Meet the Core Team

This is old and needs to be updated, but I don’t have the time right now… Jordan and Lexie both left Spirit Kingdom LLC over a year ago. A new day is coming! <3

Allow us to introduce to you the team at the heart of Spirit Science. You see, Spirit Science is an organism, and just like a cell it has a nucleus, a mitochondria, a cell membrane, a vacuole and even a ribosome. Each of the parts working together in harmony to create the whole, which expands far beyond its own membrane wall to reach and connect with millions of people all over the world (thats you!). 

Spirit Science has and will always be entirely self-sustained, free of investors and corporate interests. In fact, Spirit Science isn’t even a business at all. It exists as a video series and website you see before you (and hopefully one day… some laboratories!!), and we are working very hard to keep it that way forever.

Jordan & Ray ~  The Artist & The Engineer


Whilst Jordan started Spirit Science in 2011, he and Ray met in 2012 and they started creating together at the tail end of that year. Together, they have built much of the infrastructure that is at the core of Spirit Science.

Most people who follow Spirit Science know Jordan for his Youtube videos, voicing Patchman and drawing the Spirit Science cartoons… but not many know about Ray.

patchreRaymond is a networking genius by trade, a brilliant creator of connections.  He grew up working for major computer companies, designing and orchestrating the construction of their large data centers.

His expertise, resilience and passion brought forth many different jobs and opportunities that generated many substantial rewards. Eventually, he found himself with plenty of money and not a single person who he actually connected with on a real, human level. He found people only interested in using him for the resources he had, not who he was.

That is until he met Jordan, and  that honest and genuine connection and friendship sparked the inspiration to create once more, and together they started a project called the Spirit Kingdom.

Raymond is one of the sole reasons that Spirit Science exists and functions in the way that it does today. He has put a tremendous amount of effort into keeping this site up and running, making sure that everyone stays focused on the big picture, keeps our spirits high and so much more.

Our Story

spiritkingdom1From December 21st, 2012 to Mid 2014, we worked diligently towards our goal, establishing a core infrastructure based around compassion, respect, and honesty that could result in millions of people coming together to make a difference all over the world. It’s an incredibly big vision, and to describe the details here would be a little bit much, but we will say it’s like trying to invent a global, interactive MMORPG in real life.

We had a lot of trouble with it, because we envisioned it happening without needing “employees”, instead we envisioned family members – where everyone could come together to create, and share in the resources that we all created together.

spiritkingdom2This proved difficult, as over and over we were met with resistance to the idea. People seemed more interested in paychecks than they were in being a family.

The strain built up, despite having some help online from some wonderful individuals, the workload kept getting bigger, without seeing the forward motion that we wanted. There was more messes to clean up than there was success and relief; it was clear we needed help. We wanted family, connection… and then we met Lexie.

Lexie & Rebecca ~ Support Like No Other

patchlexDespite her youth, Lexie had that look in her eyes of wanting the same thing we did. Growth, awareness, family, to evolve the consciousness of the planet and not giving a damn if she got paid for it.

Lexie quickly merged with us and took a large load off of us. She learned how to manage the Facebook pages, and started to capture our story on video.

She’s learning how to be a stable support for our family. In many ways, she has sort of become an apprentice to Rebecca, who has always been there since the very beginning as a support for Ray; because she’s his mom!

patchmomSince the beginning of his life, Rebecca has always supported Raymond in all of his endeavors, even through all the crazy up’s and down’s life threw at them.

They travelled to Renaissance fairs together, cooked for thousands of people and made amazing clothes for everyone along their adventure.

An incredibly industrious gal, Rebecca is always there when help is needed, and is always the first to jump to help in any project that we work on. She has become an invaluable member of the team.

She also loves cats and is helping to lead our cat project called the Daily Kitty, you can check it out on Facebook here! 

 Growth & Opportunities

As we continue to move forward and grow, one of the decisions that we’ve made is that while we are a fraternity, and we will be a fraternity, we are planning on creating several methods to get involved on a much larger scale… We have some big dreams, and we’re going to need every able bodied person to come aboard the ship and help, whether its advanced stuff like building hydrogen engines and designing spirit centers, all the way to growing gardens and supporting people in community environments.

