Welcome to the Spirit Side Chats

The intention for this chat is for Seekers of any kind, Spiritual, Atheist, Religious, or even Agnostic to come together in a space of peace, honest, open conversation, and talk about anything! Lets be open, lets be loving, and lets be kind.

There is a room list bellow the chat window, if you want to talk about something specific, check and see what’s up in the chat room of your choosing :)

TO JOIN ROOMS: type /join #roomname

Thank you!

– Ray, Joshua & Team Spirit


 Channel/Room List
If you’re new to IRC, don’t worry it’s just like any other chat except it lets you do a few things extra.

  1. How do I Change My Display Name (Nick) ?
    Type: ” /nick myNewNickname ” without the quotes.
  2. How do I Register or Password Protect my Nickname?
    Check these instructions (good question, someone write it up and tell one of the ops in the chat and we will put it here.
  3. How do I Change Channels, or Go to A Different Chatroom?
    Type: ” /join #NameOfChannel ” without quotes.
  4. How do I Block or Ignore trolls and spammers?
    Type: “/ignore username” without quotes, replacing “username” with the name of the troll/spammer.
    Type: “/unignore username” without quotes, as before to reverse this.
  5. Can I use more commands?  Where can I learn the commands?
    for now, google…
  6. Can I Use a Different Client to Chat?
    Yes! The IRC domain we are currently using is: web.libera.chat
    The default channel is #spiritscience
  7. Room too full? 
    Try joining any of the channels/rooms listed above.
    Or you can make a new chatroom and tell your friends about it!
  8. Have any more questions?  Have a channel you want listed?
    Tell us in the comments section below! :D

969 thoughts on “Welcome to the Spirit Side Chats”

  1. I don’t know know anything else to express my gratitude for this site and it’s aspirations to spread a greater conscious awareness throughout humanity, apart from Thank you. In the truest sense of what that term means to us, as not just letters and words but the true emotion behind it… Thank You and Namaste.

  2. now iv got a weird question if you astrol projecting to you see yourself as you or something else are you male or female and if you one of those why would you spirit be male or female, are there male and female spirits and if so that would mean you canot reincarnate as the other gender? i just thought this was interesting and i couldn’t find an answer to my question.

    1. Hello Dylan. I hope i can offer some insight. My understanding is that the spirits gender is somewhat subjective. If your current vehicle (body) is male, then typically you’ll find that your spirit self holds more of a male energy, or that it resembles ,to some degree, your current vehicle.This is only a perspective, the spirit is the culmination of all of our lives. past, present and future. Each life giving us a new vehicle, fit for accomplishing the goals that we set for ourselves to grow. Some lessons take a females unique Interpretation while others take more of a males rigid calculations. There’s no vehicle that can learn, do, experience, and feel everything. Even the Isness/ Creation/ Higher consciousness, after all we are all fragments of a bigger picture.

    1. thank you fairy fairy much evans !!…i wish all an joy n happiness be double !!
      beeeeeg warm hug . am from India .

  3. I love this new chatroom! The only thing that I would recommend is maybe adding some moderators because people in the chat can get a little out of hand. I’ve seen some guys making inappropriate sexual jokes and people arguing over silly things. I just wish people could get along a little better?

  4. if y’all find the places too hectic and want a room that’s actually moderated feel free to come to mine – it was the first room spirit science ever used so we still get people com,ing by every now and then :P


  5. Dude I LOVE the revamp of your site!! Didn’t realize when I started watching how new this project was. Very inspiring Bro..Dare I say Life Changing….Awakened and manifesting at its finest… <3 it ! 1Luv

  6. i used to be a jehovah witness from when i was born till about i was 19 i got kicked out or should say “shunned” from the congregation…supposedly JW’s is a loving non-judgmental religion, But the “elders” (which is basically the higher rank brothers in the congregation) shunned me away from the congregation for street racing? saying its not the way of jesus and horrible to “jehovah”. When that happened I was lost and confused because It was like they went against what being a JW is about…thats what made me realize that wasnt for me.
    I stumbled on Spirit Science through a good genuine person because he asked me did i know what the flower of life was and i didnt…now couple years later I feel awake and free in the mind. This made me realize that i control my life i control any outcome. I have a completely different outlook on life because my good friend helped me to experience my 3rd eye helped me to experience the true joys and love this earth well universe has to offer.

