This is old and needs to be updated, but I don’t have the time right now… Jordan and Lexie both left Spirit Kingdom LLC over a year ago. A new day is coming! <3
Allow us to introduce to you the team at the heart of Spirit Science. You see, Spirit Science is an organism, and just like a cell it has a nucleus, a mitochondria, a cell membrane, a vacuole and even a ribosome. Each of the parts working together in harmony to create the whole, which expands far beyond its own membrane wall to reach and connect with millions of people all over the world (thats you!).
Spirit Science has and will always be entirely self-sustained, free of investors and corporate interests. In fact, Spirit Science isn’t even a business at all. It exists as a video series and website you see before you (and hopefully one day… some laboratories!!), and we are working very hard to keep it that way forever.
Jordan & Ray ~ The Artist & The Engineer
Whilst Jordan started Spirit Science in 2011, he and Ray met in 2012 and they started creating together at the tail end of that year. Together, they have built much of the infrastructure that is at the core of Spirit Science.
Most people who follow Spirit Science know Jordan for his Youtube videos, voicing Patchman and drawing the Spirit Science cartoons… but not many know about Ray.
Raymond is a networking genius by trade, a brilliant creator of connections. He grew up working for major computer companies, designing and orchestrating the construction of their large data centers.
His expertise, resilience and passion brought forth many different jobs and opportunities that generated many substantial rewards. Eventually, he found himself with plenty of money and not a single person who he actually connected with on a real, human level. He found people only interested in using him for the resources he had, not who he was.
That is until he met Jordan, and that honest and genuine connection and friendship sparked the inspiration to create once more, and together they started a project called the Spirit Kingdom.
Raymond is one of the sole reasons that Spirit Science exists and functions in the way that it does today. He has put a tremendous amount of effort into keeping this site up and running, making sure that everyone stays focused on the big picture, keeps our spirits high and so much more.
Our Story
From December 21st, 2012 to Mid 2014, we worked diligently towards our goal, establishing a core infrastructure based around compassion, respect, and honesty that could result in millions of people coming together to make a difference all over the world. It’s an incredibly big vision, and to describe the details here would be a little bit much, but we will say it’s like trying to invent a global, interactive MMORPG in real life.
We had a lot of trouble with it, because we envisioned it happening without needing “employees”, instead we envisioned family members – where everyone could come together to create, and share in the resources that we all created together.
This proved difficult, as over and over we were met with resistance to the idea. People seemed more interested in paychecks than they were in being a family.
The strain built up, despite having some help online from some wonderful individuals, the workload kept getting bigger, without seeing the forward motion that we wanted. There was more messes to clean up than there was success and relief; it was clear we needed help. We wanted family, connection… and then we met Lexie.
Lexie & Rebecca ~ Support Like No Other
Despite her youth, Lexie had that look in her eyes of wanting the same thing we did. Growth, awareness, family, to evolve the consciousness of the planet and not giving a damn if she got paid for it.
Lexie quickly merged with us and took a large load off of us. She learned how to manage the Facebook pages, and started to capture our story on video.
She’s learning how to be a stable support for our family. In many ways, she has sort of become an apprentice to Rebecca, who has always been there since the very beginning as a support for Ray; because she’s his mom!
Since the beginning of his life, Rebecca has always supported Raymond in all of his endeavors, even through all the crazy up’s and down’s life threw at them.
They travelled to Renaissance fairs together, cooked for thousands of people and made amazing clothes for everyone along their adventure.
An incredibly industrious gal, Rebecca is always there when help is needed, and is always the first to jump to help in any project that we work on. She has become an invaluable member of the team.
She also loves cats and is helping to lead our cat project called the Daily Kitty, you can check it out on Facebook here!
Growth & Opportunities
As we continue to move forward and grow, one of the decisions that we’ve made is that while we are a fraternity, and we will be a fraternity, we are planning on creating several methods to get involved on a much larger scale… We have some big dreams, and we’re going to need every able bodied person to come aboard the ship and help, whether its advanced stuff like building hydrogen engines and designing spirit centers, all the way to growing gardens and supporting people in community environments.
For a long time, we rebelled against the idea of actually starting an official corporation and hiring employees. We always saw ourselves doing it more family style, as we described above. And while we have met some folks who actually have been able to be a family with us, we want to include everybody in this, and at this time it doesn’t appear as though a civil structure exists that allows massive people to participate and work together without tremendous paperwork, IRS tax garbage and stuff like that… So we’re going to have to build it ourselves.
So far what we’ve come up with is a trinity-combination between the Fraternity (The Council of Light), a Non-Profit Corporation (Spirit Kingdom) and a For-Profit Corporation (Guidepost of Light), all of our own design and owned by the Council of Light (The Fraternity). We may have to hire some employees after all, but I can personally assure you that if we do have to have some offices, they will be the most magnificent places to work on the planet, until such time when all places on the planet are just as beautiful, because that is essentially our goal.
Stay tuned! One love everyone! Thank you for reading.
With love,
All of us at Spirit Science
Spirit Science team, you are amazing I am writing to thank you for all you do. You have impacted so many people including myself in such a beautiful way. I’ve been watching your videos for a few years now. But, I’ve been impacted not only through your content, but also your affect on others. I am a Reiki practitioner living in the midwest. I am in an area where in the past, few knew of Reiki, but thanks to your videos many are hearing and learning about Reiki. I want you to know that a large percentage of my clients found me by searching for a Reiki practitioner after watching your videos. I am extremely grateful to you and what you do for humanity. I would like to start a local discussion group based on Spirit Science topics. My experience is that some people still feel fairly isolated and do not have local community with whom to discuss these ideas.
