If you’ve lived long enough on this earth, you’ve probably known at least one person who has been affected by cancer. For me, I have multiple relatives who have experience with cancer, and my grandfather, as well as one uncle, passed away from it.
Cancer is tough to deal with, for both the person whose body it lives in, and their loved ones. With cancer becoming so common, it’s a good idea to make lifestyle changes to decrease the risk of cancer. Here are 3 promising natural ingredients which can play a role in keeping human bodies cancer-free!
Dandelion Root Extract is scoring big in anti-cancer research. While many people swore by its positive effects since long before, now scientists are beginning to unveil its anti-cancer secrets for themselves. It’s wonderful to see the scientific community beginning to realize the true value of natural substances in healing diseases, slowly taking away the dogma of conventional medicine over more nature-based options.
So what did they find? They found that dandelion root extract contains these phytochemicals called Taraxasterol and Beta-sitosterol. These natural compounds have a strong impact in preventing and treating cancer. They also help prevent tumors, and the spreading of cancer.
Dandelion root extract is most helpful in preventing colon cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer, liver cancer, leukemia and lung cancer. It’s amazing that dandelion root extract is able to do that with no real side-effects. For example, a recent study shows that dandelion root extract can target melanoma cells without harming the innocent cells nearby. Continue reading