Hi there!
If you need to contact us regarding content, copyright issues or anything of the like, please send an email to: contactthespiritscience@gmail.com.
Please do not use this address to send personal messages, article submissions or for promotional reasons.
Thank you!
Hi Rebecca, Jordan, Lexie and Ray!
There isn’t a place to indicate how we can submit stories. I empathize with amount of mail, and I’m glad you started Guideposts of Light. I’ve had a successful time in the media industry but I retired. I’d like to submit a short story or film, but I would like it only published by The Spirit Science tribe, as I’ve been given so much by the community you’ve created. Thanks for being you.
I would like to follow you on Facebook. Is your page working? The link from here isn’t
Thank you
My name is Rene. I have spent the last decade of life attempting to expand my consciousness and that of those around me whom are open to it. I have, sad to say , spent too much time on the sidelines waiting for a chance to shine and only taking action as if it had been forced upon me. Too many times have I thought ” I have so much to say. So why can’t I get it out?” Witnessing spirit science unfold and watching as it expands and connects to other such like minded people and projects is truly inspirational and has gotten me to a place where I can and am doing what I always wanted. Jordan, you inspire me. If they will see this Ray, you inspire me, Tyler (Atlantis King) you inspire me. I am certain that we will meet and continue to grow this blessed community and continue to do great things. Thank you
I am a honest person and like to share my thoughts and insights. But I think I got banned from the chat for no good reason. If so, please change the moderators of the chat. Find true moderators that are moral.
hi, there!
if you guys are in need of slave labor (i.e. will work, cook, educate, etc. free of charge) hit me up!
me :)
(no, seriously)
I can’t follow you in Facebook just only save you link
I can’t follow you by Facebook
But I can do just save your link .
I have a story i think you might be interested in knowing, it is a very personal story that changed the way i see everything, and ectually let me to your ideas. i would prefer to tell it to you in a more private way, as there are aspects of it i am not comfortable having openly on the internet. if you are interested in what i have to say, please send me an email.
in high regard,
Your Facebook account has been hacked. Strange posts are appearing on your feed. I enjoy Spirit science. I see no way of notifying you other than signing up and leaving a comment here.
Check your Facebook account it has been hacked, with irrelevant posts
Hello Spirit Science people. I am deeply moved for the amount of beautiful energy you have gather over the years and I truly appreciate you message and positive energy. I’ve been a big fan for some time now and so is my son. Your videos have change his life as before it was hard to connect with his spirit to talk about just anything. Now he talks about Secret Geometry, Chakras, and Consciousness all tanks to you. I spread the word and by now many friends and family are followers of your website and specially videos. I realize you were attack” Hacked a few times and I am sorry I wish there was something we could do about. I was used to receive your posts on Facebook and now I am not receiving anything. Is there anything you can do to fix that? Or what is the reason?
Peace Love and Happiness
I am interested in Spirit Science, please furnish me with the details.
I’ve been thinking of the concept of some really well compiled short, simple, positive, like propaganda type information which would have really high re post value to help educate people. I needs to be really efficient information with good eye grabbing art. I would like to work on this with as many minds as possible to make it great.
Hi, just wanted to know if Jordan and the people behind spirit science have read or heard of THE LAW OF ONE channelled by RA back in the 80s. You can read it all by YouTube or here categorically. http://www.lawofone.info
I’m going through it right now and it is full of light and love, and was harmonious to what you teach, so much so that I thought if you hadn’t heard of it, you should!
Any who, enjoy!
Ps as always spirit science is a wonderful inspiration and toolet for truth and enlightenment. Blessings
Is there any way I can contact you guys by asking questions about subjects like dreams or other things? I have a few questions and I want to hear your guys thoughts.
Yes I agree, I am having many problems with meditation and I seem to be making no progress and I have been working on it for almost a month. I am 16 and I have many friends who have watched your videos and can channel with their mates from the 4th dimension. Recently I was told I have a mate waiting for me named Kayla. And I am having a lot of problems charging my inner self. I tried wearing different colors, meditating every night, doing all the things you told us in your videos. Heck, I am just very anxious and excited to learn but I would like some guidance. Could you please offer some contact info, it would really be cool to have somewhat of a guidance and instruction on what could help someone achieve their inner self. Or better. P.S. Love the vids, and thanks for helping to paint a road for which I hope enlightens me.
I would like to subscribe to your newsletter? updates ? whatever ..
pl confirm Many thanks Most interesting … Lor
In respect of your request not to use this contact information here to submit articles or business proposals, is there a way to contact you for such things? I intend to collaborate with others who share common messages for the world, to create a greater impact together, combining our gifts and unique perspectives.
Hello, what is the best way to contact your team? I’m working on something and I respect and would value your input.
Attention Spirit Science:
Here are some major discoveries on Mathematical and Natural Laws of Number. Yes ‘new’ Number.
Have a read if you have time of ‘Teach Number Mandala’ and its ‘Illustrations’ then ‘Explore…’.
There is a highly pure and applied Mathematics that can be taught to ALL.
Please let me know if you’re interested in forming a Spirit Science – Mathematical Number (Cyclic Addition) ?
Kind Regards,
Jeff Parker
Sole Author: Cyclic Addition Number and Cylinder
Hello there!
I bookmarked one of your articles a few weeks ago and now I see the article is gone!
Here’s the link: http://thespiritscience.net/2016/06/09/the-path-to-god-its-through-the-ego/
How come it’s not there anymore?