Tag Archives: activation

Pheonyx Feedback: “Where Do I Go From Here?”

Patrick wrote:  Dear Pheonyx, Hey.  It was very nice to see you this weekend. I have a lot of questions about Merkaba but I don’t want to overwhelm you with all of them at once. Let me start by asking what happens when the light body is activated? I feel different (my skin really feels different) and I felt like I saw my Merkabra, but it seems like there are levels. What is the next step for me?  Thanks, Patrick


Pheonyx Roldan Smith wrote:  hey, Patrick. great to see you! here’s a good place to start to help you answer your questions… http://www.youtube.com/user/RoldanFSmith

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Spirit Science 11_11 ~ DNA Activation

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A popular question/discussion popping up lately is the nature of DNA Activation. How do you activate your DNA, and what does it mean to have Activated DNA at all?

DNA Activation is a reconnection of your original blueprints for life to a higher frequency, or perhaps a “fuller” frequency. As you live your life, and grow, and have the experiences that you have, you may find yourself opening up to a greater awareness and greater knowing of what things mean all around you.

This awareness is made in the connections between the hearts of everyone. This looks like saying what you mean and meaning what you say. Breathing, staying calm, asking questions, looking at everything thoroughly, doing what you love and loving what you do.

Love is not just an affection of another or a feeling you get, but the awareness of the infinite connection with everything. You are one with everything, so am I for that matter, and being in a space of Love is sharing in the knowing that You and I are One consciousness.

Links & Sources

The Discovery of Genetic Evolution

Is DNA evidence of a Creator?

How DNA is Sequenced

Can we reset our Age through DNA? Science says Yes!

Human Evolution