December 21st, 2012
On December 21st, Teal Scott and I came together to make a video about the day. As well, here is a written response as well below in regards to the people who were confused about what “happened” on this day.
Principle 3 ~ Power of the Mind
What are the ingredients of panic and anxiety? Is it possible to take those very same ingredients and make peace and freedom?
Words from the avatar of truth
Hello there. Livewithwonder here. It’s been a long time since I’ve posted here, because I’ve been caught up in real life and the “rat race”
Panic to Freedom: Present Moment Awareness
Present Moment Awareness is the second principle in moving from anxiety to the inner peace and freedom that is your birthright.
Principle 1: The Breath and the Body
This single shift in breath and body awareness alone has proven over time to make a tremendous difference in the lives of both Ray, myself, and the lives of the many people we’ve worked with.
Wishing you a Panic Free Holiday
During this holiday season, may your hearts and minds be filled with the inner peace and freedom that is your own essential birthright.
Patch Parables 8 ~ Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah
This Parable is about the journey we all share, and the different levels of consciousness that we exist on today. We are all equal, and those who take the risk in letting go of the stuckness and go with the flow are often looked up at as great people. The Truth is that we are all great, and we simply need to see it, trust, and let go.
Pheonyx Feedback: “Where Do I Go From Here?”
Patrick wrote: Dear Pheonyx, Hey. It was very nice to see you this weekend. I have a lot of questions about Merkaba but I don’t
Living in the Heart ~ A Transformation Tool like no other!
The book is called “Living in the Heart”, and it’s a little Gem that Drunvalo Melchizidek created, based on all of his work and communications with many of the great tribal councils, angelic entities and scientific circles of the world. It comes from the understanding of the vibration of the energetic field around the heart.