail

Your true partner has already been decided; it is set above. It is already a commitment, without even knowing, it is an event set to happen by you.  The cosmos knows. Your soul knows. Your gut instinct knows. You have been partners many lifetimes before. There is nothing ‘ new’, it feels like you have been married a hundred times before. The other person knows what to say or not say, to evolve the process.

You will always come back to each other, or stick together in some way because of the enormous magnetic pull to each other. As they say in the movie Avatar ‘ I see you’. Those words are more then ‘I love you’.

The words have many more dimensions behind it. ‘I see your soul.’shutterstock_291850706

I love your soul, with all aspects that goes with it. Everything. The whole package. – This is the ‘I see you’. 

Many people do not find it appealing anymore, to marry the traditional ways. We say vows we do not feel in the heart, sign a ‘contract’ for an institute and spend a lot of money on a sacred ceremony that transcends the need for material.

Relationships of the Past

There is a time and place for everything. You cannot change someone’s feelings, and you cannot ‘ make it work’, when it has already been broken and the other person is not fighting for love. It takes two to Tango, It is a lover’s dance…

Someone who does not want to be in their power (commitment to themselves) will never be able to commit to you.
On the road of your past relationships and affairs, you learned who you are,  what you need to shine, bloom, blossom and stay strong in a world, that has so many challenges.

You learned about your personality and your ego-aspects. You learned how to be a strong person, and how to make a future partner a powerful and strong person by the vibration you are able to send in a connection based on Truth. That is how you love in a way that makes the other person stronger, not weaker.

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3 Ways to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Negative Emotions

If you have opened to read these words, I completely bow and honor you, who feel the world with their heart first and then the mind. This is an integration and collaboration for the new world and fifth dimensional reality to arise. I see you, I feel you and I am so excited you are here, thank you infinitely!

I will start this off by saying the word Empath gets swung around a lot in the psychic realm or alternative community, it is built almost seemingly from the mystics but there is a very fine tuned science and brain chemistry to define an Empath and the neurology associated with such people.

One day I will write more about that science but for now… Empaths are the people with the power to feel other people’s emotions. The saying runs true, it is both a blessing and a curse to feel the world through the heart of someone who carries the world within it. In my opinion, this is the attunement of the new age. Being able to feel another person’s heart is a gift that is being given to so many to help change the planet! Congratulations, if you can relate to this article, you have been selected as a bringer of transformation. Can you feel it?  [shareaholic app=”share_buttons” id=”5111573″]   

shutterstock_192906149For thousands of years we have not had the ability to interconnect with so many beings at one time and for the first time the majority of the planet with a computer screen facillitator, can read and become educated about the strange world they would have mentally shut out. We are entering a time on our planet where it is no longer needed to protect ourselves or separate ourselves for survival but the exact opposite is need for our survival, to join our hearts together as one to help heal the planet we have separated ourselves from.

We need to feel the person next to us to give them the few words that come with ease and grace so we can to help them on their healing journey. We need to feel deeply within to be able to see the destruction of the planet and hear the voice that will tell us the solutions. Feel to reconnect your cranial antenna (your pineal gland and pituitary) to the circuitry of your brain that will truly connect you to the entirety of the universe. But wait wasn’t this article supposed to be about not feeling or not absorbing other’s feelings? Yes, yes, just wanted to lay some groundwork of why what you are experiencing is truly incredible.

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Sure, It’s Easier To Run

i-am-02I just watched a documentary last night called I AM. This groundbreaking work follows director Tom Shadyac around the globe as he sits down with renown poets, business executives, psychologists, and biologists to ask two questions:

18iam-span-articleLargeWhat is wrong with the world?
What can we do to fix it?

The root to which it all boils down to is encompassed in a response given by English writer, G.K. Chesterton, to the initial question, posed to him by the London Times.
Q: What is wrong with the world?
A: I am.

Science today, as explored in this film, is rounding up more and more applicable and indisputable evidence to suggest that the totality of existence is in fact an energetic projection of The Individual Observer, that each of you reading this Now, whether aware of it or not, are in fact 100% responsible for the entirety of your every experience. Some have expressed this to be a daunting concept to accept, though I personally find this to be a most empowering paradigm. That we have the power to create worlds. That with personal mastery of our emotional and mental states, so too comes mastery of creating whatever reality we desire.

Running-awayOften times, we encounter struggles or set backs in life, and it’s as if it’s almost become natural for us to point the finger to a person or situation or group of persons for having caused the problem. Many times we have even chosen to walk away from a particular job or project, dissolve a personal relationship, or any other number of “move-away” tactics, as if separating ourself from “the thing” is going to solve the issue. The reality is, as the mystics have echoed through the ages, that the issue is within us, not “out there” and we have actual, measurable, repeatable evidence of this concept today! How exciting!

Thanks to institutions like Heart Math and Biocybernaut Institute, just to name a couple, Western culture is beginning to wake up to The Reality of what is true about ourselves and how we work, our natural design to exist in harmony with all that surrounds us, and step into authority of our lives by accepting fully the responsibility of our every experience.

change-your-thoughts-and-you-change-your-world18Instead of running from our problems, we now begin to see that there is no problem. There is only a manifestation of some personality trait that we desire other than to exhibit, and so we now become grateful for the encounter with these parts of ourselves, that they have been brought to our attention as an opportunity for personal growth through identifying those parts of our personality and shifting to what we truly desire to be.