Julio---SpiritCenterVortexFor a long time, we rebelled against the idea of actually starting an official corporation and hiring employees. We always saw ourselves doing it more family style, as we described above. And while we have met some folks who actually have been able to be a family with us, we want to include everybody in this, and at this time it doesn’t appear as though a civil structure exists that allows massive people to participate and work together without tremendous paperwork, IRS tax garbage and stuff like that… So we’re going to have to build it ourselves.

So far what we’ve come up with is a trinity-combination between the Fraternity (The Council of Light), a Non-Profit Corporation (Spirit Kingdom) and a For-Profit Corporation (Guidepost of Light), all of our own design and owned by the Council of Light (The Fraternity). We may have to hire some employees after all, but I can personally assure you that if we do have to have some offices, they will be the most magnificent places to work on the planet, until such time when all places on the planet are just as beautiful, because that is essentially our goal.

Stay tuned! One love everyone! Thank you for reading.

With love,
All of us at Spirit Science

239 thoughts on “Meet the Core Team”

  1. Hi my friend!!

    I hope you are well. I come to earth in name of God and Metatron to give a gift to humanity: Metatrón Cube in tridimensional representation (3D). I wish that you publish in your site a article of this :D Please feel your heart and see mine and feel my message as truth. Light and Love for you!!! :D My website is

  2. Your site needs to monitor comments there is one on article “Try to Quit Smoking? These 5 Herbs Completely Detox the Lungs. That is using profound language I didn’t note his name but comment is at the beginning. It’s uncalled for when commenting.

    Thank you for looking into this.

    Gayle Haye

  3. I love you guys. Spirit Science has been changing my life for about 2 and a half years. I have gotten rid of my Facebook because of all of the madness and corruption that I was learning about on there that I couldn’t do anything about… That was my main connection with spirit science. But now I just use this site, it’s on my home screen so I can get to it easily, and I’ve just signed up for the the toolbox. I’m super stoked to go deeper with you all and I hope that someday I can be part of this beautiful creation. :)

  4. Namaste dear family !
    I respect your visions and thank U for believing in all that U r doing. Currently we wish to create a family too in the world to shape the future through our actions in the present. We have everything that the ‘world needs’ in today’s time that is undiscovered, a knowledge beyond science but scientific that can help cure any sort of diseases (I got my paralysis cured where medical science had no hope ). Also the climate change can be worked out with powerful techniques from the highest dimensions. Our planet needs ‘Us’ and if that can be possible plz send me an email as we can get this connection going for the better of the world, at least give it a try and experience than perceive. I am thankful to the Supreme Being for sending more of Us as Warriors of Light We BE…Check out our next webiste
    Endless Love and Light…

  5. Hello team

    My name is mohammadreza I go by Max, it was about a year ago something had happen to me what I would like not to mention it here, then about two month after I started to meditate and one night that I was spending about an hour I felt a very heavy weaghit on my head and I thought I’m seeing a different dimension and someone was in contact with me a connection I can’t describe it was amazing I was asking a lots of questions with out even I wanted to ask or not it was like the questions about everything I had in mind in my entire life was jumping out and before I even wanted to ask they have been answered I don’t know how els I could describe it It was crazy like we were talking but without need of talking, a shower of infinit love, information and knowledge about every thing I had in mind I wish I had more questions, long story short I started to learn about what I felt that night was it real, was it just a dream or vision, what was it never had that experience before. So I end up watching couple of videos learning others that they had almost the same experiences, so I got more intrested and started to practice it more and detoxification of my body and turning from a meat lover to a vegeterian and much more changes then all the saden I watched ancient secred knowledge from you guys which amazed me all I had in mind was repeting from that viedo I leterly watched it 4 times and still when I watch it there are much more to learn and remember, then finally I visited your website which I havent moved to youtube yet because all questions that I face on my way I feel the answers comes to me through this window of life which is your website. I am throuly thankful for your effort guys and being more encouraged when I read your story. Peace to you and keep up everyone should learn about these info.


