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246 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. Hey spirit science, I just would like to say I love what you’re doing and Ive been following and sharing your knowledge for quite some time now but recently some life changing things have happened to me and I feel the need to share my thoughts. I try to message you on Facebook but it just will NOT let me so I was really hoping to just reach out to you to explain a few things in my head so maybe you could help share this new found knowledge I have recently acquired. Thanks for your time and I hope to one day be able to connect with you more and help do my part in changing the world.

  2. Hi
    I am the True God of the Cosmos. I would like to converse with you and gain renown through this website and other Spirit Science associates. May you help me on this endeavor. Please?

  3. God bless you for everything you do! You have inspired me a lot and fit many puzzle pieces in my mind. You are messengers from beyond dimensions.

  4. I just read what you wrote about all the things you wanna do, or at least some of the ideas rolling around in your head, and I think you’re heart is right where it should be in alignment with where the universe is leading it, along with many others. It’s so rad to read or l I stencil or watch just about everything you throw our there because it’s like you are right on time with everything my heart has already shown me, and so many critics have called me crazy for expressing. But hey, it takes critics too, right? Because ultimately we are all in this together…and truthfully this awakening and transformation is not anything that anyone has planned for or is personally responsible for, but is just something that is happening. I get so excited about sometimes that I wanna speed up the process, but that too is not how it works…but more along the lines of increasing resistance because the process takes care of itself in its own time. Not ours. And critics, while trying to kill the moving spirit are somewhat doing the opposite. I mean name calling, degradation, bullying, ect…; it really is more of an open advertisement of what this world is awakening from more than it is a believable and wise forum to join. Lol! So don’t stress. Be proud. Stay humble and intuitive and faithful. Your doing great! Oh yeah…and thanks for being an inspiration!

  5. Hello I’m new at this site but i find it great. I’m meditating sometime and ur episode about astral projection encouraged me to do it ,but i don’t know how to get my astral out of body. I talked with some people but they often say its dangerous and I’m not prepare to protect my self (there). I want to do it anyway and I think fate will and love is enough protection. Can u give me some advice pls i will be so greatfull! Ty for your work! All the best!

  6. Wow and TY. I am very engaged with recently finding your videos and today this site. So much of this info I somehow knew all along. I have been given bits of it, but you are helping to fill in some of the blanks and have reawakened my desire to study this once again. Yesterday, I ordered the books the serpent in the light and one on the emerald tablets. I really could use a suggested reading list. Is there one around?
    I still don’t know how you knew all these things that I have thought about for years in my brain, its somewhat scary and kinda creepy. I thought no one else shared these ideas. whomever I discussed it with, thought I was a bit nutty so I have learned to keep it to myself. I am glad you had the courage to open that door. Please tell Rebecca I have been volunteering with TNR since 2008. In some of the worst crime ridden areas of the inner city. I even posted some of my tnr videos to youtube. She is free to call on me if she ever needs to vent. Not sure how to thank you all, but I think we all need you guys to stay strong. *big hugs*

  7. Hello! I’ve a long time reader and follow of your blog. I’m also a writer, and would love to find out how I can contribute. Is there a process for getting guest posts published on your blog? If so, I would love to know the details! Keep it up guys. I love your blog and enjoy reading it whenever I see it come up in my Facebook feed :) Have a great day! :)

    1. Hi I’ve been watching your videos for years. I love what you’ve done but I’m a little confused on what exactly everyone can do to change this world. I’m a very spiritual person, I meditate and smudge often. I just don’t know how I can help. I’m new to this site so any feedback would be helpful. I love the crystal idea but can’t afford to buy a bunch of crystals, otherwise I gladly would. Any ideas for being broke I can do! Haha. Let me know ☺️

      1. Hi April,
        i understand you are a little bit confused on what, you personaly, can do to change the world.
        i try to do the best i can and just be nice to people and search for the best solution when there is a problem. In this world we both life in every action is not making a big difference becease we are controlled and we often dont notice it. i believe that when you have the good mindset and take care of other persons and just know what good is and what is not, you will atract good things and making other peoples life beter. little diffrence it is but in future making big difference. every stap you take make a big change if you turn left or right that only wil change the hole world, it is all connected, we all are!
        have a nice day.

