Category Archives: Archives

Archived Posts from Spirit Science’s History

Enlightenment: “State of Being”

A picture of an elder Krishnamurti

Krishnamurti was a very eclectic and wise man, his book “This Light in Oneself” was very exposing.


When we think of enlightenment, Hollywood has projected something along the lines of an all-knowing, long-bearded, mystical sage or strict monk who could do near anything from this mythical enlightenment power.

It’s not as we would invision it in reality.

When talking of enlightenment, the Quaballa describes it as the “One thousand and one doors”. It is many things to many people, and there are numerous parts of enlightenment to be discussed.

For state of being, I’d like to show Jiddu Krishnamurti as an example.

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A small update: I’m back, and I have quite a few things to discuss.

Many topics, little time.

First and for most, I’d like to mention that I am honored to still be apart of the community.

This is going to be the most scatterbrained, difficult, monotonous spiritual journey of your life: Enlightenment.

Lucky for you, I’m a half-way decent writer with a sense of humor.

Ignoring all possible theory which would make this article look more like a thesis prospecta, Here’s short and low for my long inactivity and the subject of this article.  I’ve been doing a laundry-list of spiritual studies, and working days on end, trying to create a palpable blend of everything I know,  have learned, and can base future learnings off of. Continue reading

Guru Yotam ~ Breathing!

This is Guru Yotam! We met him at Harbin Hot Springs in Northern California, and he has some beautiful information he would like to share with you about breathing!

If you liked this video and would like to see more of Yotam, leave a message and maybe he can make a return!

Patchblog – Your Healing Journey

All problems are just gifts waiting to be discovered. You seek out problems to find their gifts.

Your Journey is your own. You have to understand that nobody is in the same position that you are, although everyone has their own path which can be similar in many ways. The personal path being one that we all must take becomes a path that is universal to everyone. The path to understanding, the pathway to growth. There is an inherent geometry behind this pathway, and in time we will discuss it more specifically. The geometry is that of a Toroidial Field, for those of you who are interested, as well as the chakra spectrum, which is inherent in our bodies and DNA. Continue reading