    I have said before that the slightest changes in perspective can make all the difference in the world. I've also written about the importance of understanding the foundation of the source of the information that we are recieving. having this awareness is critical in seeing how we have constructed our minds through geometrical interpretation. For example, when you conceptualize existence as "you" living in "the universe" you are separating 1 thing into 2 parts. What would the most primal visual representation of that look like? It would look like a dot with a box drawn around it. If your view is from this perspective, the foundation of your concept of reality is therefore understood as "I am separate from the universe." or "I am living within the universe." You basically come to view yourself as a child within a sandbox. All of mainstream "knowledge" is laid on top of the belief that we are living within the universe. The point I am trying to make is; when you view the universe as something that is separate from you, it unconsciously influences the vantage point of how you interpret reality. You 're view point is from the inside looking out.
    Now, when we are learning the skills that we need to know to survive in this world, we breakdown everything into parts that can be measureable. We learn the mathematics of time, weight, length, etc. so that we can function in our civilizations, and this influence of understanding space and time to be measureable, has helped us sub-consciously construct a mental box around our consciousness, because we are unconsciously viewing ourselves as being in a "space", and since we understand space to be measureable in our world, we let our guard of awareness down and let ourselves be boxed in. This is not an accident...
    It has been easy for oppressors to manipulate us because we must understand time and space as tools of measurement to live in the world today, and our subconscious influence of understanding time and space as tools of measurement, makes us that much easier to fool, because we naturally, and unconsciously set limitations to our true potential by applying the knowledge we've learned to measure time and space, in our world, to attempt to measure that which is unmeasureable, with the infinite universe. The reason that we end up swallowing this intangible theory is because we sub-consciously "know" time and space to be measureable. I hope this is sinking in. If not, I ask you this...
    Hasn't it ever seemed odd to you that we are told to believe that space just goes forever? I mean, any space that just goes on forever is not really a space, at all is it? Any space that goes on forever means that there could not be any other space anywhere else, right? And if both time and space are infinite then doesn't it make sense that the foundation of our beings is also infinite? I mean, time and space are the foundation of our universe, right? Doesn't it make more sense that the "universe" that we live in is really an infinite ocean of "consciousness", and we are each a drop making up this infinite ocean?
    Everything that we understand of the world is filtered through our anatomical ability to percieve the world through our 5 senses (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch). Our mental construction of the universe and how things work are fashioned from our interpretation of the world through our senses. For example: when someone has a poorly balanced lifestyle, a universally tangible visualization of that would be a scale with "work" weighing down one side and "sleep, rec, travel, eating" elevated higher on the other side due to the uneven weight distribution. See how we took something that we had come to know through our physical world and used that interpretation of how we conceptualize "balance" to create a model that helps us understand something else? We live in a physical world where we understand "space" (weight) and "time" as tools of measurement, and because of this we are able to draw how the 2 can relate. Only through perceiving the world with the senses, is this model even tangible to us. And the reason why is "motion". I have said before that if we didn't have motion we would not be able to differentiate a background from a foreground. It is the same with the scales. We can only understand how the scales represent balance because we live in a world where gravity and motion exist.
    The problem with using the scales as a model for balance is this: To understand balance as "this way" or "that way" is still only 2-dimensional. Think of it like using machine weights as opposed to free weights. Machine weights move through a fixed plane of motion, which means that the overall muscle fiber recruitment is less because the muscle only moves through a fixed space. Free weights on the other hand move in a free range of motion, so maximum muscle recruitment can be achieved for the best growth. Like the machine weights, visualizing "balance" as a teeter totter or a scale is training the mind to think in a 2-dimensional way. We are limiting our spiritual and psychic abilities by using these 2-dimensional visualizations. Start trying to consciously visualize "balance" as a cone with a round plate on the top of it. We know there is always more than one side, but there are usually more than 2 sides to something too.