    Spirit Science saved me from a horrible downward spiral in life. I shared just about all my knowledge with my fiance and we both practice daily to love and to enjoy the life we have. and thanks to Spirit Science I’ve connected with myself and im getting know my inner-self more and more. My life is so great and positive now!

    Thank you Spirit Science for saving me and awaking me

  7. Hello chatters! I wanted to let you know there is a chat client called mIRC (if you’re a Windows user; for Mac there’s Colloquy, for unix there’s irssi, and there are plenty of others) which can be used for more stable access to the chat. http://www.mirc.com is their site (I’m not affiliated, just a long term fan).

    I also wanted to share a short piece of mIRCscript that will enable you to color your text the same way you can in the web client. Code and instructions here: http://pastebin.com/14qv6bEq


    1. NOTE: mIRC asks for registration BUT can be used for free indefinitely. I think the other clients I mentioned can also.

      1. I also forgot to mention how to connect. :P

        Server: irc.mibbit.net

        A shortcut; In the text entry bar in mIRC you can just enter /server irc.mibbit.net:6667
        After it connects type /join #spiritscience

        If the above channel is having troll issues, other channel #thespiritscience more often has moderators present and may be able to offer a refuge for safe discussion. (#thespiritscience is under different management than #spiritscience.)

  8. Hello,
    I was just wondering if you had any knowledge of how to travle or open a portal so to speek to another universe. i am very much into the multiveres,the fictional universes are what i realy want to discover.
    I saw the spirit science episode about astral projection but I would like to go to another (fictional) world in my body and not just as consciousness or as spirit i would like to converse with the people there so if you can help that would be wonderful and most appreciated.

    thank you for your time,

  9. When Jesus started his ministry, half the people around thought he was crazy. Don’t let ANY of the “trolls” get you down.

    You are a beautiful teacher. Your presentation on the subjects is very clever in design.

    Thank you for all of your hard work. You make it very easy and organized for me teach these subjects to others.

    It’s going to be an amazing and exciting new world! Count me in ;).

  10. How exciting! I can be patient while the hackers perform their silly DDOS. What’s another hurdle from being one step closer to being connected anyhow! See you soon!

    1. If you go on the IRC you can create new channels for any topic you’d like just by joining a new room.

      For exmaple, type /join #yaycrystals will create a channel with that name, which you can then share with others you’d like to chat there with you.

      However, there doesn’t seem to be much activities in any of the side channels so your best bet is bringing up whatever the topic is in the main channel.

    1. It depends on what kind of automatic login you mean.
      Automatically being identified as registered user can be done via the client we have now.
      However if you want to open this page and automatically reconnect, you will be unable to do that and would likely need a desktop or phone IRC client app.

    1. Yes,
      You can use your favorite clients with Mibbit IRC.
      The server domain name is: irc.mibbit.net
      The default channel on our widget here is #spiritscience

      I’ve added your question to our little help section above.
      Have a great day! :)

  11. Greetings Team Spirit !

    I wanted to invite you to check out some of my work, since i admire the good stuff that you do,
    If you ever find time, do check out at last some of my work, im just starting but i would like to get some feedback from the people that are one of my inspirations ! Also, thank you for the IRC, great idea !

    the eyes never lie !

    1. Thanks Jeffrey,
      We are still using mibbit’s IRC, since our channels and things are already registered, however the KiwiIRC client seems nicer than the mibbit widget client.
      I’m really liking the way it works, it’s very clean. :)

      I also really liked the IRC Daemon you linked to. I don’t think our server and network has the resources to run its own IRC service though. I’ll be testing subway locally anyways. :P

      Take it easy, squeezy!

  12. Hey Spirits… Just want to be in tune with all the spiritual aspects.. share some thoughts regarding that, and to learn more !

    1. Greetings I’m also here to learn more and if there is ever anyone else that wants to chat let me know we can email each other

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