  8. YEAH HALLELUJAH THIS IS MEEEEE! ME! ME! ME! The Savior Girl of your nightmares! I have come to Earth to submit Jordan Pearce to doom and gloom. Just kidding. He’s cool – sometimes. But if you seek “true true”, I suggest you visit my website / conglomerate of pages. They are here now – as are We.

    The Moonchildren :)

  9. I’ve been following Spirit Science for a few years now. I love what you guys are doing. I have content which I would like to post on site. I know my content would have to be approved first, but what is the process to make this happen?

  10. Hello Spirit Science. I have a message for Spirit Patch.

    Could you please do a series of videos on Walter Russell’s work. The paraphrasing of the Flower of Life series was great, so Walter Russell’s work (described as being 1000 years ahead of its time by N Tesla) would be another excellent avenue to go down. There’ s a wealth of Walter Russell stuff out there, however starting with:

    “A New Concept of the Universe” Walter Russell, 1953.

    …you could kick off with something this, an extract from the book:

    “The [human] senses sense only effects… [they] are limited to but a small range of perception of the effects which they sense, and even that small range is saturated with the deceptions and distortions created by the illusion of motion.

    It is impossible for the senses to penetrate any effect to asscertain its cause for the cause of the illusion is not within effect. For this reason the entire mass of so-called empirical knowledge the science has gained by reason through the senses is invalid.

    Let us examine some of these conclusions which form the basis of scientific theory and see why all present theory is invalid, and why its entire structure has no resemblance to the Nature’s laws or its processes…”

    I remember there was a question, “where does Spirit Science go from here?” Well, going this way might be a good idea.



    1. This is a great idea and I was curious about this topic and why it’s not being touched upon. Also, there’s Ed Leedskalnin and his coral castle… And the Seth Material, he speaks of these concepts and provides a great insight on the realm of ‘spirit”

  11. I recently exited a terrible addiction. Several things have happened to me since that I will not go into detail on, but I wrote this and thought some of y’all might enjoy it (please don’t censor me if you have any respect for freedom of speech [my country doesn’t anymore] or for Hunter S. Thompson:

    When a(n) (section of an) intelligent species refuses to share new ideas for money, they have, in effect sold their soul to Mammon (materialism). Our cars run off an internal combustion engine that was invented and made popular in the late 19th century. It is now the 21st century. FACT: We have been in a technological revolution for about since the Industrial Revolution. Nowhere in any of the histories we’ve all been taught has that happened before. Now seriously, do you believe that we can clone a sheep, begin to create self-driving cars, do you think Cern would exist, do you think nano-tech would even be a word, do you think Monsanto [<–I hope someone poisons them] would have the tech to allow them to be patenting plants and seeds and still believe that we absolutely no idea how to emerge out of using a 19th century technology in the year 2016??? We should be way closer to what was depicted in the second installment of Back to the Future. What's stopping us? Greed. People being paid to be silent and not direct their intelligence toward anything that would fuck with the bottom line. These are the worst people in the world, auctioning their collective intelligence to the highest bidder. Their masters made the choice long ago, but those who consciously perpetuate this egregious stagnation are by far the worst. FREE (like no bills ever) energy (Which was also discovered in either late 19th or very early 20th century, Look up Nikola Tesla. They didn't even mention him throughout my indoctrination [schooling]) is extremely bad for the economy; ie the people who own this country. Or for the skeptics, the 1% with at least 95% of the $$$$$$$. They would rather continue the systematic raping of our only planet. Our own Mother Earth. What would you do if someone tried to rape your mother in your presence? If you honestly think we can do all the wondrous technological miracles of the year 2016 and that we are relying a technology invented in 1859 {wikipedia} for no other reason then, "Duh- We can't figure it out yet", then you are being willfully ignorant. Or you have a low IQ. Which is not your fault at all. Question everything. Especially me. I hope no one believes any of this, looks it up, and thinks to themselves, "Holy Fuck, the gov't really is ballz deep in my ass!" Truth is plain. A speaker of the truth has no need of a silver tongue.

