Hi there!
If you need to contact us regarding content, copyright issues or anything of the like, please send an email to: contactthespiritscience@gmail.com.
Please do not use this address to send personal messages, article submissions or for promotional reasons.
Thank you!
When I originally like this community you posted positive content about spirituality and meditation, now you post scrap articles about “tan mom” ect. Very disappointed in what this has turned into, you will lose me any many others as followers, ridiculous.
Guys, you should really go to the silver legion, if you have heard of Tanaath, great! It’s a galactic program like organization focusing on the stuff you guys like to do. They are mostly warriors, saving the earth and universe a countless amount of times. I hope they make a video about them, I’m a 12 old indigo, my brother and I will be beginning our child training to join one day. Go to silver legion.org.
Verbal jabs between trump usa today poll (teamdeplorables.Tumblr.com) annd Ted Cruz
dictated the ultimate Republican debate before the Iowa Caucus.
awesome videos! but can u make them with a little slower talking! it gets disturbing when someone must spol back and furth to hear what just happend, and these stuff needs to sink in! with someone whos has not english as its first language its gets hard man.
There is a lot of information to share in a short period of time. The speed is perfect. Perhaps it would be better to offer a transcript attached to each video or sub titles to help people who’s native language is not English.
If we can’t email you using the email address given how do we email you?
I’m made so awesome gangs the past few months glad you where there hope the rapper thing works the the truth will come out I’m starting a movement about the people and the truth governments keep from us to stop all hate and bring only love if I die in I’m set thank for setting me free
I tried to email the address but it wouldn’t go through. Perhaps the email address is wrong. I have further questions on the nature of Kabbalah being published in one of your youtube issues.
My son told me to look at you on You Tube & I followed links and here I am.
I have been unable to do this with the things/tech level I have easily available to me. I am hoping it’s interesting enough for you or someone to give it a try.
I’d like to see a PANGAEA map with current countries marked, color coded & current longitude/latitude marked.
And megalithic sites, pyramids, ley lines, not sure if anything else.
What do you think we might learn from that ? I’ve talked to several community college instructor’s to ivy league professor’s they all think it’s a great idea….but none have had time or the slightest idea how to follow through etc.
I’ve only a cheap Fire Tablet & my phone…so I don’t have the equipment needed.
I hope I’ve explained it so it makes since…sometimes something’s have to have a face to face….ya know 95% or so of communication is non verbal.
Well hoping to see this on You Tube soon.
Thank You
I’ѵᥱ learn some good stuff here. Cᥱrtainly value bookmarking
for revisiting. I surprіse how a lot effort you plaϲe to create any sucɦ fantastic informаtive web site.
Hi Patch,
What would be a good way to help the movement of awareness happening in North Dakota get through this half step?
I have experienced a unique rare “identity awakened out of body event” with access to unlimited scientific knowledge. To prove this I have shared my discovery of the Cognitive Sciences which define the realities of our identities existence, with the scientific solutions to defining, eliminating the Human disorders that currently plague Mankind. I share that SCIENCE is the “universal method” for defining all realities in existence, including our identities existence. The various religions, psychiatries, philosophies, atheists, etc. are all failed methodologies, best guess misconceptions, and deceptions at defining the realities of our identities existence. I invite you to visit my website stellarsciences.org for my introduction into a new reality of existence. I also have a copy of a police polygraph test covering my interactions with an Alien species, spaceship, due to my out of body event, on the website. You may note that I scored the best possible for truthfulness on the test. Thanks for your website.
Norman Burton
Hey patchman and company! Just wanted to recommend a book, A short history of the world by H.G.Wells, 1929. I am now realising that this isn’t a book club, but if you see it floating about in a second hand book shop like I did, its a good read.
I like this blog very much so much excellent info .
Outstanding post, I believe website owners should acquire a lot from this blog its real user genial .
Hello! I would like to say I have big sources of spirit science to share with you guys,
can you please tell me the video “dimensions” in the last part interview the guy in ancient alien says “they’ve always been here but in different frequency”
Which episode it is? I understand what he said, truly understand! please! it might be the key to open up another door to the truth!
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I just wanna say thank for all this great information about “life” in general ! I appreciate your effort to bring as much as possible , the collective consciousness awareness . It’s good to know, we are not alone!
