Contact Us

Hi there!

If you need to contact us regarding content, copyright issues or anything of the like, please send an email to:

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Thank you!

246 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. Please get your stuff together. I enjoy your posts but this useless spam that’s on your facebook recently really bothers me.


    1. I agree, I have unfollowed them and will not return if things don’t get better. I used to love this page but now I just skip over the posts… :/

  2. Hi. There is somethng wrong with your search function. whenever I try to search forexample “Libra” and I scroll down and try to go to the next page(there is 3 pages coming up with the word libra), it will just be forwarding me to the next page for the “home” and not for the search word “libra” (hope it makes sense.)

  3. Hey,
    I dig what you are up to but the flood of polarizing Facebook posts is really hard to be a part of. The comments that arise is disgusting.

  4. What kind of moron do you have to be to get your fb account hacked every fucking month? I mean come ooooooooooooooooooon, learn what is a safe fucking password and uninstall freaking keyloggers and spyware, how hard can it be??? If you’re too retarded and don’t understand what I just said, pick up an IT student/enthusiast from street and pay him 50$ to educate you. My retarded dead grandmother would have been able to understand basics of IT security, let alone a guy(s) who run 11 million likes facebook page, so be fucking responsible already!!!

    1. You guys make a beautiful job but I very dislike the publicities in between your work and if you can’t stop that I will cancel

  5. you seriously need some help on your facebook spam posts and in getting hacked, your website could also use something more, to help spread the word faster.

    If you need anything, i’m here to help :)

  6. I would appreciate an email from you guys.
    I tried contacting you a little bit ago and didn’t hear back which is fine, we are all busy with everything that has fallen upon us. If you can get to this, i would be elated to talk to you! if not, then I still love you and fully support everything that you are doing and completely understand. I have found how precious time really is, being the only true resource in which you can find happiness. Especially when you get as far as we have, every moment is so precious for all that we are capable of achieving, all the love that we can spread in whatever way that might be, being busy to others is not an uncommon thing.
    I honestly believe that you can be a good asset on my team of warriors of peace, knowledge, wisdom and love. I have a book coming out, lines of art in full throttle, and the very first piece that i did, strongly resembled the main character from your videos enveloped in a golden field of energy, connecting all that exists in the world. The kick is I’m an abstract expressionist. I wont loiter for too long here, i hope to talk to you guys in hopes of collaborating. We are stronger when we unite, but I’m fully aware that you have extensive knowledge of that.
    Much love to you and the whole team!

    With warmest regards
    Andrey at Almighty Psyche

    1. What I want to is whether medical marijuana is ever available with sufficient % of THC versus the CBD content so that a person gets the stoned effect, rather than just certain physical benefits. Can u supply any info in this area?

  7. Hi. Recently I pinned some of your articles on Pinterest, but when I tried to check it out, it says it can’t be found?

  8. Please get an editor! Almost every article on this website is riddled with typos and poor sentence structure. I personally love the content, but it’s actually extremely distracting when there are mistakes every few sentences. Additionally, it lowers the quality of the website and the content of the articles. I love and appreciate that this site exists to share such important and interesting information, but it is really off-putting to deal with the lack of proper editing. Please consider finding a good editor who knows what he or she is doing. You could even bring in a wider audience of people who would take the time to read your articles if they were cleaned up a bit. I really hope you consider this. Thank you!

  9. Hello!
    I’m extremely inspired to reach out to you guys on doing a collaboration and experiment with the Orgonite I create; you not only will get to keep the Orgonite used in said experiment, but the overall goal is to document how Orgonite affects sensitive/in tune people when they purposefully meditate with specific pieces.
    Please don’t hesitate to respond to this as I’m oddly really excited to see what your team experiences with the Orgonite I make!

  10. Why do you persist in putting out articles that state that the earth is a globe? It is not!

    There is no curvature to be detected in any way. I have done the research. Have you? It appears not.

    NASA is completely false info agency…all CGI.

    Show me a real picture of the earth.

    Start putting out correct information please.


  11. Hey!!!! I just wanted to let you know that your cartoons are amazing!!! my 6 year old watches them all the time and I’m so happy that i found a way, thanks to you, to explain things to her about our amazing universe!!! thank you for all the work, for all the dedication and for having the balls to share it all!!!!

  12. Hey!!I resently discovered your page. I like the topics that are discussed in your channel..I m from grandfather was a sanskrit translaters and he also studied kalki puran.i too have interest in ancient knowledge of mind, body and spirit. .in one of your videos you said kali yuga is about to end but there are lot more predition which are desribed which are going to happen in vedas..kalki is about to born it is described. .what you say about it?

  13. I love your website and I was hopping that you work on ( Angel numbers )
    personally I have a story with Angel numbers and they changed my life specially the number 333 and it would be nice to see what you have to say about it :)

    1. I also am in need of help, I have just started out finding out my true meaning. Maybe we could share our thoughts and feelings to help each other and anyone else in the future who needs help?

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Seeking Higher Consciousness