What Happens When We Undergo Sleep Paralysis?
Question Everything ~ How do you know if it’s a “Cycle” action or a “Loop” action?
A rather short midnight hangout I wanted to do discussing a question that was asked on the latest Spirit Science (Cycles N’ Sine Waves).
Question Everything ~ Why we do things..?
Why do we do the things we do? Sometimes, we do things without even realizing why were doing it. If we can learn and recognize the real reason that were doing something, we can change our actions and create something different.
Spirit Science 22_2 ~ Cycles N’ Sine Waves
This lesson is all about Cycles and Waves, what “Going with the Flow” means, and taking a deeper look at the fractal nature of time, DNA, and the different kinds of cycles that exist all around us that we are a part of.
Spirit Science at the Beloved Festival!
Next weekend, I’m going to be at the Beloved Festival with my friend Ray doing a workshop on Personal Transformation, Human Connection, and of course, Spirit Science!
Spirit Quest 41 ~ The Journey Continues…
A lot has happened in a short amount of time, and this is a story about us, about our collective awakening, realizations, highest Truths, and what it really means to come together and be One, once more.
University Professor Discovers The Secret Life of Plants
The University of Alberta professor maintains that plants do behave and lead anything but solitary and sedentary lives. What Plants Talk About teaches us all that plants are smarter and much more interactive than we thought!
Support The Band of Light Experience!
We have some really exciting happening here, and i would love to share it with you.