    PS. If you need to look up a word, go to (they don't record IP's and all results come from google; they're your proxy) type "def ______"
    you are not stupid, but reading words you don't understand and simply glossing over them is a willful choice to be ignorant.

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  13. Hi Spirit Science,

    I’ve been watching your videos. Some, a few times over. Congratulations on an amazing body of work, research, and collaboration!

    Your collective work is entertaining, thought provoking, and enlightening!

    Based on a recent “World Religion Movie,” I though about some material I have been re-listening to. The content is directly related to the questions you pose in your video and speaks to, not only the expansion and relationships about the world religions, but also their (sometimes) common evolution.

    The source content presents itself in a straight forward, informative, and somewhat velatory method. Not too dissimilar from your work. I though you might be interested and and recommending it for your research.

    I’d love to hear your thoughts. The source content also covers many other in depth topics you’ve covered as well.

    Enjoy and keep up the great work!


  14. Hello everyone. Thank-you Spirit Science for creating this space. My topic is Vaccines.
    I am rather confused and I don’t know whether to get a tetanus jab or not…? If anyone has some thought on this I would be interested to here other perspectives.
    My gut feeling tells me that I don’t need it. I have a tendency to seek for natural remedies and conscious healing. Tetanus, so its labeled, according to government websites, is bacteria entering your body through open wounds (e.g. cuts and burns) from soil or feces sediments. I must honestly say that working as a gardener I have had many occasions where open wounds were present and getting literally dirty also involving horse manure. Constructive action was taken to clean, disinfect and heal the wound. Now this is just my experience. I would like to here other people on the discussion about why have we created vaccines in the 1st place?

  15. Does anyone know the point at which the duality of a particle/wave happens. Is their a density scale that shows this = where the tinyest particles slip into energetic wave formations? A teacher once told a class: on the matter density scale; it was at, or around – 35/ -36. This scale relates that O, then to the right a 1 then 2 etc. up the matter density scale To the left of 0 = -1, -2, -3 etc.

    Does anyone know if there is truth to this?

    1. I have a sound theory regarding this, but due to my banned nature, I will not share it here. It is a very good theory, and it is very interesting, I had come up with it when I awoke to near Christ Consciousness. Its a shame, really. Don’t ask me for it. It doesn’t belong in such a convoluded place.

  16. Hello Spirit Science team! You all are working the will of God on an astronomical level and I feel the need to express my abundant appreciation! You are incredible at revealing these abstract and spiritual concepts in a form that is simple, inviting, and downright entertaining! I myself have faith in my purpose in changing this world immensely! I have been gifted a spiritual gift that is in no short of speaking in tongues! My passion is intense and dirrected musically at the much contaminated culture of rap which in its basis is self expression for the greater glory of the unity consciousness! This change however is not on the individual manifestor of wisdom but as you already know through the connectivity of unity on a cosmic level! I know that I will move incredible forces for the Will of Light and am incredibly inspired to continue because of your movements! I have faith that we will meet someday because this universe, although very vast, is as it is meant to be! I pray that you will get back to me because I seek a deeper connection with such enlightened individuals as yourselves! I am a part of the Spirit Science team through my support and my sharing but I would Love to get to know you all more personally. I love you guys God bless.

  17. Hey There , Exploring my new transformation of awaken self and spirit science has been a real help and like a good spirit guides they have been promoting the love of universe to universe. Like a drop in a ocean I am also eager to share my thoughts and writing with your team in total expectation of reciprocating the love which we all are exploring everyday . Much Love <3

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