In Response to the Facebook Hacking
Wow. What a day yesterday was. From approximately 8am till about 4pm the Spirit Science Facebook page was used as a weapon to post mindless
7 Things That Happen When in A Relationship With a Gemini
Many Gemini’s are quick witted and sociable. Like many of us, they are two sides of the same coin, where they can be very serious and shift quickly.
Spirit Science Facebook was Hacked Today… Again
This is just a short announcement for today. As of this morning, a few hours ago, our facebook was hacked. I’m about ready to just
What Happens When One Million Children Meditate For World Peace
In 2010, Thailand hosted a mass meditation where one million children joined hand in hand to change the world. Their collective voices radiated out the
The Nature of the Mind ~ Part 1
The nature of the mind is both incredibly simple, and incredibly complex. It has an infinite number of ways you can program
The Meditation Olympics 2016 Highlights!
It’s time for the highlights of the yearly Meditation Olympics! Every year, the worlds top meditators come together to compete for the worlds most peaceful
True Hallucinations ~ New Terence Mckenna Movie is a Psychedelic Journey of a Lifetime!
It’s not every day that you stumble upon a door that takes you to another dimension… Unless for you of course, this is something that
Saruman narrates a Documentary about the Tarot
In anticipation of our 2 new Tarot Series, Daily Divination (Daily on FB), and the Essence of Tarot (A new video series!), we found a
I Can Have Me and I Can Have You Too
Today’s world is littered with ideologies like “fill up your own cup”, “everything you could ever want or need is inside you”, “the only approval you need is