    EVERYTHING, all concepts, theories, and ideas that we feel comfortable labeling and understanding in life can only be done by our understanding of our physical realities, and more specifically...geometry in motion. ). Since we are predominantly visual creatures, visualizations help us conceputalize and compartimentalize the world and how it works. We can see this influence in symbols throughout our world's cultures. Symbols like the ying-yang sign and the infinity sign are examples of the influence of geometry as an ancient language. These are simple signs that can somehow represent the same concepts and beliefs, almost universally. For example: When you look at a Ying- Yang Sign do you see the following representations? #1 Balance, #2 Light in the Dark/Dark in the light, #3 Opposite but the Same, #4 Unity and Duaility, #5 Parallel Universes. Almost every single person can find the relation in the 5 examples that I've given. Why? Because we experience our world through the same 5 physical senses, which have helped form in our consciousness, a 3-D landscape.
    The best examples of how our brains are fashioned can be seen in the technology we have in today's world. Most of us have used a computer for so long that we have forgotten why Windows was such a technological breakthrough. Windows was a breakthrough for one simple reason: It was universally easy to understand how to use. Windows changed the design of the overall operating system of computers. Windows created the "Desk Top". This was universally easy for people to understand because it resembled the top of a desk. You could organize your media on one side, your documents on the other just like you organize the top of your desk with pens and papers and supplies. It was something that was easily translatable to how we experience our physical world. What Windows did is it made the 2-D canvas of personal computers into a 3-D landscape to "build" in, rather than "draw" in.
    If any of you have used Windows 8 and don't like it, here is why: When you press the power button and sign into a Windows 8 computer, you are taken to a screen that has different applications. Just like the application manager on an android. This is confusing and irritating to get used to because they changed the whole foundation of the operating system. It's like they took the authority away from the the "Desk Top" and gave it to the application manager. So, it's like they took away the top of the desk and replaced it with a painter's palette with different shades of blues, reds, greens, etc. Then, on top of changing the foundation, when you figure out how to access the desk top, you notice that the "start" button which has always been in the bottom left hand corner is gone. In Windows 8, the "start" button is now a little arrow on the bottom RIGHT HAND side of the screen. In essence, it changed the foundation and moved the ignition to the opposite side of the vehicle. Windows 8 literally re-routes your brain.
    With the advances in technology it is becoming easier to understand what our brains are like, because we are mimicing in technology, what we do in real life with our brains. Have you ever asked yourself what an "app" is? Or a "widget"??? An "app" is a shortcut for a program, and a "widget" is a shortcut for an "app". We keep making shortcuts for shortcuts for shortcuts with computers. How can we not see that the same is being done with our brains? I mean, a computer is really just an extension of the brain, right? We live in a microwave society that is always telling us how to live, what to think, and what to believe. When you see a news report always keep in mind that the information being given is someone else's interpretation of some information. News can never really be objective. News is subjective in nature because it is written by a subject who has their own views and opinions! We all need to become aware of how the 2-dimensional consciousness of our society, has formed the beliefs and morals that are prevailant in our world today, that need to change. Nothing in the world is one dimensional, or even 2 dimensional. We must always keep this awareness, and strive to see the "whole". Because we are all but a side on the infinite sides of a sphere....If karma is like Newton's Cradle (Every action has an opposite or equal reaction), then try to imagine trillions and trillions of Newton's Cradles intersecting in the same space and you will see a big staticy sphere. This is the simplest way to look at life. Our goal must be to stop the static...

