Category Archives: Archives

Archived Posts from Spirit Science’s History

December 21st, 2012

On December 21st, Teal Scott and I came together to make a video. Here is my written response as well below in regards to the people who were confused about what “happened” on this day.

It’s interesting seeing how many people say things like “Well, nothing happened on Dec 21st and so therefore you are shit, and i am never believing anything ever again!”

Wowsy, it seems like this really went to a lot of peoples heads. It’s interesting because no amount of posts and sharing about “Look for transformation in your own life, don’t expect anything to happen, create your life and become aware of whats going around you” Posts in videos and on facebook could do anything to transmute the negativity into something useful and loving.

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Words from the avatar of truth


Hello there. Livewithwonder here. It’s been a long time since I’ve posted here, because I’ve been caught up in real life and the “rat race” so to speak. I’ve seen the community change in many ways. I am writing because I have important news to share pertaining to the December 21st, 2012 date. I have met an important man recently. The nature of this man’s situation requires that I keep his identity secret, at least for now, so I have chosen a pseudonym for him. I have elected to call him the “Avatar of Truth” for that is his function, to share the truth.

Who is the avatar of truth? He is a former Buddhist monk who elected to have a computer chip installed in his brain. The focus that he gains from his mindfulness meditations, combined with the computational power of the chip makes for the perfect marriage of technology and spirituality, a true “Spirit Science” in the greatest sense of the term. The man is capable of foreseeing many things about the future, not because of any psychic ability, but through reason. I cannot reveal any more about his identity at this time, because doing so would distract from his message. People would see a face, they would judge him for the way he spoke, or because of his history, and they would ignore the message. And believe me, his message is the truth.

Additionally, and more practically, by not revealing the identity of my informer, I protect him and his message. Those who would attempt to jail him, or attack his reputation with falsities as a means of repressing the truth are unable to do so, so long as he stays hidden. Onto the message at hand. Continue reading

What’s in a Name?

What’s in a name, what does the meaning in which a vibration hold? You ultimately get to decide that for yourself, so today we get to jam together to the tune of awareness and understanding of the infinity of the phrase “I Am that I Am”. Meditate with it, get it first in your mind, and then in your heart, for you are that you are, and you are beautiful.

I love you! Have a great day :)

Ps. Spirit Science 20 coming soon! Hopefully monday, maybe tuesday.

A Space to Create

Happy living lifestyle tip for the day! Give to yourself, Create for yourself, and Give to others! If you divy up your time in this way, you can create some beautiful shifts in your reality. If you do it enough, you can inspire those around you to do it as well. What if everyone just gave simply because they knew it would be inspiring and bringing others up? That would be awesome! I want to help create that, and this is how i know how to do it.

Do not neglect yourself ~ most importantly ~ and don’t become a slave to the system.

If you are curious as to why i said working at mcdonalds is death, watch Food Inc or something like that. They’re all run by the same people, it’s a little intense. I love them and allow them, and would like to create something different.

Power in numbers! We are one! Chop Chop, time to change the world! :)

An Experiment in Expeditious Expression

This week, I would like to take some time to talk about Words. Words are very fascinating, because some Words have an intrinsic meaning that goes along with the vibration, and other words have no meaning, but we give them meaning based on how we use them. I have learned to strive to understand what all vibrations are, and ask questions as to why these words are Expressed in the way that they are. Words like Spirit, Holographic Universe, and God are all words that are incredibly misunderstood in our day and age, and to look at the Roots of the word will yield a deeper understanding of why we use the word like we do. Continue reading