Hey I wanted to know what books ot sources of info you have for the the storys of pre altaians and thoth? Also about marshians and the lacifer effect??(may be wrong terminology)???? I am very interested in reading and learning this info thanks
First, THANK YOU! I gratefully stumbled on to the work you’ve done here and with Just1RaYOfLight on YouTube. Again, thank you! The doors and windows you have opened in my mind are truly indescribable, for now. I look forward to your continued progress and growth and will pray for it to come in abundance. I hope you won’t mind a couple questions and if they’re something you’ve covered and I haven’t found please forgive me for asking.
1. I am curious what further you may have on Jesus? The figure in our history, how he came to be and why he had to go through what he did. Why was the sacrifice necessary, why could we not have just received His knowledge and moved forward? Were we just so lost God did a head slap and said “I am going to have to show them myself or they may never get it”? Also the origin of Christ Consciousness. Why it’s called CC or by where the title came from? Are CC and Jesus affiliated?
I know these are some big questions to tackle, but I keep asking myself and I feel like you guys would be a good place to start. I was raised a Christian, but I always had the feeling it wasn’t complete as it was being presented. Even at the “peak” of my involvement in the church it still didn’t sit right. I knew there was more and I had to find it. I set out unwilling to accept the words and religion of man, though I’ve found much wisdom and guidance from them, but knowing there is a God and seeking his truth. It’s somewhat surreal coming back to where I am. In a video you talked about the green tablets that be understood differently in a hundred levels of consciousness. I have read quotes and bible verses that have a whole new meaning now that my understanding has changed.
2. What is your understanding of worship? Not in an idolitary sense, but in “making a joyful noise” singing praise kind of way. I find I can experience something almost unexplainable when I worship our Creator from a place of humility and admiration.
3. To go out on a lighter note my last question is regarding tattoos. Thoughts, ideas? Pros or cons? I have a few already and have a very large upper body piece I’ve been creating. I see it as the idea of telling my story and what I believe as truth in an artful expression on my physical self. So long as it’s not a spiritual taboo or some big no no. I know there are at least a few ancient cultures who did tattoos ceremoniously and the concept has always intrigued me.
Again, huge amounts of love and gratitude to you all for what you’re doing to make the world a better place and thank you in advance for the time you spend responding to my questions!
Republixan presidential debate time limits nominee
Donald Trump speaks throughout the third and final US presidential debate with Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton onn the Thomas &
Mack Center on the campus of the Univrsity of Laas Vegas in Las Vegas,
Nevada on October 19, 2016.
I’m not exactly sure where I’m going right now but I know where I want to be. It is the same place your team seems to work so hard for. I am a junior I highschool and for the past few years I’ve been spending a lot of time on my own. I have gone through several stages of depression and had some family issues that drove me to dark thoughts. About a year ago I started seeing the world in a different perspective . I came to the realization that everything around me is just…. So insignificant. I began seeing true corruption . I began seeing things way different than before. I started a journal documenting thoughts that seemed to link to what you guys have already shown. I was disturbed by the lack of knowledge everyone I know has. I’m am currently lost and my schedule is way to busy to be watching all of “spirit science” to find answers. I know notice that your spirit science discussions took place many years ago and there is not many places I can go for guidance. I don’t have anyone who is willing to speak and think about these important things, and my own personal thoughts make me feel crazy.I don’t exactly know what I’m doing here but the system I live in is way too distracting for me to go my own way. Anyways I’m just another soul looking to help in anyway possible. I want to learn to love and teach peace. To grow into a higher state of consciousness. But I’m afraid that before I help, I might need a boost.
Sorry . I accidentally sent the previous message too soon. Anyway , I too once felt that way though I didn’t realize it till many years later after junior high school. It’s amazing that you are waking up so early in your development. You are on the right path and there are so many people who would benefit seeing the world as you do now; young and old. Feeling lost is part of waking up. Watch the chakra videos to understand a little bit about who you are and what you are made of. You are very young and have a lot to experience that will help you understand more about the world around you. It’s important to continue to seek guidance from the people and organizations that will help you with your spiritual growth. That means anyone. Trust your instincts about what just feels right and who could be a positive asset in your life. You have plenty of time to watch the videos if that is something you would want. It’s important to make time in your daily life for you to get to know your spirit.
With that being said, there are people all over this site would love to help/discuss situations in which you are struggling; I, for one, an one of them. I enjoy talking in the presence of spirit and unity. No judgement passed here!! Haha