This is old and needs to be updated, but I don’t have the time right now… Jordan and Lexie both left Spirit Kingdom LLC over a year ago. A new day is coming! <3
Allow us to introduce to you the team at the heart of Spirit Science. You see, Spirit Science is an organism, and just like a cell it has a nucleus, a mitochondria, a cell membrane, a vacuole and even a ribosome. Each of the parts working together in harmony to create the whole, which expands far beyond its own membrane wall to reach and connect with millions of people all over the world (thats you!).
Spirit Science has and will always be entirely self-sustained, free of investors and corporate interests. In fact, Spirit Science isn’t even a business at all. It exists as a video series and website you see before you (and hopefully one day… some laboratories!!), and we are working very hard to keep it that way forever.
Jordan & Ray ~ The Artist & The Engineer
Whilst Jordan started Spirit Science in 2011, he and Ray met in 2012 and they started creating together at the tail end of that year. Together, they have built much of the infrastructure that is at the core of Spirit Science.
Most people who follow Spirit Science know Jordan for his Youtube videos, voicing Patchman and drawing the Spirit Science cartoons… but not many know about Ray.
Raymond is a networking genius by trade, a brilliant creator of connections. He grew up working for major computer companies, designing and orchestrating the construction of their large data centers.
His expertise, resilience and passion brought forth many different jobs and opportunities that generated many substantial rewards. Eventually, he found himself with plenty of money and not a single person who he actually connected with on a real, human level. He found people only interested in using him for the resources he had, not who he was.
That is until he met Jordan, and that honest and genuine connection and friendship sparked the inspiration to create once more, and together they started a project called the Spirit Kingdom.
Raymond is one of the sole reasons that Spirit Science exists and functions in the way that it does today. He has put a tremendous amount of effort into keeping this site up and running, making sure that everyone stays focused on the big picture, keeps our spirits high and so much more.
Our Story
From December 21st, 2012 to Mid 2014, we worked diligently towards our goal, establishing a core infrastructure based around compassion, respect, and honesty that could result in millions of people coming together to make a difference all over the world. It’s an incredibly big vision, and to describe the details here would be a little bit much, but we will say it’s like trying to invent a global, interactive MMORPG in real life.
We had a lot of trouble with it, because we envisioned it happening without needing “employees”, instead we envisioned family members – where everyone could come together to create, and share in the resources that we all created together.
This proved difficult, as over and over we were met with resistance to the idea. People seemed more interested in paychecks than they were in being a family.
The strain built up, despite having some help online from some wonderful individuals, the workload kept getting bigger, without seeing the forward motion that we wanted. There was more messes to clean up than there was success and relief; it was clear we needed help. We wanted family, connection… and then we met Lexie.
Lexie & Rebecca ~ Support Like No Other
Despite her youth, Lexie had that look in her eyes of wanting the same thing we did. Growth, awareness, family, to evolve the consciousness of the planet and not giving a damn if she got paid for it.
Lexie quickly merged with us and took a large load off of us. She learned how to manage the Facebook pages, and started to capture our story on video.
She’s learning how to be a stable support for our family. In many ways, she has sort of become an apprentice to Rebecca, who has always been there since the very beginning as a support for Ray; because she’s his mom!
Since the beginning of his life, Rebecca has always supported Raymond in all of his endeavors, even through all the crazy up’s and down’s life threw at them.
They travelled to Renaissance fairs together, cooked for thousands of people and made amazing clothes for everyone along their adventure.
An incredibly industrious gal, Rebecca is always there when help is needed, and is always the first to jump to help in any project that we work on. She has become an invaluable member of the team.
She also loves cats and is helping to lead our cat project called the Daily Kitty, you can check it out on Facebook here!
Growth & Opportunities
As we continue to move forward and grow, one of the decisions that we’ve made is that while we are a fraternity, and we will be a fraternity, we are planning on creating several methods to get involved on a much larger scale… We have some big dreams, and we’re going to need every able bodied person to come aboard the ship and help, whether its advanced stuff like building hydrogen engines and designing spirit centers, all the way to growing gardens and supporting people in community environments.
For a long time, we rebelled against the idea of actually starting an official corporation and hiring employees. We always saw ourselves doing it more family style, as we described above. And while we have met some folks who actually have been able to be a family with us, we want to include everybody in this, and at this time it doesn’t appear as though a civil structure exists that allows massive people to participate and work together without tremendous paperwork, IRS tax garbage and stuff like that… So we’re going to have to build it ourselves.