Love and light,
I didn’t realize that you have a shop! Thank you!
Jorden! I have an entertaining and fascinating vid idea for you. MASS consciousness. Coast to coast radio show got its listeners to all simultaneously imagine rain in drought south Carolina. It worked they got rain. They also used the listeners a time later to miracle cure a horse, it worked. If you told people of our website where EVERY week we unite in meditation moving the world closer to UFO disclosure until the event of Alien contact and liberation from the evil psychopathic rulers, it would really speed things up. Please make the video, and i believe thrive should also help. Our website has 21 000 000 hits and counting. If you have questions, let me know. Through uniting in love we can stop the downward spiral of our world!
Lovely, interesting, funny YouTube moties! Some things i have read from drunvallo books for example THE flower of life! I have learned a few new things! I think it is a beautiful achievement to put up against all those who still believe ” this is it” and try to make negative thoughts about spirit science!
I am from Belgium and i begin on a spiritual awaking journey! However i am already been busy voor 5 years now!
Love, light and a lot of fun to everyone!
Hey I was hoping I could turn to a member of the spirit science team for some help and advice. It’s nothing dramatic but spiritually I feel I’m stuck any help would be great thanks guys and girls
LOve to all
Hi SpiritScience Team,
Thanks a lot for this beautiful videos – it kept my mood while I was doing my PhD ;-)
Today I joined the chat for the first time – and was affronted as soon as I mentioned that I teach in schools! That’s very sad, especially as I came to find likeminded and openhearted people. I know, it is not your responsibility what people write in the chat, but that was extremly rude. I had the comment in mind that everybody is welcome here and that was quiet the contrary :-( I joined to cheer up because I had a rough day and now I feel, that I cannot belong here because of my profession?!
That’s extremely wierd, I didn’t have anything to do with any Americans bad days in school!
hello. I would like to ask the core team why they decided to threw away all the credibility of the whole project by posting on facebook “tips how to put out pimples” etc. I thought this is a site about spiritual stuffz, not some kind of “press like and win i-phone” .
The fact that you started posting this kind of posts, posts about beaty tips for teen agers, it realy … it broke my heart . I feel horrible for believing you. I hate myself for being so naive.
I feel sorry for you, Kristina,
I was very disapointed today too, as I was affronted in the Spirit Science chat, and I thougt I could find some warmhearted people there. Not that it helps that someone else was disappointed too, but you have my compassion! I hope that makes it a little better – Love form Germany, Petra
hey spirit sience, i would like to share some thoughts with you about many topics! i have some theories about the large hadron collider, the martians, how their planet got destroyed, and a few things about osiris and the immortality thing. Of course it would be awsome to find some of you guys in real life, to have a discussion. please contact me:
I can’t see my own post so this is just a retest. If you’ve already read the message, please disregard:
Hello SpiritScience core team! I would really love to help you all out with your mission but i do not know how my capabilities best fall inline with that purpose. Please email me so we can figure this out and get to work asap. Namaste.
I just read Ezra’s article on magical texts. I have a document that I believe you may be interested in. Please contact me privately about it.
Hello SpiritScience team! I would like to help out! And this was the easiest way i could figure out how to contact you. I am not entirely sure how my abilities will be useful for your mission so i would like to have a private conversation to explore how i can be of most to you all and your purpose. Namaste
Hello Spiritscience team,
You guys are doing a great job. I have recently started reading your articles and need some guidance with my personal life. Could you please get me in touch with someone who could guide me as soon as possible? Because every single moment of this conflict is killing me and I need to get rid of it.
Thank you for all youre creating and doing here. More of it than you know is an inspiration. Much Love
Hey Bhabesh,
I see Spirit Science didn’t reply to you – I hope you are ok. I’ve found Soul Analyse very helpful and very welcoming to reader questions, they even run a Q&A on their site – check it out.
How to deal with a dad who will resort to violence to force you to do something?
Obedient is the key. One day you will wake up to realised that your dad is no longer who he used to be. Okay is a spiritual Facebook user!
please contact me
You guys are out of this world… ;)
Thanks .have found book’s to read.I would like to collaborate with you on such projects as mag lev rails and hydrogen turbines .dont know whats up with zeit geist but i have spiritual science in common with you. FRIEND Tim Brown
spirit science im going to keep it real. you all helped pull my eyes toward the light in a time I was realizing the immense power of the dark forces that is within all of us. To be honest I would wish for any one of you all to contact me so we can find small ways that can grow into major contribution to the spirit science goal as a whole. Have a safe day you all and thank you for reading ^_^
Hello fellow souls/spirits/people/crystals :-) yeah we are crystals! I am reaching out to you for your help understanding my place hear and now in this time. I have walked this place since the dawn of time and wish to show others of the amazing time and place that we currently perceive. I understand our link to each other and our own internal link to God(higher plane of reality) and wish to share this with others that wish to be lifted up with me. I/WE/You are the light in the darkness and it is up to the individual to again believe in a better world. Please feel free to call me on +61419335384 if you want to help me to help you. One can start the change but it is up to you to be part of the solution. Love will guide us and is the one thing that connects all of us as one