Category Archives: Archives

Archived Posts from Spirit Science’s History

Freedom Interview: Vanessa Cuccia (She-Patch)

Today we have a special Valentine edition Freedom interview for you with our good friend Vanessa Cuccia. You may have seen her around in Patch Parables as ShePatch. She generously gave us some of her time to talk about Panic and Anxiety in regards to relationships, intimacy, and creating that special connection that we all really want.

Lets face it, most of us suffer from some fear of intimacy. We fill our heads with “I’m not sure she’ll like me” and “Did he actually mean what he said?” and “What if it ends terribly!”… It’s sometimes hard to remember that most of the things we regret in life are the ones we didn’t have the courage to do.

So we invited Vanessa to talk about intimacy, relationships, and we got a lot more than that. Vanessa is a courageous and inspiring soul, an incredibly talented musician, and speaks about creation from inspiration in all aspects of life.

Oh, and we have some REALLY exciting news! On Wednesday & Thursday, Feb 20th & 21st we are launching the FULL Panic to Freedom online program!

You can check out Vanessa’s Music at
and Chakrubs at

We’re still working very hard this week, and have some more awesome interviews on the editing table, but we wanted to let you know that for the first day only, the 20th, we are going to do something very special.

You can find out more at our new Facebook Event Page!

With Love,

Jorday, Ray & Brian

Freedom Interview ~ Tyler Saunders (The Atlantis King!)

For those who have followed Spirit Science in the last year you may have caught wind of an extraordinary character known as the King of Atlantis!

Played by the handsome Tyler Saunders, the King of Atlantis is You, and the embodiment of all of the excitement, energy, freedom, love and kindness that exists in this world!

We hope you enjoy this fun and adventurous interview we take part in with our fellow Atlantean King, as we talk about Freedom, Panic, Anxiety, and understanding what is involved in overcoming it.

Because you too are the king of Atlantis, and we wish to see you Rise and become free!

Check out the King of Atlantis on Youtube

And sign up for exclusive stuff at Panic to Freedom!

How I found my totem animal: a realist approach


“Totem animal” is one of those spiritual topics that I think some people are quick to dismiss. On the surface, it seems as though the concept is a little out there, at best a flight of fancy, at worst an ego trap.

After all, who wouldn’t like to imagine themselves as having the spirit of an animal? In a weird way, it’s empowering to think about. So are those who claim they’ve found their spirit totem or guide just indulging themselves, or is there something more to this?

I’ll be honest, for the longest time I thought it was the former, because I tend to have a different perspective on spirituality than most. My usual philosophy is “If it helps you grow as a person, it holds spiritual value, and if it helps you grow in power, or creates the illusion of it, then there’s a good chance what you are looking at is rotten apples.” Granted, this doesn’t always hold true, but it makes for a decent makeshift spiritual compass. If someone claims that they can help you speak with the deceased, (at the low, low price of $100 an hour) then it seems best to tread carefully. I had always just filed away the concept of “animal totems” away in the similar area in my mind, but lately I’ve been rethinking it. Continue reading

Clarity on Spirit Science

There have been a lot of questions recently about Spirit Science and it’s evolution. What are we up to, where are we going. Some people had made up some ideas as well about Spirit Science becoming Cult-Like and a new Religion, which Jordan and I thought was ridiculous. So we decided to put together this video to shine some Clarity on the matter. Continue reading

New Years Reflection and the “Point” of Spirituality

livewithwonderWhat is the purpose of spirituality? Why is it so meaningful to me? For me, these are deep, powerful questions, questions that cannot be dismissed with a simple, surface answer.

I’ve decided that, with this being the New Year, it’s a good time not for resolutions, but for reflection, though the latter certainly has the potential to inspire the former. Reflection can liberate us, and it can imprison us. It all depends on the reflection you see. Some of the questions I’m about to ask may even appear to come from a negative place. For me however, they don’t. They are in my opinion, “growth questions.” Hard questions we have to answer for ourselves so we can grow. It’s like pulling out a thorn. It hurts, but it’s necessary for healing to take place.

I have decided to list the questions, and then give personal answers that I myself have found for these. Maybe you have a better answer. If so, tell me in a comment. Drop me an email. I would love to hear what you have to say. Onto the questions. I’ll start with the first one I mentioned.

What is the purpose of spirituality? Continue reading

Words from the “Avatar of Truth” : Part Two

livewithwonderIf you’ve recently read my article “Words from the Avatar of Truth,” you know that by now his words have come true. No immediate, magical type ascension has occurred, and the world has not come to an end. Truly, his Holiness, the Avatar of Truth is wise indeed.

I’m just joshing ya. There is no monk with a chip. The whole thing was a bunch of bull.Why would I deliberately deceive like that? Before I answer that question let me quote one of the comments in the last article.

“We did not expect any daddy to come and rescue us from ourselves anyway. most people have learned to live without expectations and perceive the world as it desires to (so to speak). Giving up because something did not happen is false spirituality anyway. Real spiritual people are not such because of the date that something is going to happen – but because of the way they evolved, seeing things, understanding, enlightenment. You message is full of negativity as it is not just the message by itself, but the first half is justifying that one mus believe in this message because the monk and the chip etc. The guys here are enough smart and sensitive to pick or not without any forced proofs.

Love to you all Continue reading