So far what we’ve come up with is a trinity-combination between the Fraternity (The Council of Light), a Non-Profit Corporation (Spirit Kingdom) and a For-Profit Corporation (Guidepost of Light), all of our own design and owned by the Council of Light (The Fraternity). We may have to hire some employees after all, but I can personally assure you that if we do have to have some offices, they will be the most magnificent places to work on the planet, until such time when all places on the planet are just as beautiful, because that is essentially our goal.
Stay tuned! One love everyone! Thank you for reading.
With love,
All of us at Spirit Science
Hello Team,
I was reading about your goals and ambitions for the future and I believe we have a similar dream! I have the dream of building a new self sustaining community of tiny homes or other forms of eco-friendly self sufficient houses. I’ve been searching for like minded individuals who would be interested in such a project. I would love to someday buy a large piece of land and just allow people to build their off the grid homes on it. And it wouldn’t just stop at that! A community should be a community; modern communities are still very separate despite living so close. I’m talking about a communal green house, a solar farm all the houses can share as well as a mass rain catchment system. Learning to live and work together to sustain ourselves would have huge impacts on what we call “community”.
I’m sure you share the same idea, and although this comment is brief, there’s a lot more to this dream! I hope to hear from you soon! I love what you all are doing and the difference you’ve made!
Hello. I would be willing to help. I don’t have your e-mail. You can e-mail me at
Sometimes it isn’t
My partner has been spiritually hijacked in the pursuit of truth. He has now fallen victim to a religious cult that is a sect of a larger religion that only associates with the latter when beneficial to the group. I’m very concerned for him. I feel as though you would have experience with these groups as they’re quite popular in spiritual discussion, some of their teachings are valid but the group that uses the teachings is a controlling, totalitarian, bona-fide cult. Please help. I’m guessing the team can pull my email from my post. Our mutual interest in spirit sience is what brought us together, and now I’m hoping you can help save him.
Can I help in any way? This is possibly the best and most important site on all the web! I know Thoth. Many do. You guys are DEAD ON! Thank you. Seriously, I want to help! I am Antone Anania. If you find my services can help at all let me know
I feel I have found home. I love this web site and all the contributors comments.
Thank You All!
Hi Core Team,really love the effort u guys put into the youtube’s and this site.
Always loved the Zeitgeist movement and Venus Project for informing humanity
about the old world silly human behaviour,but they both refuse to mention spirituality
for obvious reason’s.Year’s ago i found a cool site called
it’s full of beautifull quote’s.It also has a spirit-science approach,wich make me think of 3 docu’s
that could be mentioned on your site aswell.They are made by Frank Huguenard
“Beyond Me” “Beyond Believe” “Beyond Reason”,they used to be free to watch.
Would be pretty cool if my unborn childeren will be watching spiritscience lessons at school
in the future :)
Dear Jordran…n Ray, you guys are beautiful souls :)
My heart is filled with gratitude and love for you and your whole team. This precious gift that you are sharing is life changing for me and m sure for several other people like me.
I have been experiencing the series of incidence which constantly pushing me towards higher purposes and energies in life and you guys have added another valuable incidence to it :)
m waiting what more to come my way…through you guys :)
Lots of Love.
Be happy!
Dear Jordan and Team,
I was feeling the call to Sacred Geometry (somewhat out of “nowhere”) and stumbled upon your Sacred Geometry movie. Blew my mind.
Got hooked on your Spirit Science videos and have been steadily “devouring” them. Food for the soul.
Thank you for creating and sharing and bringing your wisdom to bear on our world.
It is making a difference, a shift of mega proportions.
If you are ever in Minneapolis, please look me up. My blog:
My story:
Blessings and Love,
There is no such thing as ‘coincidence’ because nothing is impossible; but merely mathematically improbable. Discovering Spirit Science has resonated with my being and finally put words to many of the thoughts and vibrations I have experienced, for that- thank you. If someone would please get in contact with me I believe new grounds will be broken on our journey as ONE.
