The Mind Blowing Impact Humans Are Creating On The Planet
Humans are inherently good creatures; fundamentally we all want to experience love, connection and happiness. Yet, the impact we have on our planet isn’t very
Seeing Life Through A New Perspective: The Octopus Technique
As an adult, you most likely have a defined sense of self. You perceive yourself as separate to the world around you and as a separate being from everyone in the world.
The 3 Questions To Ask That Seriously Shifted My Life
Question yourself, your existence and everything! It expands your awareness, challenges your beliefs and drastically accelerates your personal growth when you do. If you’re looking
New Studies Show Cinnamon Helps Increase The Brain’s Learning Ability
Who doesn’t love cinnamon?! This spice is extracted from the inner bark from the trees of the genus Cinnamomum and used in flavorings all around the
How to Meet Your Soulmate Even if They Aren’t Your “Type”
You know those stories of everlasting love, like an adorable elderly couple who has been together for 50 years? Those didn’t all start with love
We See These 7 Ancient Symbols Every Day – But Do You Know Their Original Meaning?
Yoga, along with other spiritual practices, can seem shrouded in mystery to anybody beginning to explore them for the first time. Everyone seems to know
NASA’s Guide to The Best Air-Filtering Houseplants
NASA has released an infographic, containing plants with the highest oxygen-releasing, and air purifying capabilities. Humans and plants rely on each other to survive. Plants
The World is Not Falling Apart; The Veil of World-Wide Corruption is Lifting
We are here to watch it all come down and there is a ray of hope in and amongst this storm! Praying for the
The Intriguing Connection Between Learning A Language & Playing An Instrument
The connection between learning music and a language. Everything we learn seems to go so much easier when we are young. Children function like sponges.