Facebook & Curiosity
Pisces Rule Dreams and Meditation

Are You In A Bad Mood Or Is It An Earth Bound Spirit Who Won’t Leave You Alone?
When the physical body dies people are not always ready to move on. They can choose to remain in the vibration they were at when

Have You Found Your Goddess Within? Find Out.
What is Goddess energy? Is it still present today? There are many ancient symbols and Goddess’s that represent the strength of feminine energy. The ancient

Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Pisces
Today, Sunday February 26th, 2017 we are experiencing a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in the sign of Pisces. What does this mean for you?

The Struggle Of Being An Empath
As an Empath we are constantly catering to other’s to be their strength. We feel as if it is our duty to help people in

3 Steps to Becoming the True Master of Your Life
Are you aware you are a magnificent multidimensional being of light compressed into this physical form to help raise the consciousness of the collective and

Cut Cords To Your Ex That Are Blocking You From Your Soul Mate
I am NEVER EVER talking to him or her again! They are the worst person I have ever met and I hate them so much!! Have you

Do You Keep Seeing Repeating Numbers? Here’s What It Means..
Has this ever happened to you? You’re zipping around, living your life and for some reason your eyes happen to look at the clock

Claim Your Deepest Desires with Tonight’s Super Moon in Aries
The full moon is a time for the most potent access to manifesting your dreams. It is a time when your thoughts and emotions become

Researchers Find 1,820 Species In Just One Threatened Area of Peruvian Amazon
© White-lipped pecarry (Tayassu pecari)/The Field Museum ‘You can’t argue for the protection of an area without knowing what is there.’ If you lived in