    -Ryan Mita

  7. Hey guys!
    I found the propose of my lfe and it is for the betterment of the society. Pls put up my view points and makethe world a better place

  8. Hi,

    Not sure if this email will find you but I hope so. Its in response to your article, diff between Jesus and Christ.
    At first I didnt want to read it as I am trying to think and analyse things less. Have been overdoing that part and has caused allot of confusion and frustration. But in the end I read it and it was very interesting.

    I have a question though. Is Christ consciousness in you opinion then a real spiritual entity, a living being?

    And do you connect with it through how u live or through knowing and learning about him, or both, or is it diff for everyone.

    I get the idea that you have to connect or follow Christ consciousness before you can connect with all that is, am I correct in saying that?

    John-Murray Hofmeyr

  9. Hi spirit science team, I hardly believing that your teachings are extra-ordinary. I have been seeing number sequences and have had some emotional attachment to your teachings. I feel like I need to become spiritually one with myself and am willing to help in absolutely any way possible.
    Thank your for your time,

  10. Hey guys! I like your website very much. I’d just like for you to check out my article on my research in the Science of Spirituality. It’s sad that I couldn’t find people with interest anywhere else. The web address of the blog is

  11. Honestly speaking, you guys are one of a kind. I don’t usually post comments on sites at all but trust me, I had to write this to you all.
    Hats off team Spirit Science for all your words. It feels more like I’m reading what my mind is speaking & your efforts need to be appreciated as well, so there you go

  12. I know im one with low skill set but u have my service free of charge my demons are gone since find the answers that has been makin me go crazy people look at me like i am and to blind to see so thank u guys

  13. I had a vibrant colorful, very important feeling dream where you guys ( I think Jordan in specific ) contacted me. The rest of the dream is a blur or forgotten .. but it was vivid and real. If there’s anything I can do to help , please let me know.

    Love & Light

    Jeremy Greenwald

    1. I had a dream where you guys contacted me via Facebook .. was very vibrant with color and had a raw important feeling –

      Jeremy Greenwald

  14. A lot of what is written above is false. Spirit Science are not honest. Many people have complained about not receiving products ordered from Spirit Science and Lexie appears to have been fired from the site after being exposed for blog scraping. This is a click bait site run by unethical people who insult those who challenge their conduct. Discernment is advised. Spiritual Master Free Spirit

  15. i’d like to say that you guys do a great job! and i wish i could be of help and experience more spiritual growth. i recently had to leave the country and i’m currently residing in central america in a country named El Salvador. its a beautiful country but filled with low vibrations everywhere . you can almost feel it constrict you at times and also reflects on the violence and hatred between brother and sister, i have some ideas that could help the community here, like a hydro garden that could help people in need of a job and healthy food. if you guys are interested in setting up anything down here. i will be glad to help! and in the process helping myself achieve a higher level of consciousness. happiness and good vibes ! chao

  16. Greetings!

    I am the Global Leadership Development Specialist to the World Assembly Of Youth. My job is to introduce our 20,000 members around the world to new leadership models so that we do not repeat the madness of the past few hundred years. Since I am consciously awake, I have created an internship and conference based around how to implement connectedness, lovingkindness, personal empowerment, the sharing economy, sustainability and other new paradigm trends into successful leadership models for my clients. This is with the desire that they keep implementing those tools around the world.

    I would love to see where we can work together to get information out about our conference and the internship so that we can continue to forward this effort. Please take the time to visit our website at I have some ideas of how we can support each other’s work as we create collective impact in the transformation of the world.


    Chet W. Sisk
    Global Leadership Development Specialist

  17. I would love to have an opportunity to speak with someone in the Spirit Science Community! I am the founder of pHresh Products and I work with some of the top authors including authors from Hay House and would love to connect with you …. on expanding consisnus on our mission of seeking the truth beyond what the eyes see!!!!!

  18. hello, I’m Jake and I’ve found your teachings(spirit science team) to help me with understanding my true being and self. before this I always new there was something else that was missing and I don’t remember where my journey started but I new it led me here. I want to thank you all for doing what you do but I also wanted to ask for help. I feel like, in a way, that no matter how hard I try I can’t access the love and compassion, like something is holding me back and I can’t set myself free. if you can I would be honored to receive help from someone in your council. many thanks, jake
    P.S I’m sorry if this is hard to understand, I have trouble with putting my thoughts into words

  19. Hello spirit science team, I believe I have found your teachings by fate, your description of an indigo child absolutely related to me down to a t, I have been seeing number sequences and have had an emotional attachment to your teachings. I feel like I need to become spiritually one with myself and am willing to help in absolutely any way possible.
    Thank your for your time,
    Mackenzie Loman

    1. I stumbled across one of your videos last night! I was amazed! I wrote a book called Proliferation and I finished it about 5 years ago. It took me 13 years to write it. It has so much of the stuff that was in your video! I thought I made it up! I used to tell people that the words “just flowed” out of me like, from my “Higher consciousness! I even wrote about the destruction of MARS! I also wrote about so many of the same ideas that it is unreal! PLEASE, y ou have to contact me! It is like all this stuff I remembered somehow! I have many of the same explanations as your video! Mars being destroyed, us coming here. Species Proliferation, war, etc. I am just floored by all this! Hope to hear from you! I have SO much to share!

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