Great work man, I wish I was part of your creative team. I am playing though an important role to spread the message on my own ways, but I always have to remember myself that everyones spiritual is perfect, so many people aren’t just yet able to comprehend, understand the big changes to come. This waves of awakening are happening slowly and gradually, and I shifted my reality to a much better one I can tell you that. Crystals are awesome! Nature is the best! Meditating is amazingly great. Lets keep the positive energy and just spread it out to everyone! One sparkle can burn the whole forest right!? Thanks again, we will soon see more and more people shifting to the better self. And thats the biggest step in our evolution as human beings.
2011…hmmm many of us started to feel our spiritual evolution kick in that year, including me and many friends. Finding and following your videos has been a great gift! Thankful for you and what you are doing. I have a similar mission on my website and I’ll try to think of ways to share the journey with your wider audience. Love and Light. Lisa
Hi, my name is Kenny, I’d just like to say that I love your story guys and if it wasn’t for you I’d feel totally secluded in this world. you have helped me on my journey and id like to help others too so if there is anything I could do to help I’m here I feel that it’s fate and that we should cross paths in some way :-) . Namaste
Hi Jordan! I just wanted to ask you, are you guys going to clean the site and stop allowing the spammers from those other site to post on behave of Spirit Science? I mean, I have been following the spirit science since the beginning and those guys are not on the same spirit, I mean Kassin kham and the others they are ok, but it feels like spam when they post on theirs sites and then copy and paste on spirit science. The other thing is that what they post is usually unfilteret, and I mean, sometimes it not understandable and also many times doesn’t look like they do it in the spirit of spirit science, I mean it feels contradictory to what I have understood that spirit science is about.
I hope you understand what I mean. and thank you in advance.
Much Love.
I feel like I have been to this website before. (Note to self)
Dear Spirit Science,
I hold a potential SOLUTION & REVOLUTIONARY business to Government called ApprenticeshipWorld:UK.
I have many involvements such as:
DePaul International – Largest Youth Homelessness in the UK
Albert Kennedy Trust – Largest LGBT Community in the UK
Seetec – Largest Work and Training Provider in the UK
Almacantar – Property Developer “Mr Property W1”
Seven Towns – Rubix Cube
Baroness Barker – Spokesperson for Liberal Democrat
And many more.
Please see ApprenticeshipWorld:UK Introduction video for information and concept purposes only:
(Please keep confidential)
Please let me know of your feedback and if possible, to meet with you in the future to discuss further?
I hope this reaches your attention and I hope to hear from you,
All the very best,
Harry Skuse
Hi there,
I just wanted to let you know that for the last 1-2 years I have been getting spammed by your facebook page on my husbands facebook page. My husbands page is above in the ‘website’ & the notifications is to the post below.
You have some really cool posts, but because I receive about 20-30 notifications a day from you (with regard to comments to the link to the post above) I have had to unfollow, unlike and block and report your page – sorry. Nothing is working to stop these notifications.
I have now come to the point where I have to ask you if there is anything you could do from your end to stop these notifications? Maybe you should block me as well. Weird request, I know.
Anyway, just hoping you could help.
Thank you
I have been following spirit science since the first video, “thoughts” and all the way up to now
At the time I was only 14, and patchmans (jordans) words have had a ginormous influence on my life, and my behavior. Much of what I believe started here with spirit science, and it resonates with me to the core.
I’m commenting here in hopes that one of the members of the core team will listen and understand what appears to be going on with the page. Spirit science was created to spread love and light & to share knowlege about our beautiful existence. Recently I’ve noticed many of the posts shared on Facebook & the website here at have been fear-filled & not guided towards our highest good, but rather keeping us in the dense physical, focused on things that dont serve our best interest.
I am writing to you all today to raise awareness on this and ask that you and the memebers of your social media team gravitate back towards the light & love filled community with the understanding that we are all one- the spirit science that I once knew.
Thank you for listening, have a wonderful light-filled day.
Hello guys,
I need to talk to somebody about a weird thing that has been happening to me a lot and it is really hard to take alone.
Is there anyone from the core that I can talk to as I don’t think a person can comprehend it easily if not enlightened.
My email is written there, please contact me, maybe what I’ve got would help you guys to enhance your understanding in spirit science and everything else.
Wondering if Jordan or team member would email me? Having trouble finding direct contact info not through social media. Thx:)
I have read through your website enough to realize what kind of credentials your team has, and it seems to me that anybody with a high school diploma could be an authority on spirit science. Anybody should take this stuff as seriously as the lady at the store who sells scented candles and dream catchers.