Studies Show A “Tough Love” Parenting Style Creates More Harm Than Strength
It’s not easy being a parent. It’s a full time job on top of everything else going on in your life, it is a life
Science Has Found Long Lasting Relationships Come Down To Two Simple Traits
Marriage isn’t really what it used to be. Today, many people are more open minded, feeling as if they don’t need a piece of paper
How The Government Tricks Us Into Drinking Dairy Milk
Still drinking milk? You might want to give this video a watch. Vox created an informative and comprehensive video on how exactly the government has
New Research Proves Humans Have A Magnetic Sixth Sense
Everything in this universe is fundamentally made of energy. The atoms that make up physicality, at the core, are vibrating geometries that are energetic structures.
3 Ways To Use The Power of Manifestation To Create The Life of Your Dreams
The more we come in tune with our true selves, the more we discover the infinite power we actually possess. When we take away all
Prince EA: You Are More Than Your Labels
We like to think of ourselves as individuals, don’t we? We’d prefer to be a flawed original, than a perfect copy. Yet when it comes
Kratom: The Plant That Nobody is Talking About, But Should Be
There is a conspiracy going on, I can feel it! Kratom, a plant which has remarkable attributes of its ability to treat opiate addiction, is
3 People Over 90 That Are In Better Shape Than You
Picture yourself at 90 years old. Where do you think you will be when that time comes? What shape do you think your body will
5 Surefire Ways To Increase Your Energetic Vibrational Frequency
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” -Nikola Tesla I love this quote from