This is Who Holds the World Record For Meditation
10 Crucial Reasons Why We Need To Keep Our Forests Safe
Forests cover nearly one third of the world’s land area, with nearly all forests inhabited by indigenous and rural communities. Beyond the importance of them
1833: The Year The Heavens Rained Unto Earth
Meteor showers are one of those bucket list items that most people try to check off while sitting in a grass field with a blanket
16 Important Things You Should Never Have to Apologize For
The way we use the word ‘sorry’ has a whole lot of different meanings nowadays. It goes together with a meaningful intonation. It varies from
What Animal Makes Your Best Companion Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Domesticated pets are a big part of our society. It’s rare to find a household that doesn’t have at least one, whether it be a
Everything You Need to Know About The Healing Power of Sound Thearpy
Sound therapy and balancing has the power to embark a revolutionary perspective on the mind, energy, memory and soul. Sound healing has emerged into the
How to Tap Away Stress With This Ancient Acupressure Technique
Have you got an upcoming event marked in your calendar with a red circle of fear? Anxiety makes appearances in everybody’s lives at some point,
Your Pet Has An Aura Too; Here’s How You Can Communicate With It
I’m sure you’ve wondered how exactly pet whisperers do what they can do. A lot of their communication and interpretation stems from the aura that
The Importance of Forest “Bathing” & How To Do It In Less Than 30 Minutes
For many of us who live in cities, the hectic nature of modern life can leave you feeling tired. As the days and weeks blend
How to Grow Your Own Bismuth Crystals at Home
Bismuth is an elemental metal and number 83 on the Periodic Table. It is a brittle metal which is silvery white with a shimmering hue.